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More shity gas on the way.....More Ethanol! WTF?

Kinda sucks, but I'm not trip'n. Although I often look forward to crossing into Nevada just so I can fill up with the gas they offer.... both my bikes' performance and economy improves with Nevada gas. Back to California gas..... mileage drops, bike feels less peppy.

Is there any kind of additive (that isn't cost prohibitive) that may actually help to offset the corny gas?

About B. Hussien:
The American people were dooped (I wasn't), and the idiot came out in everybody who actually bought-into and voted-for...... the America Hater/Apologist/Marxist/Communist/Terroist supporter/Cop hater/Seperatist/classless/Cultural Muslim/lier/PUPPET who on his own is just another racist asshole.
It's the hand up his ass that is controlling/changing what was once a great "United" States of America. Getting Pres. B. out of office will not stop that which has been afoot for years now...... Unless Americans unite, rise up, and TOGETHER support the principals upon which the USA was based; but I fear that unless we wake up, we're doomed to vote another Hussien into office. And we must stop supporting, medicating, and encouraging fully capable people who are pimping off of welfare/handouts/food stamps; AND ferGodsakes we gotta stop the flooding of illegals into our country who leech off the hard work of gainfully employed Americans. The 'once great' United States of America..... we suck of late because of all the indifferent idiots who choose to do nothing...., insisting instead that "the government oughta do something about that!" Idiots all, in addition to the American people, our gas will soon be corn-holed as well.
The problem is precisely what you just described. E85 has less power potential, therefore it requires a larger amount to produce the same combustion. I know many tuners who switch to E85. They have 2 things in common, lots of HP and extremely poor mpg. When you convert to E85, you have to increase your injector size by as much as 25%. E85 will also break down natural rubbers fast, so the tuners replace fuel o-rings with Viton seals.

The only thing I see from this is that the lobby group got what they were paid to get. E15, if sold, will likely have it's own pump (as the article suggested). As long as E10 is still around, I don't think we'll see any worse case scenarios. E85 is usually a yellow pump, Diesel is green, so if they color code E85, it shouldn't be much of an issue. Just make sure you steer clear from it ;)

Jesus. Bikes right now are on the lean side with the current injectors. I know of at least one model of FI single-cyl bikes are already suffering potential stalling issues under current fuel, and the answer is "bigger injectors". Of course, this is an aftermarket mod, and the injector is not cheap.

Ruining engines is one thing. Causing an engine to flat out stall or fail while under operation is a bigger-picture scenario we all should be prepared for.

Well, that, and all the current lawn and farm equipment that is also currently not rated to operate with these new-fangled fuels.
The problem is precisely what you just described. E85 has less power potential, therefore it requires a larger amount to produce the same combustion. I know many tuners who switch to E85. They have 2 things in common, lots of HP and extremely poor mpg. When you convert to E85, you have to increase your injector size by as much as 25%.

Yeah, but what does 'worse fuel economy' really mean? E85 is not the same price as regular gas (or regular 102 octane) so price-per-mile is an immensely more useful metric than miles-per-gallon. It's not stable because price is ever-changing, but even a rough estimate is more useful than comparisons of mpg.

It could be a pain on motorcycles having to lug around more fuel all the time, but the motorcycle industry has been allowed to trail the auto industry, so I wouldn't be surprised if these laws etc completely skip motos. By the time they no longer skip them, we should have better mpg out of our bikes to compensate for the poor mpg of ethanol.
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The only reason ethanol (or MTBE, which someone addressed previously) is mandated is because both chemicals are oxygenates. It basically means (to the idiots in government) that gas burns 'cleaner'. In reality, because oxygen doesn't burn, it simply dilutes the gas with oxygen, making it appear that exhaust pollution has been reduced. In driving, what people generally noticed when the hated MTBE was 'added to' gas (actually, they simply stopped refining it OUT :rolleyes ), most vehicles immediately saw 10-30% worse gas mileage. The Ford I drove at the time went from a constant 14.5 MPG to 12 MPG overnight, and never got above that again.
Ethanol, or any other oxegenate, is a shell game, a sleight-of-hand trick to appease the public.

BTW, I don't care for 'Mr. Teleprompter' either, but he's not personally responsible for THIS mess, anyway!
Yeah, but what does 'worse fuel economy' really mean? E85 is not the same price as regular gas (or regular 102 octane) so price-per-mile is an immensely more useful metric than miles-per-gallon. It's not stable because price is ever-changing, but even a rough estimate is more useful than comparisons of mpg.

It could be a pain on motorcycles having to lug around more fuel all the time, but the motorcycle industry has been allowed to trail the auto industry, so I wouldn't be surprised if these laws etc completely skip motos. By the time they no longer skip them, we should have better mpg out of our bikes to compensate for the poor mpg of ethanol.

Ethanol prices and gas prices will probably find an equilibrium. When ethanol's demand goes mainstream, demand will go up and so will prices. Oil prices will drop to compete. That's when fuel economy will become a bigger factor.

I'm going to guess that hybrids that run on E85 will be something they'll develop in the near future.

currently, 87 costs ~$3.00/gal and E85 is at $2.50/gal. The price difference isn't as great as some people think it is and the gap will close eventually.
Ethanol prices and gas prices will probably find an equilibrium. When ethanol's demand goes mainstream, demand will go up and so will prices. Oil prices will drop to compete. That's when fuel economy will become a bigger factor.

I'm going to guess that hybrids that run on E85 will be something they'll develop in the near future.

currently, 87 costs ~$3.00/gal and E85 is at $2.50/gal. The price difference isn't as great as some people think it is and the gap will close eventually.

In other parts of the country, where gas is around $2.50, E85 is more expensive, so you get to pay even more to get worse mileage! Not surprisingly, not many use it.
Is anyone here knowledgeable about the effects that ethanol will have on my 30 year old air-cooled bikes? Is there anywhere I can buy non-ehtanol additive gas? Is there anything I can add to offset the detrimental effects of the ethanol?

As for the political crap going on in this thread, I believe someone has sold a bunch of you a bunch of BS, and I am willing to bet you are not smart enough to even know who that is. Just ask yourself this question: Which side of the political spectrum has been established to lie and mislead the public more than the other? Yep, that's the one.
Is anyone here knowledgeable about the effects that ethanol will have on my 30 year old air-cooled bikes? Is there anywhere I can buy non-ehtanol additive gas? Is there anything I can add to offset the detrimental effects of the ethanol?

As for the political crap going on in this thread, I believe someone has sold a bunch of you a bunch of BS, and I am willing to bet you are not smart enough to even know who that is. Just ask yourself this question: Which side of the political spectrum has been established to lie and mislead the public more than the other? Yep, that's the one.

The ethanol slowly dissolves plastic and rubber, magnesium and aluminum to a lesser extent. It mostly affects the fuel transportation and storage systems. I wrote a blog post about it a while back: http://www.whybike.com/blog/index.php?p=142

You can get different lines and gaskets to prevent it.
Ha..! I'd hate to say, "I told you so...":deadhorse
View attachment 351956

This makes you look like an ignorant idiot. You might have a valid point but no one will know because they will dismiss you as an ass.

The issue here is farm subsidies which have predated Obama.

Additionally, explain the fucking turban. WTF does that have to do with farm subsidies?
This makes you look like an ignorant idiot. You might have a valid point but no one will know because they will dismiss you as an ass.


The issue here is farm subsidies which have predated Obama.

Additionally, explain the fucking turban. WTF does that have to do with farm subsidies?

Opium farmers have been subsidized by the US for decades, possibly centuries? That's all I got. :toothless
This makes you look like an ignorant idiot. You might have a valid point but no one will know because they will dismiss you as an ass.

The issue here is farm subsidies which have predated Obama.

Additionally, explain the fucking turban. WTF does that have to do with farm subsidies?

Its comparing Obama to Osama, and implying that his election is an act of domestic terrorism.

So yeah, it comes off a little ignorant. Besides, Obamas a republican anyways. :laughing
You know the funny thing about all this corn B.S.?

I just finished off a bag of frozen corn. I looked at the Nutritional Info table and noticed some text...

Grown in Canada



You know the funny thing about all this corn B.S.?

I just finished off a bag of frozen corn. I looked at the Nutritional Info table and noticed some text...

Grown in Canada




Of course frozen corn is grown in Canada, it is a lot colder up there!
At least I'm not a hypocrite. I want more oil..! Let us drill it in Alaska, The Gulf of Mexico and off the California coast. I want more of it, I want it cheap and I want it now. ...

And who is your daddy?

Oh that's right'......