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I had a bad accident tonight..


New member
Nov 22, 2002
San Jose
I was riding on the backside of 9 with NewbinoR6 and ToNiC...me and Newbino were going at a pretty quick pace (I'd say I was riding at 85% of my limit) and I'm in the middle of a turn when a car who is dangerously speeding comes into my lane because he was going too fast..so I had 2 choices...straighten the bike up and lose my line nor hit the car dead on.

So I straighten the bike for a split second and try to get back down, but I was going to go way too wide and my speed was too fast...so I leaned it over as far as I possibly could...but it wasn't enough, and my tires hit the dirt...at this point I knew I was going to crash so I prepared myself..tucked my elbows in and closed my eyes and hoped I'd come out in once peice...so I feel myself hit the side of the cliff...then I land on my back and the bike lands on top of me...I slide for about 50 feet and come to a stop. The bike by now was in front of me and I got up to check for any broken bones...to my amazement everything was working fine...but my knee was hurting. So I double check my foot/ankle/toes to make sure they were all working...

If I wasn't wearing my suit, my knee would have most likely been shattered. I don't know exactly how it got hurt either. So Newbino ran home and got his truck and we took it home.

Parents said I can't ever ride as long as I live with them, so I gotta respect their wishes...gonna fix up the bike and sell it... :(

So, now lets get to what I did wrong..

I was riding faster than I should have. I was in control of what I was doing..but I didn't leave a cusion for what other peopel might do. If I had been going slower I could have had enough time to turn without hitting the dirt. I just want to say that all you guys who ride should ALWAYS leave room for other peoples mistakes..you never know when some retard will be in your lane or if there will be a big object in the middle of the road.

Oh yea, and I have a Keith Code trackday comming up on Monday at Sears Point. I can't bend my leg too much so I am in no condition to ride again...(parents forbid me anyway) so if anyone wants to buy my spot for like $350-$450ish let me know (cost me $600)....buyer will get to ride their new 636..so you don't have to take your own bike.

Now, on with the flames. :)

EDIT: I wanted to add one more thing. Leathers saved my fucking skin. For all you who are giving yourself excuses not to buy a full suit...GO GET ONE NOW...I would have had road rash up the ass and a shattered knee if I didn't have my gear on.

GO BUY LEATHERS NOW! It will save your life.
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sux, daaamn fortunate to be walkin around. good you doin well and too bad about the bike. what up with the cage?? did they stop or anyone get a plate#??
Fr0ng... i feel bad for you.... but you are fine thats what really matters... just take it easy for a while & you should be OK..

do go to a doctor to make sure that you are perfectly allright...
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The asshole car didn't stop of course....and I don't think I'll be riding for the next year or so. :( ...not until I move out of my parents' house..
With your second well, i gues syou would call it a paragraph, I dont think you will get too many flames. You already made one big step in realizing YOU did somthing wrong. Sorry about the car, and wrecking is never fun but you did at least realize you werent completely off the hook and someday you will move out and buy another bike. Armed with what appears to be your new found wisdom, you might just do ok with it.
VERY NICE ANALISYS of what happened. You do not mention if it would have been OK with more experience. What do you think? (leaning the bike again and more to finish the turn). Just a question.
im sorry. glad you walked away from it. if you need a place to hide a bike, let me know ;) stupid fucking cager.. again.. GLAD YOU MADE IT OUT!!! sounds like a scary time.
ADonf! said:
VERY NICE ANALISYS of what happened. You do not mention if it would have been OK with more experience. What do you think? (leaning the bike again and more to finish the turn). Just a question.

My knee was already less than 2 inches off the ground, and my toe was scraping too...I had no choice but to dump with my 3 months of experience... :(
Granted, more experience would and could help, but hey, shit happens, sometimes we can't do anything about it. I'm glad you didn't get hurt. It was good to take you home rather than an ambulance.
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Damn!! Sorry to hear about the spill, and even more sorry to hear that you have to give up riding for a while. Glad you are O.K.!!
OMG:wow I'm really glad you came out of it ok. No broken bones which is a good thing. Just a broken bike. Better the bike than you. I'm also sorry to hear you wont be riding for awhile. You should buy a PS2 and that MotoGP game. Hopefully that should hold you over for awhile.:thumbup
sorry to hear about this man. i never even got a chance to ride with you. if youre really nice to the parents and convince them that youve learned a valuable lesson from this then maybe theyll let you ride again a few months down the road.

this is one reason i am actually glad i crashed so early. i learned that ANYTHING can happen when youre riding on the street and i now keep my learning real slow so that i leave a huge cushion for things that can go wrong.

im just glad that youre ok. i dont want to hear about anymore rider tragedies

Glad to hear you're ok, considering...!!! :wow
And you've come a long way, from reading your post.
Keep off the bike for as long as it takes, you'll be ready when you're ready...

And thanks for all the advice about leaving a cushion for others' errors, and to wear right protective gear. You DO "dress for the fall, not for the ride", even in hot summers.

Hope you stay with BARF and attend the socials!


:(Damn bro,,,,,,it's been fun riding with you,,,,,you were doing so well in such a short time. It's funny how life is sometimes, one minute your out having fun on your bike and the next minute your laying in a ditch with your bike on top of you. Lord knows I have had my close calls. I guess all we can do is try our best to stay out of harms way and let fate take care of the rest. :( Wrong place wrong time, but at least your OK.

sorry to hear about your mishap fr0ng but glad your okay.....heal up first, which is the most important thing, both physically and mentally.....

A similar thing happened to me and Yoda going on 35....a speeding gravel truck coming towards us blew his lane and came halfway into our lane while we're both in a turn....

I had to straighten up the bike and swerve to the right to go around the truck and Yoda did the same thing too and both of us were relieved that we missed the front bumper of that truck afterwards.....

Hope all works out for you and that your on the road again quickly....
Yana, thank you so much for taking your time to teach me all the important things you did...I'm VERY glad there are experienced riders like you who help newbies with technique and all the other good stuff rather than just putting the newbies down....I don't know what else to say ...but thank you so much :)
Sammy, it sounds like you are finally getting it. And fortunately you weren't hurt in the process. It's just stuff that can be fixed and are less important than trying to fix body parts. We all make mistakes and I'm glad you see how you made yours.

Like Matthew said, your parents may have a change of heart if you show some responsibility. You were wearing your protective gear. You do understand what went wrong. And most importantly, you understand what to do and not to do so that it will not happen again. Also like learning how to ride or to ride faster, it takes time. (I'm not sure you realize that.) It will be the same with your parents. It will take them some time to get over this scare.

Check into getting a credit for the track day. You might pay a small fee, but it won't be as much as losing almost half of the total.

Don't be a stranger. Come out to the meets and hang out.