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I had a bad accident tonight..

fr0ng said:
I hope you're kidding....

I already said I was speeding and it is partly my fault. Another problem I had was getting too close to the double yellow while apexing the turn...if I was going slower and had stayed in the middle of the road, I could have most likely avoided it...but that guy's tires were past the yellow and me being close to the yellow myself didn't make it better....

No, I'm not kidding. I'm still interested in the answers to those questions, BTW.

You were riding too fast on the street and you crashed your bike. Sure, someone else was involved, but they didn't hit you, so maybe it was save-able. You weren't knocked off the road, you _drove_ off the road.

You know traffic there was crazy and you know you were going too fast. You weren't riding the pace (late apexing to get better visibility, riding as fast as you can see, etc), etc, etc. You weren't partially responsible for your accident, you are damn near completely responsible for it. Take ownership, man!

Did you pay for your own insurance? Did your parents help you buy the bike or gear? What about the way they feel about your three crashes? Your actions affect those around you, including me (through your insurance claim, which my insurance bill will help subsidize).
Yeah..traffic is so crazy on a Thursday over there :rolleyes ....if I had kept my line I would have clipped the car..I forgive you for your stupidity and ignorance.

I said I was responsible in my first post, but idiot flamers like you don't completely read things, do you?

I paid for my bike, insurance, and gear by myself..I don't even know why I'm responding to your posts...I don't need to redeem myself to you. Byebye :)
good luck fr0ng at the doc. the "right side of where your leg bends" - the knee? torn acl?

of course your parents are within rights to ban motorcycling. you can't ride right now anyways so rest up. we'll talk later! :teeth and that's priceless.
fr0ng said:
Yeah..traffic is so crazy on a Thursday over there :rolleyes ....if I had kept my line I would have clipped the car..I forgive you for your stupidity and ignorance.

I dunno, I don't ride where you crashed (I live in the Santa Rosa area). Someone else in the thread chimed in with the crazy traffic part, I was just bringing it into the argument.

Your 'line' was the problem. The car may have crossed over the yellows, but you might have been able to deal with it if you weren't apexing at the corners. Who knows, even the safest street rider might have had a problem with the guy.

Unfortunately you've only been riding (over your head) on a bike (that's too much for you) for a (very) short period of time. Who's to say your accident wasn't avoidable? Did you fixate on the side of the road after you straightened up? Were you braking as you straightened?

I said I was responsible in my first post, but idiot flamers like you don't completely read things, do you?

I paid for my bike, insurance, and gear by myself..I don't even know why I'm responding to your posts...I don't need to redeem myself to you. Byebye :)

I'm not flaming you for the sake of doing it, frong, I'm commenting on your crash because you've flagrantly exhibited your lack of skill with an attitude that was asking for a much more serious crash. I wish you hadn't crashed, but I promised you before that I wouldn't cry at your next crash.

Thank goodness you get a mandatory cooling-down period. Volunteer as a corner worker for the AFM. Ride some dirt-bikes or mountain bikes. Good luck with your rehab.
You shouldn't critisize my riding...you've never seen me ride..you weren't there...so just shut up and say "glad you're ok"...now move along.
fr0ng said:
You shouldn't critisize my riding...you've never seen me ride..you weren't there...so just shut up and say "glad you're ok"...now move along.

I don't need to see you ride; your descriptions alone are enough for me.

I'm glad you didn't take anyone else out with you.
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Re: Re: I had a bad accident tonight..

wsitch said:
So the car was 'dangerously speeding'? What were you doing? Safely speeding? How fast were you going? What's the speed limit on the road you were on?

How far into your lane did the car come? What kind of corner were you going around when this happened? Why didn't you see the car before you went through the corner? Were you riding "The Pace"?

I'm happy they have your well-being at heart. I don't think you should have been on a bike in the first place - at least THAT bike. Dude, everyone who has read your previous posts has known this was coming. I'm happy you didn't take anyone else out with you.

Why don't you spend some time volunteering at the track during your riding hiatus? You could work as a cornerworker for the AFM: helping riders who crash, flagging, working the radio, etc. Maybe once you've moved out and you decide to get another bike you'll think about a nice little EX250 and some track time.

Damn nothing like kicking a guy when he is down. :hand

Since you are Mr. perfect I am sure that you have never done anything unsafe or gone over the speed limit. The fact is that you never rode with frong once. You should'nt be talking shit,,,,,truth is that probably 100% of us could have the same thing happen to us the next time that we go and ride. NO ONE IS PERFECT!!

It's easy to say "I told you so" when you could say that to anyone who has been in a crash. Somethings we have little to no control over.

To have a little punk saying shit like " I am happy you did'nt take anyone else out with you" and "I don't think you should have been on that bike in the first place" makes me so angry. I guess in short all I have to say to you is :finger shut the hell up!!
hey wsitch... looks like you are new here... so I guess you haven't gotten over the whole "must teach everbody to be me" thing yet. I'm not doubting your experience... and fr0ng IS a droppie king. But some of shit your saying is off base. You do not know him (I do) and you should really be saying... "glad your ok... here's a suggestion for next time." Your tone is whack and you should chill out.

Let the flames begin....whoo hoo.

I ride the outside near the white line, cause i've seen too many cages cut it close to the double yellows, cause they over their heads.

Sometimes there are those instances where you have no where to go. That's life, we accept the risks.

I would suggest go a little slower in the corners, staying to the right of your lane and turning later (so you can see further ahead), turn to early and you end up close to the double yellows and running wide if you are carrying warp speed.

You won't get a racing line, but it "might" (key word) save you if someone happens to run a bit wide. If they are total tooth missing morons or extremely bored teenagers (i.e.: logchuckers)....well, do you best.

wsitch...if and when you go down...EVERYONE will wish you well, and you will know what went wrong, whether it will be your fault or not.

You never rode with frong, you have no idea how good or bad he might be. I don't even think I'd want you riding with me because it seems like you would probably be staring at my ass the whole time looking for things I might be doing wrong...then maybe fixate and drop your bike.

Whatever happened to frong he ACCEPTED fault, there's no need to act like a stupid biker boyz leader and try to lead the post in expertise. You shoot questions faster than you have time to read the POINT of his post.

When we read your dump post someday, maybe one of us will be a silly sounding dick and ask you questions about everything you already accepted fault for.

Be glad he's ok, never good to see a fellow rider go down...watch your mouth or no one will be there to help you up when you fall biker boy.
RD400man said:

Let the flames begin....whoo hoo.

I ride the outside near the white line, cause i've seen too many cages cut it close to the double yellows, cause they over their heads.

Sometimes there are those instances where you have no where to go. That's life, we accept the risks.

I would suggest go a little slower in the corners, staying to the right of your lane and turning later (so you can see further ahead), turn to early and you end up close to the double yellows and running wide if you are carrying warp speed.

You won't get a racing line, but it "might" (key word) save you if someone happens to run a bit wide. If they are total tooth missing morons or extremely bored teenagers (i.e.: logchuckers)....well, do you best.


fr0ng, you should definatly try out dirt, its a fuken blast, and hopefully your parents wont mind.
I went to Hollister and road a 2 stroke 250 (way to much for me) and it was a riot. I'd buy a 125 or 250 4 stroke if I was you, and have fun.
fr0ng said:
I'm sorry that you are the way you are. :(

Don't lose sleep over it. I won't.

I've done my fair share of dumb things, some of them fantastic in their stupidity, but I try to listen to those who have more experience than me - especially when they tell me I'm doing something dangerous or unsafe. Even if people seem to be assholes, their motivations for saying something mean can be good.

It's difficult to tell someone like you that you're going to crash faster and harder next time. How many times have people told you to slow down, calm down, take it to the track, stop riding 9, etc, etc? The last time I read one of your posts you were clueless and very unwilling to take advice from people who've been riding longer than we've been alive.

Maybe I can squeeze out a "I'm glad you're okay" - no one deserves to crash, no matter how squidly they are. I am certainly happy you're off the streets and you have the time to gain a little perspective. I'm very happy you only took yourself out.

ps. Riding with others can be a recipe for disaster, especially if your testosterone isn't in line with your skill-set. I would have been worried about riding with you.
I actually used to ride my friends 125cc 4 stroke a few years back...it was awesome.. :D
fr0ng said:
I actually used to ride my friends 125cc 4 stroke a few years back...it was awesome.. :D

cool, I hope dirt is an option if you liked it. I would go dirt if in your shoes. good luck with whatever you choose.:)
wsitch said:
Don't lose sleep over it. I won't.

I've done my fair share of dumb things, some of them fantastic in their stupidity, but I try to listen to those who have more experience than me - especially when they tell me I'm doing something dangerous or unsafe. Even if people seem to be assholes, their motivations for saying something mean can be good.

It's difficult to tell someone like you that you're going to crash faster and harder next time. How many times have people told you to slow down, calm down, take it to the track, stop riding 9, etc, etc? The last time I read one of your posts you were clueless and very unwilling to take advice from people who've been riding longer than we've been alive.

Maybe I can squeeze out a "I'm glad you're okay" - no one deserves to crash, no matter how squidly they are. I am certainly happy you're off the streets and you have the time to gain a little perspective. I'm very happy you only took yourself out.

ps. Riding with others can be a recipe for disaster, especially if your testosterone isn't in line with your skill-set. I would have been worried about riding with you.

Squeeze out a "I'm glad you're okay"?? Wow you are pathetic...it doesn't matter how long you've been riding, you don't kick a guy when he's down...maybe you should change your sn to bikerboy? frong has listened to plenty more experienced than him, that's why he was as good as he was for 3 months...he was over his head but he didn't have an ego the size of your empty one. Just ask yana, mike, anyone who actually knows the kid...YOU DON'T. If you have motivation to say something good...don't say anything at all dipshit. Keep all your years of riding experience to yourself or go write a book.
John said:
Squeeze out a "I'm glad you're okay"?? Wow you are pathetic...it doesn't matter how long you've been riding, you don't kick a guy when he's down...maybe you should change your sn to bikerboy? frong has listened to plenty more experienced than him, that's why he was as good as he was for 3 months...he was over his head but he didn't have an ego the size of your empty one. Just ask yana, mike, anyone who actually knows the kid...YOU DON'T. If you have motivation to say something good...don't say anything at all dipshit. Keep all your years of riding experience to yourself or go write a book.

Sorry to knot your panties, "Stud", but I don't recall you posting in the previous frong-crashed posts. Have you read them? Maybe you should go and do that.
fr0ng, im not gonna bull shit you, you went down, bike is thrashed, can't ride for a while, its all good, you can get another bike later in life.....hopefully you will still have the desire to ride then...good luck man!
Enough with the flames people, no need to have the last word, everyone's already said what they want to.

Frong, I'm glad you're relatively OK, get that knee checked out ASAP. You've come a long way, and kudos to you, but you still have a long way to go. Hopefully you'll be back on two wheels soon.