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Ex-hedge funder buys rights to AIDS drug and raises price from $13.50 to $750 per pill

Everyone has an opinion but I did read that with regard to the AIDS drug that he raised the price on if you couldn't afford it you pretty much got it for free. Supposedly he was one of the few investing in research for obscure diseases that affect only a small percentage. Big Pharma didn't see these diseases as profitable enough so didn't explore them. Perhaps this angle has already been discussed in previous threads about this dude.
Everyone has an opinion but I did read that with regard to the AIDS drug that he raised the price on if you couldn't afford it you pretty much got it for free. Supposedly he was one of the few investing in research for obscure diseases that affect only a small percentage. Big Pharma didn't see these diseases as profitable enough so didn't explore them. Perhaps this angle has already been discussed in previous threads about this dude.

Daraprim was the drug. Due to low demand, there is no competition in the US. It's been in use for 65 years, and the WHO has it on the list of essential meds that should be available to everyone. It costs 10 cents or less in much of the world.

Shrekli is a piece of shit. The only thing he did was use one of Pharma's most despicable ploys. He's the worst part of a disfunctional system.

Shrek-li is a good one.

Another good idiom is "got Shkreli'd" obviously referring to the process. (idiom taken from the article from Forbes I linked above)

Note that another drug was also Shkreli'd by him, called Thiola, price per pill $1.50 -> $30 . 2000% increase. But that one still stands. ..it's on Wikipedia, luckily another company started compounding an alternative.

I guess we have to be on a watch if other companies or people do that again !???
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Everyone has an opinion but I did read that with regard to the AIDS drug that he raised the price on if you couldn't afford it you pretty much got it for free. Supposedly he was one of the few investing in research for obscure diseases that affect only a small percentage. Big Pharma didn't see these diseases as profitable enough so didn't explore them. Perhaps this angle has already been discussed in previous threads about this dude.

Gosh, maybe we were wrong about Marty...

Everyone has an opinion but I did read that with regard to the AIDS drug that he raised the price on if you couldn't afford it you pretty much got it for free. Supposedly he was one of the few investing in research for obscure diseases that affect only a small percentage. Big Pharma didn't see these diseases as profitable enough so didn't explore them. Perhaps this angle has already been discussed in previous threads about this dude.

Do you have some link to this?
Do you have some link to this?

I read some opinion piece yesterday but didn't save it. I'm not trying to defend the guy but simply asking it there more the story beside dude doing time for smirking and rolling eyes. He's not serving time for raising drug prices and that seems to be why barfers are outraged.
I read some opinion piece yesterday but didn't save it. I'm not trying to defend the guy but simply asking it there more the story beside dude doing time for smirking and rolling eyes. He's not serving time for raising drug prices and that seems to be why barfers are outraged.
The dude is a world class douchebag, but the laws aren't written to stop price gouging, not matter how bad a company does it, even though they should beyond a certain point.

White collar criminals rarely go to prison unless they have screwed over powerful people or the Powers That Be designate them as a good case to 'set an example' that they're prosecuting white collar criminals, even though they aren't.

I kind of doubt that this douchebag has a decent bone in his body, nothing that he's done would indicate it.
The dude is a world class douchebag, but the laws aren't written to stop price gouging, not matter how bad a company does it, even though they should beyond a certain point.

White collar criminals rarely go to prison unless they have screwed over powerful people or the Powers That Be designate them as a good case to 'set an example' that they're prosecuting white collar criminals, even though they aren't.

I kind of doubt that this douchebag has a decent bone in his body, nothing that he's done would indicate it.

You should watch “Abacus: small enough to jail.”

The trial and sentencing of Shkreli is a god and pony show designed to divert the attention of well-intentioned folks like yourself. People who can’t stand to look at his smug fucking face, people who cant stand his greed, people who think this is somehow a punishment for his brash and cynical stunt with Daraprim.

What’s really happening: pharma execs who victimize people on an industrial scale are still getting away with it, and the Shkreli affair is buying them time and diverting the public’s attention. It also proved that no one is really standing up for patients.

People’s outrage is being sated through this Shkreli affair, but it’s just cover for the “big bosses.”

If you are truly outraged about the cost of health care and the piricing of drugs, then you should be livid that no progress is being made. This is not progress. This is catharsis for the plebs.
You should watch “Abacus: small enough to jail.”

The trial and sentencing of Shkreli is a god and pony show designed to divert the attention of well-intentioned folks like yourself. People who can’t stand to look at his smug fucking face, people who cant stand his greed, people who think this is somehow a punishment for his brash and cynical stunt with Daraprim.

What’s really happening: pharma execs who victimize people on an industrial scale are still getting away with it, and the Shkreli affair is buying them time and diverting the public’s attention. It also proved that no one is really standing up for patients.

People’s outrage is being sated through this Shkreli affair, but it’s just cover for the “big bosses.”

If you are truly outraged about the cost of health care and the piricing of drugs, then you should be livid that no progress is being made. This is not progress. This is catharsis for the plebs.
Didn't I just say that with different words? :confused
I read some opinion piece yesterday but didn't save it. I'm not trying to defend the guy but simply asking it there more the story beside dude doing time for smirking and rolling eyes. He's not serving time for raising drug prices and that seems to be why barfers are outraged.

He bought the rights to a 65 year old drug that costs pennies to make and jacked up the price. That's it, no research, just rape and pillage.

FDA policies made this possible, and he is not the first. F****** Mylan did the same thing to Ativan 20 years ago. Colchicine is used medicinally since 1833 and costs 2 cents to make. Currently it costs around $5 a pill at Walmart. The WHO also regards these meds as essential for human health.