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Legalize it...


the FDA..? fuck them..they got so many pill that are the same thing sold at different prices cuz the pharmaceutical companies got cute and labeled them different that the FDA can't keep up or have a clue what's out there...

Pharmaceutical companies..? bah...same as Phillip Morris....

keep the government out and keep it pure, mang...

the FDA wouldn't have anything to do with it..this is a state thing and would still be illegal as for as the Feds are concerned.

Pot would be grown and distributed the same way it is now by small private growers who grow for the for the MMD clubs.
Dude, that is a flawed logic.

Who says anyone has to distribute the stuff? It currently is grown and sold throughout California by medical clubs. Why does this have to stop? They currently collect taxes on with the expectation that the govenrment will eventually ask for it. Why not let them have it. You don't need some massive corporation involved. You can put limits and checks on these sorts of things. They just need to take the law one step forward.

Instead of it being legal for medical reasons (which is complete BS), it would be legal (or decriminalized) for everybody over 21. And taxed. How will it be regulated? This is where it gets sticky.

You see, if you get caught selling weed, you will have to prove you have paid taxes. So just like during prohibition, they will get you for tax evasion, not dealing. This will work and can potentially make a lot of money for our state and country. Let's do what we have to to get out of this recession.

if you find my old posts from years ago, I had cancer and got one of those MM cards which I visited near my home in SF...

what a joke...it's even operating near a highschool ...

talk with most of the people in there, they don't even have cancer or even know the terms of the medical treatments...

most were in there just taking advantage of the system and not at all welcoming to those who are there medically...

as for it being "home grown", not entirely....I recognize some of the containers that heck, I could just cut the middle man and go direct..

and no...I didn't even bother purchasing anything...just wanted to see how those things really were..

good fucking job, San Francisco..:thumbdown
"Narcotic" refers to opiates.

nar·cot·ic (när-ktk)
1. An addictive drug, such as opium, that reduces pain, alters mood and behavior, and usually induces sleep or stupor. Natural and synthetic narcotics are used in medicine to control pain.
2. A soothing, numbing agent or thing: "There was the blessed narcotic of bridge, at the Colony or at the home of friends" Louis Auchincloss.
1. Inducing sleep or stupor; causing narcosis.
2. Of or relating to narcotics, their effects, or their use.
3. Of, relating to, or intended for one addicted to a narcotic.

hmmmmmmmmm, which one of these symptons refer as what NOT weed does? ...................and yes it is addictive...don't refer to the media like a fucking dumbass. :thumbdown

So then, what is the point of your stance on legalization?

If you don't think care about it, why would you be supportive of laws that criminalize it, thereby creating a black market, and all of the violence associated with it?

Just like having a lot of violence in your neighborhood or something?

Maybe you haven't noticed, but drugs being illegal causes more problems than it solves, so what's the deal? :dunno
legalizing pot will not solve the problem of violence in your neighborhood.....it's not weed they're fighting over.

Yeah, but drugs being illegal is what causes gangs. V4 said all narcotics should stay illegal.

I think that's foolish, and that legalization is the only rational way of taking power from the gangs, not to mention, if I can take drugs and not hurt anyone I should be able to. On the other hand, what would fund gangs if drugs were legal? Any associated crime similar to cigarette tax stuff would be peanuts by comparison. It would also allow us to pull funding from a bunch of terrorists, and communists.

It's my pet peeve. A buddy of mine almost kicked the crap out of Darryl Gates when he came across him jogging in LA, but he assumed he was carrying a piece. A fucking patriot, but not a martyr.

I'm fucking disgusted by what pansies Americans have become, and to me, the drug war is a symbol of all of that. People wanting the government to take care of them. The decline of personal responsibility in our culture.
Yeah, but drugs being illegal is what causes gangs. V4 said all narcotics should stay illegal.

I agree with him. With the exception of weed, I think all the others should be illegal.

Meth is probably one of/if not the most insidious drugs out there, turns your brain into Swiss cheese.
when I take a map of San Francisco and show you Hunter's Point, the Tenderloin, SoMa, Marina, Fisherman's Warf, Chinatown, and West Portal district and ask you where are all the drugs, most point at TL and HP where they deal with $20-$100 whereas everywhere else on the map, it's in the $$$$$ ......better organized, less violence , less attention = profit....

let the dumbasses get the media attention they want along with the bling bling ....i

as for why I don't want the government involved, visit a medical marijuana facility...it's just a legal crackhouse, customers that don't really have cancer and cost the tax pahyers supporting their habits....SF is a good reason the government should stay out of sales of marijuana...

good parenting is a must...

Errr, I know I sometimes don't make much sense, but I can barely understand this. No offense, but, are you in your early 20s?

Anyways, who said anything about getting the gov't involved? I'm talking about getting them OUT of the picture to a large degree. Only in it for the taxes, and of course, to make sure nobody is getting ripped off.

Your whole dispensary argument is pointless, the dispensaries are a halfway step during a legal transition, not an example of how things would work if it were legal. It would be in liquor stores, obviously, unless the fucking gov't got involved and forced us to use dispensaries.

Anyways, I was hoping for a real discussion, if you can't hang, I'm out. :x
Beepor is old as fuck, dude. That's probably why you don't understand him.
personally, I can't stand druggies and if they all died from bad shit, I could care less...
..........Anyways, who said anything about getting the gov't involved? I'm talking about getting them OUT of the picture to a large degree. Only in it for the taxes, and of course, to make sure nobody is getting ripped off. ............

you lost me here.

perhaps you can explain to me how determining and collecting taxes won't be government involvement.....VERY invasive involvement
fawk...it's that obvious..?

I gotta stop PUI or just stay on topic that I can deal with...

so...any hawt wimmenz wanna chat..?


i may regret this in this morning, but hey let's go dontown and find some fine canidates. :thumbup women + booze = awesome :shocker:shocker:shocker
Is there a parallel with legalized prostitution? I've met a few prostitutes who did not want it made legal because then they'd be hampered in their work and would make less money.

I think it should be as legal as nicotine and alcohol. They're all problematic but are much less problematic than other drugs.
This thread de-railed a bit.

So here is some hard fact on the proposed bill AB390.
It's long... Actually intense detail. They've done their homework on this. I could see this passing.

I don't think that we'd see the involvement of the gov't other than setting up regulations on distribution and sales i.e. tobacco.

Last time i looked, the gov't never told the tobacco industry to put chemicals in their product. That is just bad ehtics on their part. The pot industry is already in place and if they wanted to water down their product they would have already. There are no requirements for growers to grow clean, high quality plants, but they do. They would just gain legality with this law... This could be a huge opportunity. People will always smoke pot, lets just get over it.
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