Erik Buell is back

I'd gladly ride and EBR...but that's because I know what EBRmc stands for :laughing

You can rest assured though, everyone is just going to call them Buells even if EBR can't use the name officially.

My first thought too :laughing Quickly, JO EBRMC! Trademark EBR!!!
Fortunately, the Rats already have EBRMC trademarked.
re: company name

to be fair he WAS using only his last name until he sold it. :laughing

it's fair to assume that he would STILL be using only his last name if it weren't illegal.

kinda hard to shit on him for a business decision forced upon him by circumstances.....

He didn't have to sell to HD... Jus' sayin' Or he could have even had some foresight and say "It's my name... I keep it if anything happens..."
FWIW, Rotax belongs to Bombardier of North AMERICA!! And before you go dissin Mr. Buell, learn a little more about his personal history with motorcycles.
He is a motorcyclist through and through.
He didn't have to sell to HD... Jus' sayin' Or he could have even had some foresight and say "It's my name... I keep it if anything happens..."

Honestly, I have no idea why he did. The contract he sign gave away everything. Even his lawyers told him not to sign it.
Yeah, that subframe is the best looking on any production bike. I want one.
Lemme guess he's going to put his 1190cc super bike in the 250 class...

Buell SUX

FWIW, Rotax belongs to Bombardier of North AMERICA!! And before you go dissin Mr. Buell, learn a little more about his personal history with motorcycles.
He is a motorcyclist through and through.

I've been around long enough to know his history. You don't ride 30 years and not know someone like Erik Buell. It isn't his history I'm "dissin'". It's his decision making and his future. :x

Honestly, I have no idea why he did. The contract he sign gave away everything. Even his lawyers told him not to sign it.

Yeah, seriously bad call. My guess is the optimist beat common sense.

And the real news:

The new bike is much more American than the 1125.

Looks pretty good.

now that IS sharp. He should do something about that side mounted exhaust and I wonder what kind of visibility that light provides at night, but yeah. That's a sharp bike. I just ... I still can't bring myself to think about one. :dunno too many things I see similar to the 1125r and that stinkin' company name. I know, I know, it's a stupid thing to get hung up on but it is the way it is. I'm sure I won't be the only person thinking that way. What kind of bike do you ride? "An Erik Buell Racing ... " even if you say EBR you're still saying Erik Buell Racing... meh...
Seriously. Would you want to drive a Henry Ford? I mean excluding the fact that it's a Fix Or Repair Daily already. :x Using a last name is one thing. Using a last name and selling it out is another and then coming BACK and using your FULL name?! It sounds more like fashion than anything else. :dunno:laughing

So you never owned an Edsel? :teeth:teeth
Honestly, I have no idea why he did. The contract he sign gave away everything. Even his lawyers told him not to sign it.

I'd imagine it was the usual reason... broke with bills to pay and a family to feed. The guy mortgaged his farm to build his first batch of bikes in his barn.
Uhh, SV650..Fisher? That wasn't a Buell question.

I only get snippets of Fisher...but the last ones I did get, was..the Engine came from Housong (or however that Chinese name is spelled) and nothing on that bike is made in question is...what makes this an American bike?
Well, the motor is Korean, and the frame is Roush engineering, and all the plastic and much of the remaining bits are sourced from US suppliers. The Fischer (according to Dan Fischer, anyway) is more American than most US cars are.
So you never owned an Edsel? :teeth:teeth

Can't say that I have nor have I had the desire. :laughing

for those knockin the 1125...

its a damn fine bike, suck my exhaust.

Gotta get in front of me first! Last one down is a... wait... what?!?! :twofinger I only had a few complaints with the 1125r. Some did get fixed before HD killed the company. I'm not trying to say it isn't a capable bike. I just think it wasn't there yet and I certainly don't think it should have been racing against the 600s

whats not to like?

That. :laughing

OK, seriously, I'll let it go in this thread... for true. That really is a good looking bike.