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I want to run a marathon. (The running thread)

Holy crap, :shocker

This is a real thread?

I saw the originator of the thread and thought "Stan's starting a water drinking thread"

Good for you bro, keep it up :thumbup
You could take lessons from Dean Karnazas. He is totally insane!! Ran 50 marathons in 50 days. :wtf


^I read the article on a Runner's World issue a few months back.......:loco
RUN FORREST RUN! (or did someone already say that.)
come on Jim. Give me some credit. This thread is real. Matter of fact, I ran to the Wednesday night P&W meet from my Grandma's house 3 miles away.

The last two days, i've been stuck at home with a stomach flu, I feel like crap, but hopefully, i can run tonight or tomorrow. We'll see.. I haven't eaten in 24 hours!
So who here ran on New Year's day?:confused

I managed to squeeze in a 4miler in 30 minutes

This week: 44miles

Next week: recovery week (22 miles)

Less than 9 weeks away.....

Who here is still doing Napa?
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I have not run in 6 days due to a stomach flu issue.

Tonight will be my first night back on the run (and a beautiful night it will be!)
^those 16 weeks are going to fly by.....

I have a feeling my prerace jitters are gonna kick in the 3 weeks before::green

zx6roxy said:
Aw, that sucks. I'm hoping you've been hydrating yourself.....

I usually go through a case of bottled water every week or so. but I got smart, and got myself a brita water filter.

Still cranking away... those avia's are working out well. I love 'em.
I'm up for any of em. I figure the longer runs will be a good warmup for Wildflower with all of the climbing.

Do you have any preference?
Not to be a wuss, but I don't think I can make the Napa Marathon. There is just not enough time for me.

I was doing 10-mile weeks 2-months ago, and I just don't think I have the time to 'jog' a marathon in 5 months time. I'm still gonna train for one, but i'm thinking more like late summer. Sure I can jog half and walk half, but what's the point? I want to jog the whole thing.
From the words of my friend Joe:

"Give your body time to rest and heal . . . training for a marathon is no joke, especially the punishment that you put your body through . . .
Seriously, who in their right mind, would want to run 26 miles just because . . "

Take your time Stan, listen to your body.
Stan, I just signed up for the SF marathon, it will be my first. The marathon is on July 29.

I am still recuperating from a fractured tibia so it's all eliptical for me for the next few weeks (no impact). After that, doc says he will be releasing me to try running and see how the impact will affect the left ankle.

If I can run as soon as February, I think I'll have enough time to train properly.

I'm also still recuperating from the shoulder surgery, so upper body workouts are out for the time being as is swimming.

I'm committed to quitting smoking and to run this marathon with my dad. Hopefully I'll be able to surprise him. He's been an inspiration, having run half a dozen marathons in the last three years. He's 64 now and just started running at 61.

Sign up for the SF marathon and we can give it a go together.

I've been doing 10 minutes of stretching pre cardio, 20 minutes on the elliptical at between 75-80 rpm, with a 5 minute cooldown at 55-60 rpm, with a 10 minute stretch afterwards. I ran in HS and college for ultimate frisbee, and swam competitively in HS, so I stretch religiously.

Anyone know the accuracy of the distance given on these machines? I'm supposedly doing approximately 2.8-3.1 miles in those 25 minutes.

I need new running shoes :(
Baptistro said:
Stan, I just signed up for the SF marathon, it will be my first. The marathon is on July 29.

I am still recuperating from a fractured tibia so it's all eliptical for me for the next few weeks (no impact). After that, doc says he will be releasing me to try running and see how the impact will affect the left ankle.

If I can run as soon as February, I think I'll have enough time to train properly.

I'm also still recuperating from the shoulder surgery, so upper body workouts are out for the time being as is swimming.

I'm committed to quitting smoking and to run this marathon with my dad. Hopefully I'll be able to surprise him. He's been an inspiration, having run half a dozen marathons in the last three years. He's 64 now and just started running at 61.

Sign up for the SF marathon and we can give it a go together.

I've been doing 10 minutes of stretching pre cardio, 20 minutes on the elliptical at between 75-80 rpm, with a 5 minute cooldown at 55-60 rpm, with a 10 minute stretch afterwards. I ran in HS and college for ultimate frisbee, and swam competitively in HS, so I stretch religiously.

Anyone know the accuracy of the distance given on these machines? I'm supposedly doing approximately 2.8-3.1 miles in those 25 minutes.

I need new running shoes :(

Bap, that's very inspirational.. I will keep the SF marathon in mind. I can most likely make that one.
stan, only you will know when you're ready. take care of yourself.

Bap, I'll add that SF Marathon as a 'maybe'. Sounds like fun. Congrats on kicking the habit. I know from personal experience it's not easy. It took at least two attempts with me.
Nothing like abusing your body from one habit for another. ;)

Mike, I'm also sitting on the fence on that that Angel Island Run, but I'm leaning towards 'yes'.
The 25 km sounds like it'll be a fun warm up as long as the cutoff is like 4 hours. :laughing
