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I had a bad accident tonight..

dude that's freaking crazy, glad Brian was able to take you home instead of the other alternatives. Go get that knee checked out asap if you haven't already, the longer you wait the worse off you'll be during the healing process. Those hills are known for drivers of all types running wide, fortunately I'm just too much of a wuss to push it hard out there so my close calls have been easy to deal with. Don't be in a rush to get rid of the bike, it might make an excellent track bike. I doubt your parents will have a problem with you riding purely on the track, just ask them how they feel about it and respect their wishes. If they feel that you truely are listening to them they will probably be ok giving you that much. An easy way to pop the question: leave one brochure for a track school and another for sky diving on the kitchen table :D

We better see you around at the meets still, not like you're banished from barf and we enjoy flaming you too much :p
LaCasta said:
>It was fun while it lasted.. :(

Don't let an asshole cager who made you crash stop you from riding... fix that bitch up...

>I forgot to mention, I am Persian...Persian parents are crazy.

I am Persian too, I know how they can be. All you have to do is threaten to marry a white girl if they don't let you keep the bike:teeth

the funniest thing i have read in a long time.....and so true in many cultures.

anyways, glad no one got hurt too bad
Man,,,,I still can't beleive that happened. We were just riding yesterday, having fun! I feel so bad. It makes me think about things again.
sorry to hear that man. but you are already lucky to be able to walk out from the accident. That matter the most , right? Thanks for the analysis too. I will be more careful and always think about cushioning. Hmm think I need full gear too...I still need boots....anyone selling those?

take care frong. Hope your knee recover soon.
Glad to hear your ok and like a bunch have said, get it checked out by a doc bro!

We still wanna see you at the Barf get together's and, of course, get checked out by a doc!


Sounds like a pretty scary experience. Glad you're alive and well enough to tell us all about it. Get the knee fixed then fix the bike:thumbup
Sorry to hear bro...I was actually thinking of doing that ride...never did like that road since I got flat tires on it. You're still damn good for 3 months bro. Any flamer will admit that. You've had your bad share of accidents, just as I did when I got my first car...and 2nd car...and 3rd car...and well eventually you learn, hope this one does it for you. Don't worry bout your parents mine have threatened the same as well, they just got the shit scared out of them that they might lose a son to something they don't understand. Definately hit up the track...it'll get your skills even better. Sell the bike for parts or fix it up if you have insurance and make it a track bike or sell it. Take a break for a while get that 350Z you been talking about. hehe
Don't worry bout the flamers, glad you're ok, you walked away which is crazy in itself. I'll buy you some food at Chili's on me to make you feel better, I'm sure the eye candy will make you smile. hehe
knee down after 3 months of riding? Man do I feel like a freakin' loser. The only thing I was draggin' after 3 months was my helmet (I'm the drop king) :nerd
therok229 said:
Sorry to hear about your spill, glad your ok. Sucks to hear about crashes.

Make a deal with the parents that you can only ride at the track cuz it safer :)

I'll concur with this....

Hope it alll turns out OK.
Sorry to hear about your accident. Glad you were not hurt. Very mature post. Nothing negative for me to say. You made a mistake and realise the mistake. That is learning. Try and work it out with the Parents to let you do the track day in exchange for selling the bike.
Just when it looked like you might turn into a safe and responsible rider (see: braking practice thread), you get run off the road by a cage. Sorry to hear about this.

One of the things I like about the late apex technique espoused in Proficient Motorcycling, is that it gives you room to deal with problems like oncoming cars in your lane. Since I've switched to that style of riding, there have been a few instances of oncoming vehicles using part of my lane, and now it's just a minor annoyance rather than a panic situation.

I would have to admit that if my son had your track record on motorcycles, I would also ban him from riding while still a resident of my house. I still have to deal with his occasional concussions from motocross, skateboards, and BMX, though.

Hope you heal quickly.
Sux frOng..Glad you are alright and shared the incident with the board. Sounds like nothing you could do , but miss the fooking cage as you did. Kudo's for talking up the leathers ..they are so important. When I crashed into a Horse trailer at 16 my parent said the same thing..They eased up it a week or so and I kept the bike. Good luck to you on filling the track day spot and keeping that bike!

My future kids won't be allowed to ride on the street until they are 18.

The aggression and lack of judgement I showed when I was 18 wouldn't have gone well with a sportbike on the street. I fully expect that to run in the family.

As a tradeoff, I'll do the best I can to support any dirt riding or roadracing endeavors they may have.

"The Track" has all kinds of potentially harmful overtones that bring up red lights in the minds of parents. Other solutions that parents might find more acceptable include dirt riding and YSR / mini-bike racing.

By the time you're able to make it back onto a sportbike, you'll probably be a more skilled rider with better judgement as well.
Glad to hear you didnt connect with that car, that would have been real bad. Good luck with the parents, I like the white girl aproach, haha.
Great to hear you had full gear on. That road is better than a rollercoaster, lots of fun, and it sucks that there are cagers up there crossing lines and taking us out.:mad
Lemme know if you need any help with the bike.
Sorry to hear of this when you were learning so well, you were very fortunate to have so many knowledgable people helping you along the way.
No flames from me. Just take it easy, count your blessings, and get back on it someday.
Hey, we were waiting for you at the pre-meet ride-meet gas-station-parking-lot whatever last night and kinda fooling around wondering where you were and if you were going to arrive or not.

While we were waiting, you were picking yourself up off he ground.

I wish you the very best getting it back together again soon and I'm glad your injuries are relatively minor.

Nothing but best wishes from here.

LaCasta said:
...I am Persian too, I know how they can be. All you have to do is threaten to marry a white girl if they don't let you keep the bike:teeth
:laughing:laughing:laughingOMG! That's funny!! :laughing:laughing:laughing
Mr.Crash has a good idea...DIRT BIKE!!!! Talk them into that and when you hit the road again you will find a new level of confidence and skill. Best Wishes!
