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I had a bad accident tonight..

Baptistro said:
Enough with the flames people, no need to have the last word, everyone's already said what they want to.

Frong, I'm glad you're relatively OK, get that knee checked out ASAP. You've come a long way, and kudos to you, but you still have a long way to go. Hopefully you'll be back on two wheels soon.

COULDN'T HAVE SAID IT BETTER. :thumbup :thumbup

As for wsitch/bikerboy, I've known frong through his crashes, no need to judge the guy based on posts...oh my bad you do that. Leave it alone bud.
John said:
COULDN'T HAVE SAID IT BETTER. :thumbup :thumbup

As for wsitch/bikerboy, I've known frong through his crashes, no need to judge the guy based on posts...oh my bad you do that. Leave it alone bud.

I don't get the bikerboy reference.

I haven't ridden with frong, so I have no other way to judge his riding than what he (and others) post. I'll take your (and Baps) advice and leave it alone; clearly my opinion is an unpopular one, although my intentions are good (honest!).

Hey, I'm at work and talked with an ATC and a few trainers, so if you haven't gone to the doc's yet, based on the palpation of your knee cap...where's the squishiness? Is it on top or in the middle....better to be squishy on top, if in the middle, then it's more likely a tear in the MCL, PCL, (ligaments), meniscus...if all the swelling is superfiscial (on top), then it may be a bone thing. Swing me a PM! gIn;)
wsitch does make a few good points. Some of the questions he asked were relevant and they are helpful to better anaylze the wreck. But, his tone was pretty harsh, and some comments were totally off base. Frong has wrecked bad and claims to have learned from it. He seems to have understood what went wrong, so there's no need to kick him while he's down. The reason people flamed him in earlier posts was because they didn't want something like this to happen to him.

btw- frong, u should have that knee checked out as soon as possible.

how much is the bike selling for? :teeth
Goin to the doctor in a couple hours...I'm gonna go get the bike checked out...but from what I saw last night, its like 99% cosmetic damage...I still have to look at the frame though. But Brian rode it around his street and he said it ran fine, so once I know for sure what is wrong with it, I can set a price...but I'm thinkin around 4000-4500.. (assuming its all plastic work)
fr0ng, sorry to hear about your crash, and certainly glad you are well enough to come tell us about it.

take it easy, get well soon, and don't worry about getting back to riding at this time. you will do so as soon as both you and your loved ones are ready for it. Until then, focus on getting well and putting this behind you.

(and LaCasta, there are tons of persian families who DO NOT consider marrying a white girl/guy a bad thing. Some jokes create a wrong image of a certain group, in this case persian parents, and are best not be told to an audience who are not that familiar with them. - just some food for thought -)
*sigh* :(

sorry about ur spill, it was really fun riding with ya brah...
too bad it's not going to happen again for a while--
get well soon dude! :thumbup

Sorry to hear about your accident! I am glad you came out with minor injuries! Even if you can't ride for a little while, you can still socialize. Visit us SF folks at the SF Wed BARF Meet!

Good luck fr0ng and best wishes!
youre a bitch fong. you want 4500 for a wrecked f4i. you really are in your own world? ill take it off your hands for 1000$
maybe when mommy lets you rode, youll see me on 9!
rearwheelslider said:
youre a bitch fong. you want 4500 for a wrecked f4i. you really are in your own world? ill take it off your hands for 1000$
maybe when mommy lets you rode, youll see me on 9!

unnecessary and point worthy.
rearwheelslider said:
youre a bitch fong. you want 4500 for a wrecked f4i. you really are in your own world? ill take it off your hands for 1000$
maybe when mommy lets you rode, youll see me on 9!


Who pissed in your tank RWS??

Is this an example of how you want us to treat you when you dump your bike?

IMO Fr0ng's been totally cool about this and deserves nothing but support and encouragement.

Thanks for listening
rearwheelslider said:
youre a bitch fong. you want 4500 for a wrecked f4i. you really are in your own world? ill take it off your hands for 1000$
maybe when mommy lets you rode, youll see me on 9!

this has gotta be a joke right? When you go down, tell me how you feel when I pop open your visor and call you a little bitch.

I'm still hoping this post was either a joke, or written by someone under the influence, because I hate to see attitude like this on board as good as BARF.
damn fr0ng, sorry about your crash.

it looks like you're going to have to keep posting here because some folks just wont have anything to do in their miserable lives if you arent here for them to pick on.

there's times when criticism is appropriate, and there's times when we can say "sorry some really whack shit happened to you dude, glad you're alive."

if you didnt live with your folks i'd say to chill at home with a case of beer and a vivid video on the tube.

heal up.

Sorry to hear you went down. I am really glad your ok. Good thing you were wearing full gear, I am sure it paid itself back ten fold. Please get your self checked out by a doctor, I did the same thing about a month ago and tore my ACL, just had surgery on Wednesday and will be down and out for quite a while. I guess it will just be the forum and the keyboard for us for a while. Take time and let what happened sink in, there is a good lesson there. There is great advice here on the forum and lots to keep you connected to the sport bike world, so take your time and get better. Good luck!
Good to hear your ok, just get yourself checked out in case of any other problems. I'll second the idea of riding dirt very fun and I would have a mx bike if I had a truck. Don't worry about not riding for now, finish up school and go from there.

Well I just got back from the doctor and he says its just sprained....Im gonna wait another week and he said if it doesn't get better by then, I should go back and get some MRI's..but I'm finding that the more I walk on it the more I can move it around...yeah it still hurts like hell but I can at least limp around :D