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ok, i was wrong

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I was wrong for coming up with some BS. What can I say, I like to make waves. Cumpolsive liar, I am not. Shit that has been made up, has been done so in fun (for me) the thread in 3ZC, fabricated obviously, but its entertaining to me to watch how people come out of the woodwork just to "prove" someone wrong.
It reminds me of 500 yrs ago when once someone yelled "witch" all of a sudden everyone and their child came out weilding a torch.

To me, people like pyschochick, that just HAVE TO BE in the middle of things, even going out of her way to sign up on another forum, just to link my thread to it yesterday is just pathetic. I mean, you say I don't have a life, but what kind of life is that? That your ONLY entertainment is a internet forum.

Anyway, my military history. 100% true. I could never lie about that. No matter how FUCKED in the head I might be.

I AM a mechanic. And a fucking good one at that. Reguardless of how many people say I don't know shit, I have PAGES of people who got work done by me that can testify of my knowledge and quality. That's PROOF enough.

I have met some great people through this forum. People I want in my life forever. I have made enemys that have done a 180, and now like to ride with me. I also have people who just don't like me. And guess what? Like I give a fuck. I can back up all of my history in person, and would love to. But I will not put up my entire life history on the web just to prove myself to people I don't know. Its not worth it.

To the people who care about me, I have the biggest heart and will do ANYTHING for them. To the people who want to continue to talk shit, I can be a fucking rabid pitbull. Take what I say with a grain of salt. Take it to heart, or just don't care. That's on YOU. I'm in life for ME, and the people who surround me positively. Once again, I apologize for making waves in such a tight community. I guess I'm just used to doing it to more of a national audience who ill more than likely never meet.

I was planning on making a post all pissed off and bashing, and trying to get b&, but I guess the quiznos I just ate put me into a better mood. Later

Don't care all that much that you need attention so badly to go through BSing a thread..

but, I knew you were a retard right away. The "STFU until you walk in my boots" comment was classic...
Here we go.......

Are you aware of the story about the Boy who cried Wolf?

Don't go calling out people, btw. It serves no purpose. You brought this upon yourself. If I had my way, I'd bounce you outta BARF, however, I'll let the masses express thier thoughts for a while.

It's gonna pan out just fine.

Sometimes, people will talk about things, things that WOULD be true if the person was presented with the chance. I don't doubt Super would come to the rescue, and he'd likely help any of us out, too.

Whether he has rode 300K, maybe. But I'm sure he could do it.
Whether he engaged in combat - I bet he's quite capable of it.
Whether he punched out some dude protecting a girl - I know he would if his help was needed.

Keep in mind this doesn't speak to the alignment of his heart - good vs. evil. His actions have not directly caused harm to anyone. That is why I felt the need to step in the other thread - to PREVENT the possiblity that someone set up some legal fund, or call some reporter, or contact the battered woman group and have them come out and find out it's bogus. So - harm was prevented.

He owned up to it and that's worth something in my book.:thumbup

I forgive him.

Finally, to Super here: The reaction you got from BARF(aka "reaming of the nuts") was justified. You had it comin'. I think I'd be happy that it was "the internet" and a safe place for these psychological experiments on reactions by society. Now you can play real life according to what you see is the truth. Lots of times, you may lose friends or girlfriends and not know why. Some folks don't like to tell to your face. Here, at BARF - there is no face so they tell it to you real. And what you got was real. Expect the jokes to last a while, but this, too, shall pass.

PS: Now don't BS us here. It was a "subway" not a "quiznos", huh? j/k :laughing
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WTF happened to the other thread?

i know.....agh!.....i was on page 10 and then BLAMMO!.....no more.....i am bummed....

....even though it was totally ghey.....i was sucked in...dangit!....i need a more interesting job......
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Apologized? Really? I think you need to re-read the OP.

The OP hardly seems like an act of contrition, but at least it's a step up. Oh well, can't have it all.

Good luck, sn1... a person's word is something that should be protected, valued, and treasured.
Wow...making more shit up to cover up the shit you made up before.

Way to go, superN(ot)A(ctually)T(rue)ural

Go away, stay away, go find the Bay Area Made Shit Up forum.


  • fire, die in one.jpg
    fire, die in one.jpg
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Apology constructed on yet more lies is even worse than the mistake that called for an apology.
This guy is fucking hard core! Tony FUCKING RULES!!!!! Man it's been days!

Josh, it's the internet...I can't believe people take it *that* seriously to get all offended about someone else's bullshit! I don't...


Yeah, I have been really busy lately. Taking 20 units at school, working a lot at my new job, and running my mom's business while she's in Slovenia. God damnit.

What's new, bucko?

He got caught lying and now is sorry.

It isn’t a trust issue for me because I don’t trust anyone on the internet, especially forums unless I’ve gotten to know them in person.

All I know is I’m not interested in meeting the OP.

Good luck and next time do a better job at fabricating a story. Also I hope it all wasn’t a big cover up to explain to your girl why you missed her birthday. :|
This thread is like the wave motion gun of fail.
The weekend in jail thread was bullshit?

Oh my gosh, I am like, totally so surprised! :|
It's gonna pan out just fine.

Sometimes, people will talk about things, things that WOULD be true if the person was presented with the chance. I don't doubt Super would come to the rescue, and he'd likely help any of us out, too.

Whether he has rode 300K, maybe. But I'm sure he could do it.
Whether he engaged in combat - I bet he's quite capable of it.
Whether he punched out some dude protecting a girl - I know he would if his help was needed.

Keep in mind this doesn't speak to the alignment of his heart - good vs. evil. His actions have not directly caused harm to anyone. That is why I felt the need to step in the other thread - to PREVENT the possiblity that someone set up some legal fund, or call some reporter, or contact the battered woman group and have them come out and find out it's bogus. So - harm was prevented.

He owned up to it and that's worth something in my book.:thumbup

I forgive him.

Finally, to Super here: The reaction you got from BARF(aka "reaming of the nuts") was justified. You had it comin'. I think I'd be happy that it was "the internet" and a safe place for these psychological experiments on reactions by society. Now you can play real life according to what you see is the truth. Lots of times, you may lose friends or girlfriends and not know why. Some folks don't like to tell to your face. Here, at BARF - there is no face so they tell it to you real. And what you got was real. Expect the jokes to last a while, but this, too, shall pass.

PS: Now don't BS us here. It was a "subway" not a "quiznos", huh? j/k :laughing

Do you know the OP? How are you so sure that that his "heart is aligned" towards good (hahahaha) and that he would come to a defenseless woman's aid?

Funny shit all around hahaha...
This thread is worst EPIC FAIL's of all! FAIL even more than the one that started this one
I think it's pretty fucked up you made all that up since I was ACTUALLY involved in something similar. However I have never met you in person so I shall reserve my judgement of you. :x
Eight green squares.

Wonder how many he'd have if reputation points were awarded anonymously? :deadhorse

edit: I see no reason for banning, but making up stories is kinda lame...almost as lame as removing them from the board.
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I still can't believe I wasted so much of my employers time on this issue :)

It's like crack, I can't stop reading....
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