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Ex-hedge funder buys rights to AIDS drug and raises price from $13.50 to $750 per pill

7 deadly sins & 10 Commandments

1.A proud look
2.A lying tongue
3.Hands that shed innocent blood
4.A heart that devises wicked plots
5.Feet that are swift to run into mischief
6.A deceitful witness that uttereth lies
7.Him that soweth discord among brethren
Dude is a pillar of the community

The news service also disclosed the Shkreli, who is a founder and managing partner of hedge fund MSMB Capital Management, has been involved in a criminal investigation into harassing a former employee. In a January 2014 affidavit for the case, the former employee, Timothy Pierotti, quoted from a letter sent to his wife by Shkreli, in which the then-CEO said: “I hope to see you and your four children homeless and will do whatever I can to assure this.”

- See more at: http://www.biospace.com/News/ex-retr....GyMGbmUZ.dpuf

That's actually very Albanian of him, I believe their flag even says "We Don't Want a Goat as Good as Yours, We Want Your Goat Dead"...

^^^different drug.
We should also be mad at the government for allowing this kind of thing to happen. It's a huge regulatory failure.
Well to be fair, we don't know the details of the sale deal. The seller may have pushed the pricing into very high levels that demanded a significant increase in product pricing. We're not really sure who the "bad guy" is here, just the guy left without a chair when the music stops. Ultimately, all deals have to make sense for both parties.

I'd bet the seller took a large chunk out of the increase as did the new purchaser. These things tend to operate on an annuity type basis when HF's are involved.

Why am I not at all surprised that you think it's ok to raise the price by over 5000%?
Operating costs only, right? He's just trying to feed his family.
Poor guy, none of these plebes understand his plight like you do.
Been thinking about this a lot to day. No argument the guy isn't going to win any humanitarian awards .. but in some ways you have to respect the guy. Finding a way to create new income from old products isn't an easy feat. He's definitely a smart guy and he found a unique opportunity no one else did. Can you really fault him for seizing the opportunity?

Reminds me of that quote from Cinderella Man.

"My heart is for my family. My brains and my balls are for business."
Been thinking about this a lot to day. No argument the guy isn't going to win any humanitarian awards .. but in some ways you have to respect the guy. Finding a way to create new income from old products isn't an easy feat. He's definitely a smart guy and he found a unique opportunity no one else did. Can you really fault him for seizing the opportunity?

Reminds me of that quote from Cinderella Man.

At 32 yrs old being able to put together $55M to buy the rights to this drug is impressive.
There must be other opportunities out there. Anyone interested in going halves on penicillin?
Been thinking about this a lot to day. No argument the guy isn't going to win any humanitarian awards .. but in some ways you have to respect the guy. Finding a way to create new income from old products isn't an easy feat. He's definitely a smart guy and he found a unique opportunity no one else did. Can you really fault him for seizing the opportunity?

Reminds me of that quote from Cinderella Man.

The company he bought the rights from had raised the price when they purchased the rights.
He's not smart, nor innovative, nor is this a unique opportunity.
He is merely showing the world how disgustingly greedy he is.
Have you seen the picture floating around of this smug cretin and his little rat dog? It's only gonna make you want to cave his head in with a desk phone more than you already do.
Why am I not at all surprised that you think it's ok to raise the price by over 5000%?
Operating costs only, right? He's just trying to feed his family.
Poor guy, none of these plebes understand his plight like you do.

Breathe for a second Kevin. What I was pointing out was that the ultimate buyer may not be entirely responsible for the raise in price. Certainly he has to cover his cost on the acquisition. You get that much about how the economy works, I believe.

I don't think it's ok to raise prices by 5000%. However, there always is a less offensive reason that we discover later. Only fools continue to have outrage when this has been the case time and time again. So breathe a second and try to figure out why (aside from raw greed) prices would be raised so astronomically and then, let's have (or not have) our just outrage.

Have you seen the picture floating around of this smug cretin and his little rat dog? It's only gonna make you want to cave his head in with a desk phone more than you already do.

You're right, his punchability rating is very high.


What I can't figure out from google is what portion of the current customer base will see almost no change due to insurance covering their drug costs vs paying out of pocket.
Ok, I take back everything I wrote. He's a shithead.
Breathe for a second Kevin. What I was pointing out was that the ultimate buyer may not be entirely responsible for the raise in price. Certainly he has to cover his cost on the acquisition. You get that much about how the economy works, I believe.

I don't think it's ok to raise prices by 5000%. However, there always is a less offensive reason that we discover later. Only fools continue to have outrage when this has been the case time and time again. So breathe a second and try to figure out why (aside from raw greed) prices would be raised so astronomically and then, let's have (or not have) our just outrage.


Ok......nope, still can't figure out why other than greed and the fact he can.

Probably also attention as he doesn't look like he's reached puberty yet and on,y gets ass when accompanied by lots of spent hundred dollar bills.