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BBQ Bake Sale Fundraiser ~ Sat, June 25th 2011 Concord


Kiss My Arse
Jun 21, 2002
BARF perks
AMA #: 873747
Important Edit. Gwynne and I have determined that the raffle will be held as a separate fund raiser to this gathering. We can get a much larger audience than the number of people who can fit in my garden, so please PM Gwynne (Happy Hornet) with any items that you plan to donate to the raffle


Made an edit. I know, we are all probably a little low on funds, but I have changed the suggested bbq donation amount to $10. Again if you can't afford 10 it's fine, but I want us to maximize our fund raising $

Additionally, I will be getting bottled water, would like a donation of $1 a bottle

I will also have some beer. I can't sell this to you, but if you partake of a bottle or two, please throw some money in the bucket for each one eh? Otherwise BYOB it's all good :thumbup

Hi all

As some of you know, Adam (carries an axe) was the unfortunate victim of a loony SUV driver, and his accident has left him in a wheelchair with only limited use of his left arm.

Obviously his medical expenses are, or are going to be, astronomical, so to provide some additional funds to the pot we are organizing a BBQ / Bake Sale to generate some monies

What: BBQ Bake Sale. The idea is this: You bake something, bring it out to Concord, and sell your home made goodies to all in attendance. John and I will also set up a BBQ with burgers, hotdogs, salads etc, and for the tiny amount of $10 you can get yer food on. If you can't afford $10 any amount of a donation will do. All proceeds go the Adam's fund

Where: Concord, East Bay. For the address, please pm me or Dr. Evil

When: Saturday June 25th. Start time 1pm

Who: YOU. All of you!!!

This is a fantastic opportunity for BARFers to raise some money for a very good cause. ALL proceeds go to Adam :)

So come on out to the beautiful East Bay, bring your cakey buns, and let's :party

No shenanigans :shame :rofl Adam is planning on attending with his mom, so you better all be on your best behaviour :p

Hope to see tons of you out in sunny Concord

Here's the link to Adam's story

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I should be able to make this,although it would be later in the evening,working till 7pm.The new patio setup is very swanky,all test-driven and ready to :party
i may be in oregon that weekend, but if i'm not, i'll be there. :thumbup
I would like to make some super yummy treats to sell. I'm leaving the 24th so I would like a trustworthy BARFer to pick up my NOMNOM yummy goodies and bring them to the party. Please PM me if this is something you can do. I live in SF.

I really wanna help out so please help me help Adam! :love
Thank you so much! I'm really excited to meet every one and put faces to names. Now what should I bring...killer Mac for the BBQ? or something sweet...I know ill make Madeleine. (someone in my close family will make them as I bark directions Ramsey style from my power chair:teeth)
Checking calendar .:thumbup
Thank you so much! I'm really excited to meet every one and put faces to names. Now what should I bring...killer Mac for the BBQ? or something sweet...I know ill make Madeleine. (someone in my close family will make them as I bark directions Ramsey style from my power chair:teeth)


I love the visual but having met you, can't imagine you barking at anyone.

I make a ridunkulously good macaroni and cheese... What's your favorite dessert, other than strawberry rhubarb pie?
Awesome Cootz-
IN :party

and I have it on authority that CycleSuzy and Kim are in as well :banana
I am attempting to create a Facebook Event to share! If not up by today can someone please get this out there?
thanks all for your support, much appreciated :)

Gwynne, so long as the FB thing doesn't attract 500 strangers to my door, I am cool with it :thumbup

Hooli, how very nice for you. Perhaps you can donate on the paypal link then :p
So the event is up on Facebook.....

Wendy this is going top be just awesome-now what to bake or would $$$$ towards the BBQ be more appreciated?
Bake something to sell Gwynne. John and I will cover the $$$ for the bbq, not a problem :)
Great stuff, Wendy! :thumbup I don't bake worth a damn, but I eat pretty good. :teeth Happy to spend some money for this cause.
Flying_Hun you are a STUD +++++

OOOOO Wendy I'm getting excited think I have an excuse to buy that Spring Form Pan.