• There has been a recent cluster of spammers accessing BARFer accounts and posting spam. To safeguard your account, please consider changing your password. It would be even better to take the additional step of enabling 2 Factor Authentication (2FA) on your BARF account. Read more here.

If you crash or break down, & need help getting your bike home...

I'm sure it's here somewhere ...?? .. but I've somehow missed it ... but all I see for contact info is to either post here or in "General" or contact Connie via PM. Great!

Problem is ... on my rides I may have Cell coverage but rarely have ability to connect to Internet. So ... if you can't go online, you can't post here and you can't PM Connie.

But often, I can CALL on my cell phone.

How about posting up phone numbers for help?

I'm willing to put my Phone number up for help in Marin area. Maybe a menu that lists Counties around Bay area when you call in? Pick one and it connects you to someone who may be able to help and CC's Connie.

Just a thought ... (I'm sure this has been thought of ....)


No phone numbers are given out.
You can always call a friend, and have them post/pm on your behalf, with your contact information, and that's worked successfully pretty much every time in the past! :)
Hey Everyone! ZCrow/Zack is broken down at the Napa DMV, and we need to get him to San Francisco.
Do I have anyone available in that neck of the woods who's available??
In addition to what Connie said, most folks I know don’t answer phone calls if they don’t know who the calling party is. Unfortunately, with the amount of spam calls going on (I usually get anywhere from 6 to 10 a day), this is just the sad reality of it.
I guess texting would work too?

I was thinking more a hot line number that would link to BARF somehow ...
maybe just text to that number to put the word out?

I reached another BARFer who is coming to get me.

Thanks Drew!
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Hi, I got a flat tire on the bay bridge just past the 4th st exit. Right shoulder. If someone has a tire repair kit or a pickup and can give me a ride back to SF I'll gladly repay for any expenses. Phone number is 7605293020. Thanks in advance!
Handled. Uhauling home. Sad day for my bike...

Hi all,
I broke down in King City, heading to SF. I know this is super far out, but figured I would post here just in case. I'm spending the night down here, but if there's anyone in the vicinity tomorrow, I'd be most grateful.
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Hi all,
I broke down in King City, heading to SF. I know this is super far out, but figured I would post here just in case. I'm spending the night down here, but if there's anyone in the vicinity tomorrow, I'd be most grateful. 330-807-5754.

Hey Ben, I'd suggest a thread in General I think we have some barfers in the King City area and perhaps we can realay your bike back up to the Bay Area?
Thanks bud and thumper. Just loaded him into a uhaul. Sad site, but getting home.
Got huge help from a random angel down here who's on his way to Hollister. Also CHP went above and beyond. Very grateful!
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Sorry to have missed the notification last night.
I'm recovering from surgery, and while it's been a bit, I overdid things by a lot, and have been mostly sleeping for the last 30 hours.
Glad you found a solution, and I hope the bike is fixable!
No worries - the fact that this exists at all is beyond cool! I hope you heal up fast!
I hope so too... I think my next post is in the garage.
No worries - the fact that this exists at all is beyond cool! I hope you heal up fast!
I hope so too... I think my next post is in the garage.

Thanks, and yeah, we've rescued a few bikes... :) :gsxrgrl
Good luck with the bike!!

Just blew a radiator hose out near Cordelia, on Green Valley Road near Kaiser Drive. Ideally, a lift to my place in Orinda would be good. 916-276-5220.


I can come get you Kurt
Please confirm and I’ll be on my way