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Ex-hedge funder buys rights to AIDS drug and raises price from $13.50 to $750 per pill

Now I get it!
What about the sellers that asked 10X earnings?

probably in the same boat. Late Capitalism is inherently unethical within the context of deeds and actions that are deemed humanitarian.
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10X earnings looks pretty damn healthy for the seller. Then again, I've got no idea what stuff like that sells for in the Health care field. That's why I pointed to the likeness to an annuity of sorts. Let's not discount: both parties are reaping dollars from the users of the drug. That's the part to recognize.

Capitalism is commonly mischaracterized. It's most important tenant is that of Bid/ Ask.

How does Bid/Ask work highly regulated market. He has a monopoly. So the options are go without the drug, or try to get a black/grey market version of it (which probably costs like $1.)

Again, cost of healthcare in the US goes up because of things like this crap. Happens all the time--the $13.50 is probably 10x what it cost a few years ago, with no investment, just monopoly price raising.
How does Bid/Ask work highly regulated market. He has a monopoly. So the options are go without the drug, or try to get a black/grey market version of it (which probably costs like $1.)

Again, cost of healthcare in the US goes up because of things like this crap. Happens all the time--the $13.50 is probably 10x what it cost a few years ago, with no investment, just monopoly price raising.

Actually, health care goes up in the US from EXACTLY the heavy regulatory environment that we ask for. The Alternative to this is to push/ encourage alternative products to be developed/ sold. Regulation tends to lead to oligopolies/ monopolies and that's exactly what we have here.
Actually, health care goes up in the US from EXACTLY the heavy regulatory environment that we ask for. The Alternative to this is to push/ encourage alternative products to be developed/ sold. Regulation tends to lead to oligopolies/ monopolies and that's exactly what we have here.

Yet more heavily regulated countries have less expensive health care
Yet more heavily regulated countries have less expensive health care

Right, but arguably, not as quality an outcome. Of course that's a moving target.

Speaking specifically of FDA issues, I was. Not insurance, etc.
Fuck that guy. He's a predatory piece of shit, on the same level as vulture capitalists like Bain. He has innovated nothing and helped no one but himself. I really do wish bad things upon him.
Right, but arguably, not as quality an outcome. Of course that's a moving target.

Speaking specifically of FDA issues, I was. Not insurance, etc.

Unless you are measuring quality by the amount of money spent on healthcare, which would make your statement a bit of a tautology, I would very much like to listen to the argument.
Right, but arguably, not as quality an outcome. Of course that's a moving target.

Speaking specifically of FDA issues, I was. Not insurance, etc.

The USA has the best health care money can buy, but for the average citizen it's not the best and average citizens in countries like Sweden, get better care
The USA has the best health care money can buy, but for the average citizen it's not the best and average citizens in countries like Sweden, get better care

Massive, massive oversimplification and simply not true. Makes a great headline though.
Actually, health care goes up in the US from EXACTLY the heavy regulatory environment that we ask for. The Alternative to this is to push/ encourage alternative products to be developed/ sold. Regulation tends to lead to oligopolies/ monopolies and that's exactly what we have here.

And here I thought it was collusion and greed at the top; turns out it's all those fucking rules.
And here I thought it was collusion and greed at the top; turns out it's all those fucking rules.

Technically, it's both. The rules make the collusion/ etc a much larger reality. It's between government and large firms. So yeah, while you were thinking of a clever post, you're spot on.
the rules are written by the colluders, frequently. especially later generations of rules for systems which had honest origins.
Just watched a news clip where he was interviewed and he gave the statement:

"If a company was selling Aston Martins for the price of a bicycle and I buy that company and sell them for the price of a Toyota-- that shouldn't be a crime."

Oh and the dude is only 32 years old.... He's done very well for himself lol.