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Musician thread

porque no los dos?

Seriously tho, that’s a tough decision. Are you in a position to play both before laying down the scratch?
Has charvel been known for poor qc in the past? If I remember correctly, all I hear about them are good things, but yeah haha el feo got some problems haha.

I'm not going to get rid of the Champ yet. I think I'm going to keep my eye out for a decent deal on a nice 6 band eq and see if running it will mellow out the lows and give me more bite. The katana has been pretty cool so far. I found a silver jubilee patch for it, and I found an amazing clean tone patch from the dude from Andertons guitars in the UK. I'll probably just end up on that clean channel 99% of the time with my multi effects pedal adding any needed color

I actually don’t know re MIM Charvel qc, never owned nor even thought about Charvel. The whole idea behind buying this guitar was to use it as a test bed for a Fishman Triple Play system as the specs allowed for placement of that wacky pup.
Truth is, I’ve been a Kiesel guy for awhile now and have just been having a little fun exploring inexpensive guitars lately. The $650 PRS exceeded my wildest dreams, so I went back to the well and got burned by Charvel.:laughing

Ah well, Ol Feo is playing like a champ now and will be solid once I ditch the string trees and go full graduated tuning posts.
I have an ELP and don't regret it at all. Epiphone has really stepped up its game and Gibson's main line guitars are largely just overpriced anymore.

True that. Reading up on Gibson's QC lately, I haven't been at all impressed. If I went the genuine Gibson route I'd much prefer a lightly used model, but not some 70's vintage instrument the seller wants thousands for.

porque no los dos?

Seriously tho, that’s a tough decision. Are you in a position to play both before laying down the scratch?

I could possibly do both at Starving Musician or the maybe Real Guitars. Want to avoid Guitar Center
True that. Reading up on Gibson's QC lately, I haven't been at all impressed. If I went the genuine Gibson route I'd much prefer a lightly used model, but not some 70's vintage instrument the seller wants thousands for.

Dude, they're asking thousands even for their new shit. :thumbdown
Reminds me of this meme
Just for grins I looked up ticket pricing on the current tour. I quit scrolling somewhere north of $650.

To watch this buffoon make a fool out of himself? Ha!:laughing
Changed out the 10’s on the AZ2402 to my preferred 9’s. Still not a fan of the Louisville neck shape, but the 9’s have transformed a meh(tho extremely well built) guitar into a real contender.

I haz happy
Oval necks always feel huge to me for some reason, even though the shoulders are lower than normal c and d shapes
Sry man, I’m not familiar with either of those items. But if they inspire you to play more often, I say go for it!

In other news, improvising over Coltrane is doing me a world of good.

In other other news, a very cool Nam vet I met at the gym says he can sing and wants to record. So today at 9 we’re doing “now or never”(Elvis), “it’s only make believe”(Twitty), “Folsom prison”(cash), and “amazing grace”.

Y’know, these tunes are like nursery rhymes compared to what I’m normally working on. But I’m taking a lot of joy in finding ways to expand them and make a bigger sound while still staying out of the vocalists way. Fun.:)
Huh, the guy has some pipes. His set list isn’t my jam at all, but I believe I’ll walk this path a little further and see where it leads.
For anyone who bought a Spark and wishes it had a footswitch, now it does:


The switch connects to the Spark phone app concurrently with the amp. The phone relays the channel switch from the footswitch to the amp. There is slight lag, but you can slip the channel change in between a beat most of the time.
Merry Christmas fellow musicians! How about a little holiday noodling while watching A Christmas Story? :laughing
