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I want to run a marathon. (The running thread)


I've been getting pain in both knees. when I take NSAID's and pain meds, it doesn't bother me at all. Should I back off of the pain meds and make sure I'm not seriously injuring myself? Or is this normal and should I just get through this?
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I remember lots of shin splints when I started running and some pain in one knee when I started increasing run mileage.

My personal take on it was that I was just out of shape and this was my body adjusting. Ice and a couple pills of Ibuprofen after a run helped me get through it.

But that said, if you feel that you need medication just to start or get through your workouts, it might be time to talk your doctor.
It's been a week, and I'm still limping pretty badly with a light ankle sprain. I don't expect to be running again for at least another week, and I'd like to spend a week or two on my roadbike before returning to running.

My chances of making Napa are looking more and more slim :(
CityBikeMike said:
It's been a week, and I'm still limping pretty badly with a light ankle sprain. I don't expect to be running again for at least another week, and I'd like to spend a week or two on my roadbike before returning to running.

My chances of making Napa are looking more and more slim :(

hey mike, where do you ride your road bike? I'm checking all of these bike trails up here in Sacramento. want to meet up for a ride one of these weekends? i've got my bike set up. now I just need some of those fancy shorts that make my basket look huge! :laughing

my buddy up here in sacramento, also road bikes...pretty intensely. so you are welcome to come up here, or maybe we'll come down there for a ride. let me know.
glf said:
hey mike, where do you ride your road bike? I'm checking all of these bike trails up here in Sacramento. want to meet up for a ride one of these weekends? i've got my bike set up. now I just need some of those fancy shorts that make my basket look huge! :laughing

my buddy up here in sacramento, also road bikes...pretty intensely. so you are welcome to come up here, or maybe we'll come down there for a ride. let me know.

Hey Rick,

When I was riding more often, I was doing it mostly in the East Bay hills. Grizzly / Skyline / Wildcat Canyon / Bear Creek and the like.

Once I completed my first triathlon, I wiped the dust off the mountain bike and spent most of my time on trails again. I'm not sure about the best roadbike routes up in Sacramento, but I do know where some excellent singletrack and downhill is for trailbikes!

If you're ever up for a ride in the East Bay, lemme know :)
Baptistro said:
Hey guys, anyone know where I can find an elevation map of San Francisco? Tried google, and can't come up with anything useful for mapping out the marathon route and elevation changes.
Found something better...


Map your route and then select 'elevation'.
It then displays the individual elevation points and a cool elevation map.

Save the map via the permalink button and it generates a unique URL you can send your friends. :)

Nice one Joel!:thumbup

34 days to go!

I ran 16miles Saturday morning. It took me 4-5 miles to warm up. Miles 6-14 flew by, especially with the 'High' kickin' in at mile 7 til 14....then my body went into cruise control the last few miles and then I was done....:wow

I jumped in the ocean for about 20 minutes after my run to soak my legs in the cold water---which felt sooooo nice!

Today my legs/feet feel great. I can run, but I'm supposed to take 2 days off after my long runs.

I'm back to my maintenance run tomorrow evening.

This Saturday will be 18 miles......
zx6roxy said:
Nice one Joel!:thumbup

34 days to go!

I ran 16miles Saturday morning. It took me 4-5 miles to warm up. Miles 6-14 flew by, especially with the 'High' kickin' in at mile 7 til 14....then my body went into cruise control the last few miles and then I was done....:wow

I jumped in the ocean for about 20 minutes after my run to soak my legs in the cold water---which felt sooooo nice!

Today my legs/feet feel great. I can run, but I'm supposed to take 2 days off after my long runs.

I'm back to my maintenance run tomorrow evening.

This Saturday will be 18 miles......


I can't wait to go running tonight. Had such a relaxing weekend.
So I'm out of this weekend's race due to my hamstring/sciatica issues. But it is getting better.

Now, I'm shooting for the SF Marathon on July 29th..

Looks like Bap will be my training partner:banana

Glad to hear you're recovering.

My last long run was 10 miles, but that was over a week ago.
I haven't been running much since then since I'm fighting off a cold.

Hmm....July 29, huh?
zx6roxy said:
So I'm out of this weekend's race due to my hamstring/sciatica issues. But it is getting better.

Now, I'm shooting for the SF Marathon on July 29th..

Looks like Bap will be my training partner:banana

You can lead :teeth
Atak Kat said:

Glad to hear you're recovering.

My last long run was 10 miles, but that was over a week ago.
I haven't been running much since then since I'm fighting off a cold.

Hmm....July 29, huh?

Aw that sucks Joel. I hope you feel better soon.

Training for a marathon is no joke.....You break down your body to a point where your immune system is weakenened.

I'm hoping I'll be healthy enough to do the SF race, which is a little over 21 weeks away.

I think I want to be able to at least run 18-20 miles before I sign up for the race. I hated having to cancel my spot.
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I think its because we need some sort of goal/race to have the motivation to workout...otherwise we would be couch potatoes:laughing

Nike has opened registration for the Nike Women's Marathon which takes place this year on Sunday 21st October in San Francisco. Last year it sold out pretty quickly, so it is worth registering soon. *the half-marathon has already sold out*

Although this is officially a women's marathon, men can enter too.

The cost is $75 for the half marathon and $95 for the full marathon.

Register here: http://www.nike.com/nikemarathon/

Not only is this a great late season marathon in San Francisco, Nike also puts on a great program of paced and supported runs on Wednesday nights and Saturday mornings in the 16 weeks prior to the race.
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