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BARF'ing Tour of Pakistan 2025

Great seeing you back here Moin!!

There are at least 10 barfers and barrettes I can think of who have seen Pakistan witth you.

Scott A (barf name medical reference)
Liza (barf name?)

and there are more
Khunjereb Pass. Highest paved international border crossing on the planet. Elevation 15,400 feet. Could barely get the bikes out of 2nd gear the air was so thin. Of course Moin has to pull a wheelie. You know, for safety.

Haha my wheelies have gotten a bit better in the last decade 🤣

One more for tonight. The Passu Cones in Passu. I'm not sure I could ever get tired of that view.

I have hours of helmet camera footage and maybe a thousand pictures. I've been a lot of places (working mostly) and this spot is worth going back to. Can't say that about some of the planet.

Passu Cones!! This view still gives me the chills, after 12 years I feel the same in front of them as I did the first time I saw them.
Mostly 2014 group, this 2025 tour would be a 10 year anniversary tour! It’s been a wild ride that started off with BARF! Only right to do it again and do it big!

I miss you Thumper!!

Great seeing you back here Moin!!

There are at least 10 barfers and barrettes I can think of who have seen Pakistan witth you.

Scott A (barf name medical reference)
Liza (barf name?)

and there are more
2025 you'll be turning 50 that means?? that's enough of a reason to ride Pakistan again HA! im almost touching 40 now myself :afm199

the Honda 150s are way better/lighter than the piggies 150s.. but if I can pull of the CFMOTO deal, that would just sweeten the deal!

"Alluvial as f*ck!"

The trip in 2014 (I remember the year as it happened right around my 40th birthday) was AMAZING! I have never stopped thinking about your beautiful country and its amazingly generous people and I think I might be able to make 2025 work. I'll keep an eye on this thread. Maybe Momo-san will join us again! :party
Also, the upgraded bikes sound pretty amazing. The Ravi Piaggio 125s we were on added a certain level of adventure to even the boring parts of the ride. I'll kind of miss having super flexible handlebars and not enough motor to make it up some of the hills. :rofl
US State dept says level 3 warning for Pakistan (reconsider travel).
How legit is that?
2025 you'll be turning 50 that means?? that's enough of a reason to ride Pakistan again HA! im almost touching 40 now myself :afm199

the Honda 150s are way better/lighter than the piggies 150s.. but if I can pull of the CFMOTO deal, that would just sweeten the deal!

I REALLY hope I can make it work. The CFMoto deal would be amazing, but I kind of loved having ultra shitty bikes. It added to the adventure :rofl

Kevin, it probably is a legit thing, but this trip is VERY different than if you were to just go to Pakistan on your own. Going with Moin opens a lot of doors that would otherwise be closed.
US State dept says level 3 warning for Pakistan (reconsider travel).
How legit is that?

The original point of these tours was to show there is so much more to PK than the governments narrow and biased view.

Pretty sure that site never says anything but DON'T GO and RECONSIDER. I got plenty of those warnings before both my 2014 and 2015 trips, I ignored them. I lived.
I'm in Dallas for work this week (ie boss over my shoulder) so I can't take the time to type up anything that would do both of my ride trips to Pakistan justice so I'll quickly say, my 2014 trip to Pakistan was AMAZING and quite literally life changing. I'd been riding bikes for about 5 years at that point but the trip gave me a whole new appreciation for motorcycles and motivated me to travel by moto in various countries over the next several years.

2014 Pakistan
2015 Nicaragua and Pakistan
2016 Cambodia, Baja
2017 Baja, Sri Lanka and Italy
2018 Baja, Turkey
2019 Baja, Vietnam
2020 Baja x2
2022 Turkey

I'll write up more later, but I strongly encourage anyone reading this thread with interest, makes it happen. You will not regret it.

This thread reignited my interest in returning to Pakistan for the THIRD time. I am organizing a 2025 ride with Moin. The group is capped at 10, and I have 16+ interested in going. Kevin is included in my count since he spoke up and is firmly committed. There is a strong possibility of a second group, possibly even a third. I will help organize any additional groups once I have mine set.

In 2025 I am going with my soon to-be-husband, my sister, and close friends. If I had any concerns about traveling there, I would not go a third time and I would definitely not take those most important to me. When I called my sister and said, "Pakistan, next year, do you want to go?" her answer was an immediate YES. Reader, yours should be too.
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Kevin, it probably is a legit thing, but this trip is VERY different than if you were to just go to Pakistan on your own. Going with Moin opens a lot of doors that would otherwise be closed.


The original point of these tours was to show there is so much more to PK than the governments narrow and biased view.

Pretty sure that site never says anything but DON'T GO and RECONSIDER. I got plenty of those warnings before both my 2014 and 2015 trips, I ignored them. I lived.

This post seems dismissive of my question. :dunno
While I hope no one would ever accuse me of being skittish it would be foolish of me to disregard all warnings as patently false; and was hoping to get some local insight into where we're traveling vs where any unrest might be.
Is Pakistan completely drama-free and one could go anywhere without a care in the world and Uncle Sam is nothing but a fearful boomer?
Or is it dicey in some areas but we won't be going that direction?

This thread reignited my interest in returning to Pakistan for the THIRD time. I am organizing a 2025 ride with Moin.

I'm confused. Are you taking over coordination for this trip, or are there two trips planned for 2025?

I mean either way I'm in like Flynn. Just wanna make sure who I'm interacting with for details.

This post seems dismissive of my question. :dunno
While I hope no one would ever accuse me of being skittish it would be foolish of me to disregard all warnings as patently false; and was hoping to get some local insight into where we're traveling vs where any unrest might be.
Is Pakistan completely drama-free and one could go anywhere without a care in the world and Uncle Sam is nothing but a fearful boomer?
Or is it dicey in some areas but we won't be going that direction?

I'm confused. Are you taking over coordination for this trip, or are there two trips planned for 2025?

I mean either way I'm in like Flynn. Just wanna make sure who I'm interacting with for details.

You're right, I was being dismissive because I do think the warnings are generic. This reconsider travel level 3 warning update is from June 2023, nothing has warranted a new update in 11 months? I'm sure there are places to avoid in PK, just like I'd avoid certain areas of Oakland after dark. I just trust Moin to be aware and not lead us into dicey areas. With that said I do have a STEP account and read the emails.

This warning specifies the Balochistan province, the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, and India-PK border. We will not go anywhere near Balochistan as it's south of Islamabad and the tour goes North. The route does skirt the outer edge of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province but doesn't go into it. We don't go near the India border.

Planning - Wiles and I decided we wanted to go, and then I threw out a feeler text to my regular riding buds, and realized I have more than enough interested to fill at least one group. I don't know if there will be enough to warrant a second group so I counted you into mine to make sure you're able to go. I will be the POC for the tour, Moin appreciates the help. He's in the process of finalizing the itinerary details, I will post the link up here when it's ready (likely tomorrow). Then we'll take deposits to secure the tour dates ($500 per person). Once that group is set we'll see how many more are interested in going, and if Moin wants me to, I'll help him organize a second tour (but I won't be going on that one).

Right now I am coordinating with the riders (and Moin) via Whatsapp. It will likely be used on the tour as well because it works on wifi (ie. you don't need cell service to 'text') and messages both international and local numbers for free. You can download it now and join the idle chatter, or wait and I can give you any pertinent updates via email or regular text. Of course you can always ping Moin too, I don't mean to imply I am the only contact.
On a personal note, I really hope to make it on this ride and I hope you're able to join us mean dad!
Hi Barfers! I've ridden with Moin in Pakistan 3 times and look forward to the next time. The trips are well organized with routes & lodging mapped out. There's a sag wagon and mechanic along. It sounds like there will be better bikes now than the Ravi 125s we rode the first trip. Pakistan is an amazing place, incredible views, great mix of street & dirt riding. If you're looking for an adventure in a different place go ride with Moin!




US State dept says level 3 warning for Pakistan (reconsider travel).
How legit is that?


This post seems dismissive of my question. :dunno
While I hope no one would ever accuse me of being skittish it would be foolish of me to disregard all warnings as patently false; and was hoping to get some local insight into where we're traveling vs where any unrest might be.
Is Pakistan completely drama-free and one could go anywhere without a care in the world and Uncle Sam is nothing but a fearful boomer?
Or is it dicey in some areas but we won't be going that direction?

I'm confused. Are you taking over coordination for this trip, or are there two trips planned for 2025?

I mean either way I'm in like Flynn. Just wanna make sure who I'm interacting with for details.

Your concern is legit and I understand your position, when one reads a state dept. warning on a country you plan to visit it raises concerns. No one wants to go on a vacation with such warnings thrown at you, it can be scary.

Pakistan has it's fair share of issues, far from being a perfect country.. however, hospitality is taken very seriously here, from locals from every town to govt. level organisations, everyone takes extra precaution to take care of foreign and domestic tourists and their safety is of utmost importance, any bad news hurts the tourism sector so the govt. goes above and beyond and makes sure tourists come and go safely.

The last 12 years of doing these tours, im glad to report ive never had any issues or even a close call in terms of security and safety. Intelligence agencies keep a close eye on us, they check in with me everyday while on tour asking me if any help is required. Theres a lot less check points now, security situation has greatly improved since I first started these tours.

In 2023 11,000 foreign climbers came to pakistan to climb some of the biggest mountains in the world, another 25,000 foreigners came for non climbing activities. Domestic tourism is growing at 300% each year.

here's an article on BBC by Samantha Shea, she visited pakistan a couple of years ago and gives a rare insight from an outsider perspective
You're right, I was being dismissive because I do think the warnings are generic. This reconsider travel level 3 warning update is from June 2023, nothing has warranted a new update in 11 months? I'm sure there are places to avoid in PK, just like I'd avoid certain areas of Oakland after dark. I just trust Moin to be aware and not lead us into dicey areas. With that said I do have a STEP account and read the emails.

This warning specifies the Balochistan province, the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, and India-PK border. We will not go anywhere near Balochistan as it's south of Islamabad and the tour goes North. The route does skirt the outer edge of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province but doesn't go into it. We don't go near the India border.

Planning - Wiles and I decided we wanted to go, and then I threw out a feeler text to my regular riding buds, and realized I have more than enough interested to fill at least one group. I don't know if there will be enough to warrant a second group so I counted you into mine to make sure you're able to go. I will be the POC for the tour, Moin appreciates the help. He's in the process of finalizing the itinerary details, I will post the link up here when it's ready (likely tomorrow). Then we'll take deposits to secure the tour dates ($500 per person). Once that group is set we'll see how many more are interested in going, and if Moin wants me to, I'll help him organize a second tour (but I won't be going on that one).

Right now I am coordinating with the riders (and Moin) via Whatsapp. It will likely be used on the tour as well because it works on wifi (ie. you don't need cell service to 'text') and messages both international and local numbers for free. You can download it now and join the idle chatter, or wait and I can give you any pertinent updates via email or regular text. Of course you can always ping Moin too, I don't mean to imply I am the only contact.

spot on! I should've read this before I wrote a paper on safety on tour in Pakistan :rofl

Baluchistan is a no go area, although I feel very soon it will be open for tourism as things are changing rapidly there, a lot of development work is happening, a lot of investment is being made in the infrastructure roads/hotels etc.
I crossed Baluchistan on my California to Pakistan moto ride, that place is special for sure.

I very much appreciate your help in coordinating and putting a group together :D
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