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I had a bad accident tonight..

Hey Fr0ng, I don't know you, but from your posts, you seem like someone I would like. Glad that you are hear to talk about it.....

no flames intended or anything, but...

myself and a few others have told u not to push yourself up there. It's not that u don't have the ability, it's the cagers who frequently do stupid shit that u have to watch for. I too pushed it up there, in hind sight not the smartest thing to do. I'm just glad you're ok frong! Could have been MUCH worse. I doubt your going to be away from motorcycles too long. Is the bike totalled? Hopefully when u get back on two wheels, u'll have a whole new perspective about it. Good luck man.
I'm gonna sell the bike...it runs fine..just needs new plastics everywhere lol...and a gear shifter...

I do admit, earlier on I was riding too hard...even got my knee down for a second but once that happend I realised I was going too fast and slowed down...then a couple turns later I crashed. :(
Sorry to hear about your spill, glad your ok. Sucks to hear about crashes.

Make a deal with the parents that you can only ride at the track cuz it safer :)
Dang, sorry to hear a-boat the wreck. Seems like I was just posting a-boat helping you service the F4. Glad to hear you came out okay and good luck in the future.
Sorry to hear about your accident fr0ng. :(

Don't be too hard on yourself. Many of us had similar experiences early in our riding career and went on to enjoy many years of accident free riding afterwords.
glad you're ok.

Sounds like your parents are having a knee jerk reaction. kinda silly for them to say that you can't have a bike until you move out...as if they'll stop worrying about you once you're on your own...:rolleyes *sigh* just wtf are they hoping to accomplish? Delaying the inevitable I suppose.

take care. Take some Advil. If there is a lot of swelling, go see a doc...
Damn bro. Glad to hear you are okay. Take care of that knee and take whatever time you need to get back on the saddle.

Sucks man. Maybe this is a good time to start softening your parents up to the ideas of strictly trackday riding and/or maybe club racing?? Hint hint nudge nudge. ;)

For me my first big spill (and walking away from it) motivated me to be a good rider. Control and technique became more important then speed.
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I think my kneecap is fractured....and that was with a shitload of padding lol..
Damn, sorry to hear fr0ng!!!

You have REALLY been through the school of hard knocks! :cry
insyder said:

You have REALLY been through the school of hard knocks! :cry

School of Hard Knocks is one of the best schools out there. I myself am proud to be an Alumni of the University of Hard Knocks!! :cool
fr0ng said:
I think my kneecap is fractured....and that was with a shitload of padding lol..

you serious? That would suck, esp. with the wiring they have to do to get it in place...

to the psoter who asked, "wtf are they planning to achieve? Postponing the inevitable" - they are hoping fr0ng will either grow out of it or mature and not push it on road...my parents were the same way, and now just caution me to be careful. They know I am going to do it anyway so encourage me to take all the training I can and remember them before I start on one of the 'dangerous' things I engage in...

Good thing you are in one piece. Any crash you can walk away is a good crash.
well, we have to remember that fr0ng's parents have been through three crashes with him in a short amount of time. not a flame, but if you were my kid and i weren't a rider i'd make the same rule. besides, as much as i'm sorry for what happened, it sounds like you were pushing too hard for the street. too bad too, because once you did that track school you probably would have slowed your street riding down.
Damn bro I am sorry to hear about your spill. Hope your knee isn't as bad as you think and you recover quick!

That sucks Sammy. You were making some progress too.

Shit happens man, live and learn. I myself had an "oh shit!" moment on 84 today when my front threatened to tuck under after hitting a puddle of water going into a turn.

falcorex said:
well, we have to remember that fr0ng's parents have been through three crashes with him in a short amount of time. not a flame, but if you were my kid and i weren't a rider i'd make the same rule. besides, as much as i'm sorry for what happened, it sounds like you were pushing too hard for the street. too bad too, because once you did that track school you probably would have slowed your street riding down.

I forgot to mention, I am Persian...Persian parents are crazy. :D
>It was fun while it lasted.. :(

Don't let an asshole cager who made you crash stop you from riding... fix that bitch up...

>I forgot to mention, I am Persian...Persian parents are crazy.

I am Persian too, I know how they can be. All you have to do is threaten to marry a white girl if they don't let you keep the bike:teeth
Is that pic of your avitar what's left of you bike Frong? Man you were going so fast it disintegrated:wow ;)

I just took that part home...the rest of its sitting at Newbino's house...its still rideable..just needs cosmetic work.