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More shity gas on the way.....More Ethanol! WTF?

so whats this mean to us illiterate peeps
If you are not riding a classic, most likely you will be ok.
If you have metal tank, most likely you will be ok.
If you have plastic tank (like newer Duc and other), the likelihood of having plastic gas tank deformation problem will be much higher. A lot of Duc owners suffer this tank problem (it happens in the US mostly); although Ducati North America does replace the tank for free once it reaches the unacceptable shape. Both of my Duc undergo the replacements, and one of them has a internal coating to prevent future problem...
You gotta love it: The EPA says yes, however everyone else says no. The EPA says it won't do any harm yet the engine designers say it could damage the systems.

From the report it seems that the decision is being driven by money rather than if it's the right/smart thing to do. Then again, my understanding of the whole situation is pretty limited.
Since when did a government entity actually do something for the voting public? :twofinger
"The Obama administration doesn’t have the power to order use of E15, though the decision has “the potential to increase the use of renewable fuels in the future,” McCarthy said."

And this is only for 2007 and newer vehicles. Is anyone really going to pay attention to what year vehicle fills from which pump? Not like they're going to a different filler-neck size, so this must be entirely voluntary?!
its a conspiracy to get all the old cars and bikes off the road. put shit in them thats like smoking a bowl out of satans ass.
Ha..! I'd hate to say, "I told you so...":deadhorse
View attachment 351956

:blah:blah :barf

Who's in bed with big oil? Hint everyone, but more so "your side". Yeah the turban really relates to someone making efforts to ween this country off of fossil fuels. NOT that I agree with this move, or think its correct. The BS spew though just doesn't relate to this discussion at all. The right wing left wing shit is old and tired.

Look at what you posted... try thinking about it before you default to a pretty picture, slogan, or fabricated spun out talking point.

Think for yourself, and stop regurgitating the crazy shit from either side of the fence. You at least noted it was beating a dead horse :twofinger
random thoughts:

Mfg are required to produce vehicles that get X mpg then we are forced to buy crap for fuel. May be coincidence but my bikes sure seem to get better mpg whenever I'm running Nevada fuel. Could be the altitude but I doubt it.

What was that fuel additive that was shoved up our fuel tanks something like 15 yrs ago? Screwed up the rubber seals then it was found that it entered the water system and stayed there. Cost a shit load of $ to clean up let alone raise the cost of fuel. Yeh, real confidence builder.

Speaking of politics, when Bush tried to appease the tree huggers and explored using ethanol the chronicle accused him of bending over for the fly over states and pointed out that it caused more of a "footprint" to produce than it saved.

Oh, so only required for vehicles after a certain year. Perfect. Doubt the stations are going to put in extra pumps. We will all be stuck w/ the crap.
Ha..! I'd hate to say, "I told you so...":deadhorse
View attachment 351956

I do, in fact, find this offensive. I do not like the idea of adding more 'mix' in the gasoline based on the reason of it may damage engine and parts (in my case). But posting some shit like this just simply not cool :thumbdown
AC but duc's all ready have this problem why does e15 get the blame when normal Gas does this?
as long as I can count on always getting E15, I imagine I can pretty easily jet the SV to run right on it. The problem is if you can't always get the same stuff...
The tank on my Ducati was replaced last year. When I got the new one, I had the insides coated with a product called Caswell. It cost about $150, but there have been no issues since.
Wait. And how did you get to work today..?

At least I'm not a hypocrite. I want more oil..! Let us drill it in Alaska, The Gulf of Mexico and off the California coast. I want more of it, I want it cheap and I want it now. My bikes need it... :ride

Unlike some other people in the EPA and liberal politicians writing their crappy books, preaching green energy and what not. And then off to riding their limos and private Learjets. GTFO... :thumbdown

Hell. I have more respect for the hairy hippies out there riding their bicycles and preaching to people to reduce their dependency on oil... But what do I know? Right..? :toothless

Wait, you seemed to miss the part where I said I didn't agree with this. I was just TRYING to make sense of your picture. Anyone who has been on this board knows your politics, the request was to at least think through what you post. How does Obama in a turban relate to this discussion? This makes him in bed with oil companies? This makes him a terrorist? This makes him a Muslim? WTF did that mean besides you parading your own politics in a totally non-relevant way? I am not opposed to you having a point of view as long as you share it coherently.

The only thing I said related to my point of view was I don't agree with this, and I am tired of each "side" saying a policy is wrong out of knee jerk reaction and towing a party line...to the point of no longer making sense... I don't take sides in politics because it's all worthless. I try to inform myself and make decisions independently. It's hard to weed through all of the BS both sides generate though.

All I know right now is this decision could adversely effect my fairly efficient fuel burning machine.

Devil's Advocate: Wouldn't this be a good move for America? Ween us off foreign oil? Give money back to farmers and back into our economy? Free market "big corn" :)wtf) lobbyists putting the system to work!:laughing
The tank on my Ducati was replaced last year. When I got the new one, I had the insides coated with a product called Caswell. It cost about $150, but there have been no issues since.

yes thats right cuz what I heard is the epa dident allow the type of sealer they use so ducati just sold them with a sealer lol
I agree that there's BS on both sides. But unlike some. I do take sides and I'm not shy about it. I like the idea of moving forward with technology and transportation methods. But I don't want the government leading that charge. I want to see industry, entrepreneurs and the consumer leading the push for clean energy and what not. Now pardon my raunchy and tasteless use of the pics I post. I'ts my sarcastic way of getting people to see what is happening to our country and who is mostly responsible for it... ;)

The problem is that it won't happen without the government. Private space flight didn't take off until the government created a reward for it. Nuclear technology? Government. Mandated MPG standards for cars? Government. Without government incentives to get the technology out there, it won't be. Green energy isn't a big profit zone.

Don't get me wrong, I think Ethanol is an abomination. I'm just being realistic.
AC but duc's all ready have this problem why does e15 get the blame when normal Gas does this?

E15 will make it worse - right now the 'hit rate' of tank problem is about 50/50... and increase from E10 to E15 for sure won't help the situation.