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Musician thread

Nice. Just finished up dusting off and wiring up the old Marshall and Les Paul a few minutes ago myself.


I started trying to teach myself guitar about a year ago.Not an easy thing to do,i still get sore fingers.

But I do really like trying to learn this beast,dont really know what kind of music im into at the minute I like a lot,not really into metal to be honest,

I like more 80s 90s stuff a bit of hall and oates,talk talk shit like that.i do have 4 guitars,kinda a lot of guitars for some one that's not that good:laughing

and I just upgraded to a spider 111 75 watt amp


seagull electric acoustic
this was my second I forget I have a little jasmine I started off with so 5 guitars,i really like the sound from the seagull, acoustic or plugged in sounds great.

Epiphone LP 100

My 3rd guitar got myself it for Christmas with a spider 15 watt amp.

This guitar is really heavy,has nice tones small neck.

Global 200

I picked this up on ebay a few mths back.was looking for a semi hollow found this.From the 70's cant really find much info on it,

bloke was a country singer I got it from,well so he said has upgraded bridge and tuners,i like this guitar no feed back or shit like that.

Gibson les paul 60s tribute

I picked this up a few weeks ago on ebay.

white with P90 pickups...this thing sounds real nice sound even better if a pro was playing it

and that's me
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OKay....this thread dropped off the front page, which is completely unacceptable!!

In celebration of bumping this back to the front page, and in celebration of the holiday season, I'm GIVING away my old studio monitors. Yes, giving them away to the first person to PM me saying they want them for free. They work perfectly and are fantastic for home studio use or just to use as a set of highend self-powered speakers.

I'm in San Ramon. Come pick them up for the ridiculously high price of $0.

They're Event PS8 monitors: Two way, bi-amped. Here's a picture of what one looks like.

TOTALLY would love those. I'm about to set up a new practice space. Please let me know when I can come by.
Here's my sketchy version of CLiffs of DOVER.

Been trying to learn it and still needs a lot of practice but the form of the song is already there. Just need to get better at the speed and articulation.

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I've always wanted to plat that since I got the flexy-disk in Guitar Player Magazine back in the 80's.
Nice job Jonathan! A great song and a good challenge.

Thanks, Andy.

It was a definite grind but there's only one solution to it, time and practice :laughing

As you can see, there's still a lot of room for improvement but ok enough to play on time and make a silly video.lol

I'm thinking of Surfing with the Alien or Satch Boogie for my next challenge :teeth

I'll post the results here.
Lately I've been learning some second violin parts to pieces that my son is playing. They're not difficult but it's good practice reading, which isn't one of my strengths. There won't be video. :laughing
I can't read for shit :laughing

Give me tabs all day long though.
I can't read for shit :laughing

Yeah, I can't either and part of the reason is that my interest in it comes and goes. It has been more interesting as my kids have begun playing and reading for their instruments.

The big challenge to me is that, as you know, there are several places on the guitar to play the same pitch and deciding what position to be in can be confusing. I suspect that if I do it more it will become more intuitive, but I'm a long way from there.

Having a good ear is a wonderful thing, but it also shortcuts the reading process. As soon as I hear something, I'm not really reading anymore.
Here's my sketchy version of CLiffs of DOVER.

Been trying to learn it and still needs a lot of practice but the form of the song is already there. Just need to get better at the speed and articulation.


I think this thread needs to be resurrected!

As some already know, I'm mostly a Fender guy at heart (I love me some single coils!), but I've been jonesing over a Les Paul lately. I have ZERO interest in paying close to $3,000 for a Gibson version and thus have been primarily focused on the Epiphone versions, more recently the Les Paul Modern version they currently offer. Any thoughts on this?

This one in particular...


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Seems like a nice guitar. They seem to have made it more versatile with push/pull pots for coil split and phase, though it can sometimes be fiddly to get from one sound to another, depending on where you're switching from and to.

For the kind of switching I do, I've always preferred a master volume and tone, but some people really like the separate volume and tone of the typical Gibson layout, which could allow you to have the bridge pickup wide open and the neck tone rolled off and volume reduced. With a mid-gain amp, this would allow for fast switching between a lead rock sound and a jazzy clean with one flick of the pickup selector.
I think this thread needs to be resurrected!

As some already know, I'm mostly a Fender guy at heart (I love me some single coils!), but I've been jonesing over a Les Paul lately. I have ZERO interest in paying close to $3,000 for a Gibson version and thus have been primarily focused on the Epiphone versions, more recently the Les Paul Modern version they currently offer. Any thoughts on this?

This one in particular...



The new Epis are amazing. And Pelham blue is best color ever.

I have a PB Epi, but it's an older version. It's super nice for the money, but these new ones are much nicer.
Hard to go wrong for a hobbyist.