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Comic strips,and Troll Faces, etc. (NSFW images must be linked & labelled)



Merica F$%K ya but the flag is retreating :thumbdown
btw, go ahead and name one thing that is essential that was developed by nasa. not sort-of, kind-of useful, not something that is a convenience, not creature comforts. something essential.

Name anything that has ever been invented that is essential.

To **kind of** answer your question here are a few things NASA came up with that, though not ESSENTIAL for life to on on this planet, either saves lives or makes life safer and easier.

Hydraulic rescue cutters

A rescue tool used by fire departments across America uses battery technology first employed by Nasa. The cutting technology – used to free accident victims from wreckage – employs a miniature version of the power cartridges first used on the Space Shuttle and is 50 per cent lighter (and 70 per cent cheaper) than previous rescue equipment. The cutters work more quickly than conventional ones and were used in the aftermath of the 1995 Oklahoma Federal Building bombing.

Personal storm warning system

The personal lightning detector is popular with boaters, golfers and those flying private planes, but this low-cost spin off was developed using Space Shuttle expertise. After being pointed at a cloud, the device detects the formation of lightning by analysing subtle changes in light level. The invention is now popular around the world.

Baby food

Through Nasa research on algae (which it was hoped could generate oxygen in space through photosynthesis), it was found that certain algae contain two essential fatty acids present in human breast milk. These acids play an key role in infants' mental and visual development. A synthetic ingredient that contains these acids is now added to baby food in 66 countries.

Life support for patients

Project Mercury, the first US human spaceflight programme, which ran from 1959 to 1963, developed sophisticated monitoring systems to track the physiological status of its astronauts. The same technology is used today in intensive care units and specialist heart units.

Zing. :laughing

how so?

jtt said those were not essential and it was only "kind of" answering my question.

Essential you say. Ok I'll bite.

Scratch Resistant Lenses. - As someone who wears glasses, this is essential to ME.

Long Distance Telecommunications - You use this daily. Most likely 60% or better of your day. Go ahead, live your life without it.

Smoke Detectors - Welcome to nanny-law land. These are now REQUIRED almost US wide in all homes built after a certain date. Same with businesses.

Safety Grooving in Concrete - Enjoy your commute in the rain without it.

Light Emitting Diodes - Also now a requirement for home lighting, well short of CFL's.

Ventricular Assist Device - Keeps people alive until a donor heart is ready. I'd say that's pretty got damn essential...

Most of the satellites launched into space. Yup NASA was up in that bitch too... From Weather, GPS, Hell the photos for Google Earth (or Terramap which ever you prefer), Telecomm, TV, etc....

Are we done yet? Again, I get it. You're not the engineering type. Obviously you think your education and way of life is the end all be all, and you certainly seem to have a superiority complex from it. Guess what buddy, there is a lot more out there, some of which it seems that you know little to nothing about.

Now, if you'd like more.... I'd suggest you invest a little more time, and think about how life would be if we didn't have any of the modern "frills" that NASA has enlightened us with (paraphrasing for you, as perhaps you'll understand it better)... http://bit.ly/1ev7Wyq

And in keeping with the Comic thread, and a NASA theme.... :twofinger

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Most of the satellites launched into space. Yup NASA was up in that bitch too... From Weather, GPS, Hell the photos for Google Earth (or Terramap which ever you prefer), Telecomm, TV, etc....

GPS was the Air Force. Great points, though.
The human spirit requires more than what "makes money" and is essential

Discovery is as essential to humans as food