ok, i was wrong

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No offense dude, but I don't believe a word you say.

Mechanic: Bullshit

Military background: Complete bullshit.

It's not all BS. I'm sure I could personally confirm his mechanical work history, but I'm not making any calls to do so. I've seen a lot of resumes, and his experience and details are consistent with a lot of work experience in the mechanical field. I'd bet money he can work on bikes and cars.
Others have confirmed his active duty in the military, the only unconfirmed thing is combat. Again, I'd bet money on it.

WTF happened to the other thread?

You gotta login correctly, duh!

Do you know the OP? How are you so sure that that his "heart is aligned" towards good (hahahaha) and that he would come to a defenseless woman's aid?

Funny shit all around hahaha...

Yes, I know him. Gixxergirl knows him even better. I tried helping him out a while back when he was down on his luck. We've talked through tough times, too. After learning this crap yesterday, I didn't know whether to think I'd been played earlier - that maybe he's actually some millionare laughing his ass off at me checking with my people to try and find him a job, place to live, helping him with his resume, monster.com, unemployment, etc. So that's where the personal part comes in. Like I said, I'm over it. This doesn't justify any hate in my heart. Not much room for that in there anyway.

I've helped out other people, CountChocula was broken and couldn't take a TV up some stairs(big ass tv). So I rode out and got it done. Imagine if his cast was fake and he laughed his ass off at me when I left?

Dragon helped me out, too. Remember what that got him? I took his vaccum hostage(bag over the head with a .45 to the dome and all). So the world turns.

And I left Planegray with a present, too. No, it didn't explode. :laughing
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That sounded like a rather round about way of apologizing, but whatever.

I don't wish you an ill will or bad karma. Sometimes good people do odd things. However, I will doubt everything you post about in the future.

Stop the bs and just live a real life.

Also I hope it all wasn’t a big cover up to explain to your girl why you missed her birthday. :|

It's not all BS. I'm sure I could personally confirm his mechanical work history, but I'm not making any calls to do so. I've seen a lot of resumes, and his experience and details are consistent with a lot of work experience in the mechanical field. I'd bet money he can work on bikes and cars.
Others have confirmed his active duty in the military, the only unconfirmed thing is combat. Again, I'd bet money on it.

Having a wonderful resume and being able to do what is listed on the resume are two different things. I have interviewed quite a few candidates for IT positions who's resume's impressed me at first glance but let me tell you their interviews didn't last more than 20 minutes before they were on their way home disappointed. :cool

For someone that has a trackable history of lies and BS made up on "internet forums" is not much credible in my eyes to begin with. Once a liar, always a liar is true.

Till I read this thread, I actually felt bad for the OP and now his arrogance in this thread just proves what kind of person he is. One that I would never like to meet or associate myself with even if it is on the forums!

It's gonna pan out just fine.

Sometimes, people will talk about things, things that WOULD be true if the person was presented with the chance. I don't doubt Super would come to the rescue, and he'd likely help any of us out, too.

Whether he has rode 300K, maybe. But I'm sure he could do it.
Whether he engaged in combat - I bet he's quite capable of it.
Whether he punched out some dude protecting a girl - I know he would if his help was needed.

Keep in mind this doesn't speak to the alignment of his heart - good vs. evil. His actions have not directly caused harm to anyone. That is why I felt the need to step in the other thread - to PREVENT the possiblity that someone set up some legal fund, or call some reporter, or contact the battered woman group and have them come out and find out it's bogus. So - harm was prevented.

He owned up to it and that's worth something in my book.:thumbup

I forgive him.

Finally, to Super here: The reaction you got from BARF(aka "reaming of the nuts") was justified. You had it comin'. I think I'd be happy that it was "the internet" and a safe place for these psychological experiments on reactions by society. Now you can play real life according to what you see is the truth. Lots of times, you may lose friends or girlfriends and not know why. Some folks don't like to tell to your face. Here, at BARF - there is no face so they tell it to you real. And what you got was real. Expect the jokes to last a while, but this, too, shall pass.

PS: Now don't BS us here. It was a "subway" not a "quiznos", huh? j/k :laughing

Whatever T-1... if that's who you really are! DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNN

Why not just stop lying? :dunno

Its like an addiction, you cant stop until you hit bottom. Eventually the lies will catch up with him in the real world when he cant differentiate between real and made up and he'll crash and burn like most addicts do.
Liars have to lie to cover their other lies, and at some point, liars begin to actually believe thier own lies.

Regarding the military background: Thats easy to check as well.
Didn't this looser come to BARF because he got kicked off of every other forum he has ever been on, for lying?
Didn't he loose his job because of a lie he posted on another forum too?
(I need to try and dig this up)

Fckn whacko (it's not name calling if you can't spell it, right?)

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I'm not upset with the OP.

Yesterday was mainly spent LMAO while reading that thread, (once "REL" called him out), so I got my $'s worth.

No hard feelings on my part.
Anyone that has spent any time of internet forums knows there's a certain amount of harmless bullshitting that goes on. People tend to take the 'well it's just the web and not that important' stance but the reality is when they start to form friendships (online and in person) then it DOES start to become important.

Barf is full of goofballs, smartass's, jokesters and characters to name a few but at the drop of a hat the goofballs, smartass's, jokesters and characters show an honest integrity that makes the place worth coming back to. People like supernatural zone in on that integrity and exploit it for thier own sick reasons.
It didn't occur to me that the jail thread was BS, but I did think people were just jumping on the bandwagon with the "good job man, I owe you a steak" crap.

Oh BARF, you are going to make me flunk out of school...
I'm way to damn lazy to lie, like I can give a damn about rethinking about who I lied to about what and to who, then to cross reference to make sure in the event they meet up the lies will match. Fack that, tell the truth from the get go and you'll live an easier life.

To OP, Live and learn, but please try not to insult our intelligence. We in turn will try not to insult yours.
I get blamed for everything.

I'm not upset with the OP.

Yesterday was mainly spent LMAO while reading that thread, (once "REL" called him out), so I got my $'s worth.

No hard feelings on my part.
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