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Good-ass cover songs

one moar carillon cover:


grew up near a carillon as a kid, always loved the way the carillonneur plays the keyboard with their fists ... :laughing

kind of a fun way to get into covers, like looking for cello or death metal covers:


thought we'd had a Brass Against post in this thread, but must've been in the What Are You Listening To thread ...
This one takes me back to high school. We got a local band to play at my buddy's birthday party... and yep! Neighbors from about a half mile away called the cops.


This one... I just saw a different video of the singer, and checked it a few of her songs. Most are decent, but I really liked the video for this one. Years ago I had a girlfriend who worked with deaf people. So I always like to see forms of inclusion.

For your listening pleasure, I submit Napalm Death's version of the Dead Kennedy's classic, Nazi Punks Fuck Off. Because this thread is lacking in grindcore
Maybe I misinterpreted the thread title, but I thought the songs were supposed to be good.
Getting way out of hand in here. Slow this shit down before someone gets hurted.

Maybe I misinterpreted the thread title, but I thought the songs were supposed to be good.

Good is subjective, isn't it? I'm not a fan of most of the stuff posted but I'm not going to shit on other people's likes.
Good is subjective, isn't it? I'm not a fan of most of the stuff posted but I'm not going to shit on other people's likes.

I agree!
I had to go and listen to the original because neither genre are my cup of tea. But I thought it was a fun cover!
repost, maybe, but Ms Lana W knows a good-a@# cover when she hears it:

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“Taylor Mac sings Amazing Grace through the streets of San Francisco”

posted this cover video a bunch, cuz it’s kick-a@# ... :party
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Ya hear a tiny snippet in some random tik tok compilation video...


So then you just gotta keep digging...



Screenshot 2021-12-31 22.12.40.jpg



Came across this struggling artist. Some songs are better than others, but I'll always give views to people who include the doggos! :teeth






I guess she's Hawaiian, and recently recorded this folk song. She has interesting info about it and her childhood in the description that's worth the read

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