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I want to run a marathon. (The running thread)

stan23 said:
Bap, I noticed when I have to shift my workouts due to prior commitments, my mind always tries to find time. Like tonight..

I was thinking of heading to the P&W, but my workouts are always at 7pm, and that is when i'll be leaving.

By default, my mind starts to scan the rest of my day and to figure out another time to work out (like early morning, lunch or later in the evening)

There were lots of instances, where I could not get my workout in until 12am..

The only problem I have with that is that I don't handle late night workouts very well. I've come to realize over the last 5 years or so that I need at least a certain number of hours of sleep a night or I'm a mess for days. Also when I work out late at night, I have a very hard time falling asleep due to the endorphins running through my system. I've been making do by going to the gym as soon as I get home and trying to get a workout in in a relatively short amount of time. Some of my commitments have specific time constraints. (i.e., I work in SF, live in the Oakland/San Leandro border, my gym is in San Lorenzo, and I have to be in Emeryville by no later than 8 p.m., and if I want practice time, I may need to be ther by 7 p.m., oh, this is a BCA pool league I play in Monday nights to qualify for Nationals with my team). So my old lady helps me out by taking the dogs out, feeding them, and so forth while I go to the gym before we both go to our league.
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Hey guys, anyone know where I can find an elevation map of San Francisco? Tried google, and can't come up with anything useful for mapping out the marathon route and elevation changes.

Try Gmaps Pedometer.

Enter a location, click on 'topo' on the upper right and look for "BM" on the map.

The BM# is the elvation for that region.


[edit]: You'll need to zoom in on the map to view the BM markings.
I did a 14mile run last Saturday.....took a lot out of me.

I did 6 miles at recovery pace yesterday, I think I should have just rested.

Today will be my REST day.

Back at it tomorrow.....maybe.

Less than 6 weeks to go.......

Is Jen still doing Napa?

Who's up for a run at Sawyer Camp?
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zx6roxy said:
I did a 14mile run last Saturday.....took a lot out of me.

I did 6 miles at recovery pace yesterday, I think I should have just rested.

Today will be my REST day.

Back at it tomorrow.....maybe.

Less than 6 weeks to go.......

Is Jen still doing Napa?

Who's up for a run at Sawyer Camp?

I talked to Jen a week or so ago - she's out too. I haven't registered yet, but was planning on doing so. I was doing 10-12 miles on weekends and was looking to ramp up to 15-20 - then I banged my ankle up. I think I'll be able to come back though.

Are you going to the pasta feed afterwards? You're shooting for something like a 3:45, aren't you...
CityBikeMike said:
I talked to Jen a week or so ago - she's out too. I haven't registered yet, but was planning on doing so. I was doing 10-12 miles on weekends and was looking to ramp up to 15-20 - then I banged my ankle up. I think I'll be able to come back though.

Are you going to the pasta feed afterwards? You're shooting for something like a 3:45, aren't you...

you should be careful with that ankle. Try not to ramp up on the mileage until it heals.

It would be nice to finish around 3:45-4:00, but its not the end of the world if I don't. I learned that whenever I set a time goal for a particular race it isn't as enjoyable as it would be without the time 'pressure'. This IS my first marathon after all. I can always be more strict with future marathons;)

I just wanted to get a few marathons under my belt before attempting a full Ironman sometime next year.

Definitely a pasta feed afterwards....:laughing
It would be nice to listen to music during my marathon.....

I've heard of people doing it, but is it really allowed?
zx6roxy said:
It would be nice to listen to music during my marathon.....

I've heard of people doing it, but is it really allowed?

I'm thinking of going with a set of Oakley Thumps for my longer events:


The doc advised me not to run for the next week and a half, as my ankle is still a little swollen after last weekend with a light sprain. I may not make Napa - we'll see how my recovery runs go. Hopefully it hasn't sold out by that point.
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How much are those?:laughing

I too, thought I sprained my ankle on a run a few weeks back when I twisted my foot running down a dirt path.

Take care of that ankle Mike.

My left hip seems to be handling the runs ok.

I just have to remember to soak myself in an ice/cold water bath after my long runs.......recovery is much quicker when I do this.
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zx6roxy said:
How much are those?:laughing

I've found em for $179 when I did a Froogle search for "Oakley Thump 256"

I need music when I run now..

I don't know how I ever went without it.
I carry one of these badboys when I run:



But seriously, I *have* to listen to music when I run.. Unless i'm running in the evening and it's raining, then I enjoy listening to my feet hit the wet ground. Very relaxing.
Last week, it rained on me in the middle of my run, iPod/headphones and all:mad I didn't stop:laughing
I just started listening to music too, boy does the time go by much quicker.

BTW, I'm on a few days rest myself as I think I tweeked both knees last weekend on my "long-run" of 3 1/2 miles :laughing


The Absolute Worst Foods on the Planet

By the CTS Dietitians and Nutritionists

As a little exercise, we sussed out the most noxious foods you could ever eat. The result are these three diet bombs that no one should eat. Ever.

1. Donuts

A donut is made up of mostly refined white flour with no nutritional value, and lots of butter and sugar. One donut alone can pack 400 calories thanks to the saturated fat from the deep fryer. Furthermore, the white, refined sugar used in them leads to blood glucose peaks. In other words they’re going to leave you hungry no matter how many you eat.
— Molly Krause, CTS Sports Dietitian

2. Alfredo Sauce

A.k.a. “heart attack on a plate.” Tradition Alfredo sauces contain nothing beneficial: butter, heavy whipped cream, Parmesan and Romano cheeses, and an egg yolk. For a person with a 2,000 calorie/day diet, one serving packs roughly 58% of your total fat requirements and 105% of your saturated fat allowance. Then there’s the 80 mg of cholesterol which does your heart no good.
— Alicia Kendig, CTS Sports Dietitian

3. Processed Cheese

Anytime you see the word “processed” before “cheese,” you’re not looking at cheese. You’re looking at a “cheese product”, one that contains 20% of your daily saturated fat intake, an unhealthy dose of sodium, and something called alginate. Alginate is used to waterproof and fireproof fabrics. Why cheese needs to be waterproof and fireproof remains a mystery, but it’s one that’s better left out of your stomach.
— Erika Highstead, CTS Sports Nutritionist


I don't eat any of these:green

What about you guys?
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zx6roxy said:


The Absolute Worst Foods on the Planet

By the CTS Dietitians and Nutritionists

As a little exercise, we sussed out the most noxious foods you could ever eat. The result are these three diet bombs that no one should eat. Ever.

1. Donuts

A donut is made up of mostly refined white flour with no nutritional value, and lots of butter and sugar. One donut alone can pack 400 calories thanks to the saturated fat from the deep fryer. Furthermore, the white, refined sugar used in them leads to blood glucose peaks. In other words they’re going to leave you hungry no matter how many you eat.
— Molly Krause, CTS Sports Dietitian

2. Alfredo Sauce

A.k.a. “heart attack on a plate.” Tradition Alfredo sauces contain nothing beneficial: butter, heavy whipped cream, Parmesan and Romano cheeses, and an egg yolk. For a person with a 2,000 calorie/day diet, one serving packs roughly 58% of your total fat requirements and 105% of your saturated fat allowance. Then there’s the 80 mg of cholesterol which does your heart no good.
— Alicia Kendig, CTS Sports Dietitian

3. Processed Cheese

Anytime you see the word “processed” before “cheese,” you’re not looking at cheese. You’re looking at a “cheese product”, one that contains 20% of your daily saturated fat intake, an unhealthy dose of sodium, and something called alginate. Alginate is used to waterproof and fireproof fabrics. Why cheese needs to be waterproof and fireproof remains a mystery, but it’s one that’s better left out of your stomach.
— Erika Highstead, CTS Sports Nutritionist


I don't eat any of these:green

What about you guys?

aw man, thats great advice.. I don't eat any of the above, but I didn't think processed cheese would be so bad. I'll definitely be more careful now.