Layed her down.

If you still have those parts before the next track day, I'll probably pick 'em up from ya -- we all know how gixxers do when they fall!
yes....yes we do...:rolleyes :mstingray

theSteveCo said:
If you still have those parts before the next track day, I'll probably pick 'em up from ya -- we all know how gixxers do when they fall!
Damn Austin, that sucks bro. Glad you are alright though. The bike can be replaced, but your post-whoring cannot! :twofinger

Well, we'll have to fire up my digicam and take some pics. They aren't exactly the pictures that I wanted to take of your bike, but oh well.

BTW, I found the Hypercycle place. It's much farther up Monterey than we both thought. I'll have to stop by to see what he can do for my oil pan.

Its not that I got mad cash.... its just that I got back a good return... but all that really means is that I paid way too much through out the year.....

I never said I was going to buy another Telefonica. What i said was I just wanted another Tele right fairing... and since im at it might as well get the euro tail with the liberteck lights... you know what I mean....

So here is a new question for you guys... alot of people here at work are telling me i should just ride with the battle wounds until I become a better rider. That way when I do spend the money on the new parts it wont go to waste. I dont know about you guys but I just cant stand seeing a vechile with lots of body damage. Bike or car dont matter to me.. just lame I think.
Well I though about getting a new bike so I wouldnt have to wait to break it in, and so when I did drop it I wouldnt feel as bad.... But come guys the Telefonica is just soo dayam sexy I couldnt resist the temptation... the bike called to me it was like "Austin you want me, you need me, you cant resist, resistance is futile".. and wouldnt you know it next thing I know im putting a deposit down on it and calling the bank for a loan.
VentoGixxeRider said:

So here is a new question for you guys... alot of people here at work are telling me i should just ride with the battle wounds until I become a better rider. That way when I do spend the money on the new parts it wont go to waste. I dont know about you guys but I just cant stand seeing a vechile with lots of body damage. Bike or car dont matter to me.. just lame I think.
It be ashame with you "limited skills" If you bought new body work and then damage it, it's your money, it's your call.
superhawk2000 said:

It be ashame with you "limited skills" If you bought new body work and then damage it, it's your money, it's your call.
Spend the money..or the guys will Raz your ass :twofinger
Actually waiting for a while if money is not flowing out of your wallet is a good idea..Hopefully you will not fall again.
Good Luck :eek:ld-cool
Guys I have come to the concusion that falling/crashing a bike is not cool.. and can be very expensive. Im going to get the body work done, just cus I have the money now. And im just going to have to ride alot slower until I gain the skills needed to become a kneedragger. Just need to get into a MSF course now.
VentoGixxeRider said:
Guys I have come to the concusion that falling/crashing a bike is not cool.. and can be very expensive. Im going to get the body work done, just cus I have the money now. And im just going to have to ride alot slower until I gain the skills needed to become a kneedragger. Just need to get into a MSF course now.

Save $180 for the next trackday and join the barf gang at Thunderhill held by the Speedyard.:burnout
You can ride your bike without worry of curbs, plus their are many riders their to help you out and follow you around.
superhawk2000 said:

plus their are many riders their to help you out and follow you around.

So I will have no worries when I crash really bad cus the guys will be follwing me and ready to call the ambulance... LOL...
at the track, there are EMT (emergency medical technicians) on standby and there in less than a minute after you crash.

oh ya, BARF people are cool and help ya out too, another plus :D
So, just for clarities sake, you:

A) Are a new rider.
B) Bought a brand new, limited-edition Telefonica GSX-R600
C) Owned it for one day
D) Threw it away the day after that.

What in god's name possessed you to purchase what is arguably the most race-ready 600 currently for sale? A bike pushing 110 hp at the rear wheel, fitted with stiff suspension, uncompromising ergonomics, and (as you now know) very, very expensive plastic?

You're a tool.

Hey ryanb thanks for the contructive critism....
You have no idea how my bike was setup do you??? So back the hell up.... and get a clue. I owned the bike for more than one day, and I did not throw the bike away. I scratched some plastic, big deal. I have the money and the time to afford new plastic.

Now here is some constructive critism for you. You are a bigger tool... as a matter of fact why dont we just call you Ace from now on out... and if your too slow to figure out what that means, let me spell it out for you Ace as in the Ace hardware store. Now why dont you stop being a drag on society and get a job you welfare, food stamp, living at home mommas boy. Im sick and tired of paying the amount of taxes I do supporting your dumb ass. Now go away.
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Now you little boys play nice or I will send each one of you to your rooms.

Sorry to hear about your bail, however superchicken does make good point. More first time rider end up seriously hurt by starting out to big. Now I cant really pass judgement being as I started on my 929. However after a little over a year and 10,000 miles with out ::knock on wood:: going down I could say I have more restraint than most.

As for the damage it is your bike you decide if you want to get it fixed or not.:mag :mag
so you ARE a new rider aren't you VentoGixxer??
well, if you're new, and you started on a race replica bike, that's not a good sign. however, prove me wrong!! there are guys that start out on R6s and never laid their bikes down. just like the Spider-Man quote "With great powers, comes great responsibility" <----- Corny isn't it?

so far, you seem responsible enough to own that GSXR, but take the MSF course first man!!

there is no reason to call anyone else a tool if you think thats the case. it doesnt help anyones situation. if u want to criticize someone make sure its productive and not negative. and if u want to call someone a tool make it a BARF event and do it in person.
Vento... I went through the same thing you did one year ago... Prior to owning my brand-spanking new (at the time) F4i, the only experience I had had was the MSF course... And even with a whole 8 hours of training on a 250cc motorcycle, I still got a brand new bike... Do I regret it? No... Would I have done it differently? Probably... And in the year that I owned her, I managed to dump her 3 times... And of those 3 times I dropped her, I never had frame sliders... And after I got frame sliders, I never dropped her again... Anyways, I would recommend that you ride around with the damaged fairings a bit before you decide to replace them... Better that you scratch up fairings aready scratched, then brand new ones that you just replaced... I don't mean to be a downer.. But chances are, you will probably drop it again... It's not because you weren't "careful" or you didn't "resepect the bike," but because of inexperience... I know it may be a bummer riding around with a scratched up bike, but isn't it better than having 2 scratched up fairings? Anyways, if you insist on getting new fairings, I would highly recommend that you get frame sliders put on if you haven't already... Get them on before you ride anymore, and it could possible save you from more damage.... Anyways, enough ranting from me....