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I had a bad accident tonight..

i sprained my knee too, it hurts for a while. especially when you just wake up
not unrealistic

rearwheelslider said:
youre a bitch fong. you want 4500 for a wrecked f4i.

That is not unrealistic if he paid to fix it correctly every time he downed it. The prior fork and wheel issue would scare me as a buyer.

But you could likely get a high mile clean F4i for just over $5k.
So knowing the history of this bike based from the BBS I would say $4000 is not unreasonable $4500 is pushing it, but not totaly unfair.

To be honest, I think the best chance is to sell it to a non barfer if he wants to chase $4500. But to get that the buyer would have to be in a position to fix it up himself. I get the impression the damage would cost more than the $1500 (to get it fixed by a pro) to get the bike back up to the status of a clean median milage F4i which seems to be $6000 at best now adays.

But there is a sucker born every min. So you never know what he might get for it in the end.

Dude, sorry to hear that. It's cool that you're in one piece and able to go back an analyze the situation.

Put some ice on that knee.

And if it were me, I'd keep the bike at friends house and not sell it.
That really sucks bro. Thats my worst fear is coming around a turn and seeing a car in my lane. Glad youre OK and learned from the incident. Does this mean that youre leaving BARF?...
Damn fr0ng meister, GLAD YOUR OK BUDDY BOY....too bad we are never going to ride together.......

Good luck gettin your bike fixed...and if your looking for a buyer, I believe I have one.....
rearwheelslider said:
youre a bitch fong. you want 4500 for a wrecked f4i. you really are in your own world? ill take it off your hands for 1000$
maybe when mommy lets you rode, youll see me on 9!

i like ur username, the day that it catches while you're sliding your rear and you have the nastiest high-side ever, 1st i'll lift up your visor and poke you in the EYE!! :shhh

then, i'll proceed to call you the little b*tch that you are! :finger

Frong, glad you're OK. It does sound like you have a much better attitude after this incident than from priors. Glad you're smart enough to wear good gear.

You knew to expect some "I told you so's", so I don't get why one guy that comes out and says it is a flamer? He had some good points. Cut some slack for writing style and word choice...

It's the INTARWEB, people. Try not to let a few words from someone you never met bother you quite so much. (Being offended does not suddenly make it OK to be rude in return).

Am I the only one that thought, "maybe when mommy lets you rode" was clearly a smack talking joke? Sheesh.

I'd suggest convincing your parents that off-road riding is the way to go. Get either a dirt bike or a track-only bike. Like someone said, when you finally move out, you'll be a better rider for it. Maybe then you can buy the new Honda V-5 1000! :twofinger

Why are you living at home anyway? How old are you again? :teeth Geez, my mom wouldn't even let me ride a 50 when I was a kid.:wow

Kids today! :p
dmn bro, the bike landed on top of you?!? you're like she-ra or something...glad to hear ur okay though. heal fast
lumpia said:
dmn bro, the bike landed on top of you?!? you're like she-ra or something...glad to hear ur okay though. heal fast

damn, dont' call a man She-Ra, that's hella embarrassing..... I'd rather be Skeletor than that biatch.........
tepotter said:
Hey Fr0ng, I don't know you, but from your posts, you seem like someone I would like. Glad that you are hear to talk about it.....

Couldn’t have said it better. Glad to hear that you’re ok.:thumbup :thumbup
Ah. Im really late to this thread but anyway...

Glad you are OK Sami. Take it easy and let your bruises heal first.
Hopefully your parents will soften up and let you ride again soon.
Hope to see ya out there!

Geez fr0ng, that sucks... Good to hear you're OK though. Any crash you can walk away from is a good one I guess.

Good to know you were wearing gear, you were at least THINKING about backing off the gonzo riding, et cetera et cetera. A lot of other riders with only 3 months of saddle time wouldn't have known to tuck it in like you did and would have done a faceplant on the car's windshield instead. Instant ticket to the Pearly Gates... but you snuck out the back, good job.

As for the parents, well, first thing is to heal up.. and while you're healing up, be willing to sit down and discuss things, like what THEY would want from you if they were to allow you to ride again... like, track schools, smaller bike (!!), whatever. Point out that the cost of your leathers DID forestall a lot higher hopital bill... so another set is definitely in order.

If the won't budge... well... you can always hide the bike at a buddy's house...
but your leathers look ok don't they? aren't they just a little scuffed and dirty?