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Photos of your bike on location

one from my day:

Fiske Pond, Yolo County, California …

Highland Road Carneal Road Collier Canyon Road and some obscure road that crosses over 580 and dead ends.

Looks like good rides. :thumbup

Del Puerto Canyon Rd






I've been jonzin'g to get back to the New Idria area since I haven't ridden out there since 2007 in THIS THREAD

15 years later with the some of the best in technology with a new AT, I ventured out after Mass today. This time, though, I wanted to do something a little different - and that was to get on some Bureau of Land Management to explore and get some rounds through a gun I haven't shot yet. I packed a PB&Honey Sandwich, a few waters, a baggie of Cheez-its, a telescoping fishing rod and lures (just in case I found a place to fish), my pistol and 50 9mm rounds.

Unfortunately, on Panoche Rd. I stumbled across a small group of riders where one went off and was not doing well. She was pretty injured. Bike was down in a ditch and tangled in barbed wire. I rode up to the nearest house and yelled out, when a woman asked what I wanted. I told her a motorcyclist had crashed and I asked if she could call 911 since my phone didn't have reception. She said to try again, and walked back in the house. I was like "What the heck lady?!"

I didn't take and pics of the crash out of respect and I was surprised to see how many people just kept driving and not stopping to help. I went back to the group and tried to flag down cars. I few did stop.

One of the trucks that stopped went back and finally got the lady at the house to call 911 and I went about my way. It was not good. When I was going home, one of the riders was still there - he said they had to MedEvac her out.

Anyway - I kept going on Panoche until it turned to dirt.


Entering Public Lands!!! :banana


The Honda AT absolutely SHREDS in this environment. I switched the computer to "Gravel" and just ripped through. On some loose inclines, the bike just felt like it "corrected" itself. So weird but awesome! Really pleasantly surprised at the stock tires without letting any air out.


I pulled up to this spot which seemed perfect for shorter range pistol fun and got my stuff together. I ate my PB&Honey, drank water and ate Cheez-its, then got to shootin'


Had to do some Uncle Rico type maneuvers to get this pic of myself, but hey, ain't no shame. Got really good at this from self-filming my BMX videos. I'm shooting a Hi-Point C9, if anybody is curious. I ran 50 rounds of different brands and even stuff I reloaded and it did not hang up at all. Recoil was about to be expected, but it shot high. I didn't bother adjusting the sights. Oh and yes, I do wear leather on an Adventure Bike.


I gathered whatever casings I could find, I only got 29 out of the 50. Someday I'll reload these. I have 100's of these, and somewhere, deep in storage, I do have bullets. I think. Anyway...


I ripped around for a bit, but had to get to going. Of course, this is the obligatory "water crossing" shot.


Definitely coming back here, maybe on my bike, but I would like to take more firearms out here now that I found the BLM of San Benito County so I may need to drive out. I have an AR I haven't put rounds through, my wife has a .38 she hasn't shot yet, and I just got (another! :rolleyes) .22 I want to shoot (although it's a cowboy revolver, so yeee haaaa). I'd like to take my family and definitely take camping gear and camping out here - ooooohhhh, that might be something I can do on my bike.
WTH indeed.

Cool "selfies".

Did you take these from videos? or just managed to get the timer off right?

Do you sing songs to yourself to keep time like Hudson Hawk?

This is basically me: Uncle Rico


These are from videos. All my BMX videos are self-filmed and after doing it for so long, one can get pretty good. We (BMX people) started calling self-filming “Uncle Rico” in homage to the character from Napoleon Dynamite from his van/football scene.
Unfortunately, on Panoche Rd. I stumbled across a small group of riders where one went off and was not doing well. She was pretty injured. Bike was down in a ditch and tangled in barbed wire. I rode up to the nearest house and yelled out, when a woman asked what I wanted. I told her a motorcyclist had crashed and I asked if she could call 911 since my phone didn't have reception. She said to try again, and walked back in the house. I was like "What the heck lady?!"

I didn't take and pics of the crash out of respect and I was surprised to see how many people just kept driving and not stopping to help. I went back to the group and tried to flag down cars. I few did stop.

One of the trucks that stopped went back and finally got the lady at the house to call 911 and I went about my way. It was not good. When I was going home, one of the riders was still there - he said they had to MedEvac her out.

Hi everyone!

I came here looking for info on what happened. I had to register an account but I could have sworn I had an account here before. Anyway... We live 4 miles east of the single lane bridge next to that farm near that 90 degree turn where it happened. I assume that she took that turn faster than she should have and went wide and hit the gravel. It’s damp there in the mornings, too. When we came across the scene on the way out to our ride, a fire truck and ambulance were already there. I saw her on the stretcher. We were confused until I read your post because we didn’t see the bike or the witness marks indicating a crash. Just a lot of motorcycles. And she was wearing what looked like spandex bike shorts (already out of her gear I now know). We didn’t know if a road cyclist had an issue and the other motorcyclists stopped to help or if the motorcycle was already picked up. Like I said, the rescue units were already there and the view was blocked. There were a ton of wild turkeys watching as well. Not sure if they were part of the issue as they always hang out in that corner near the road. I hope she’s okay. Looked like maybe a leg issue at the very least. No brace but one leg was straight and the other she had bent. I saw no very visible road rash on her legs so clearly the gear she had on helped with that aspect. As we were heading toward 25 we saw a Police car speeding out that way. That was terrible of that person not to help. I’ve only ever seen an older man in his truck tending to the cows at that farm; was it the person that lives at that farm? There’s no cell service until you get across from the fire station on Willow Springs and even that is only T Mobile. Be safe everyone.

We rode Panoche to 25 then took La Gloria/Gloria Rd (dirt) to Gonzales to River Rd to Arroyo Seco to Carmel Valley Rd, then San Juan Grade, Union, Southside to 25 and then Panoche back home. Actually did not see much traffic Sunday.

Happy Riding!
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Hi everyone!

I came here looking for info on what happened. I had to register an account but I could have sworn I had an account here before. Anyway... We live 4 miles east of the single lane bridge next to that farm near that 90 degree turn where it happened. I assume that she took that turn faster than she should have and went wide and hit the gravel. It’s damp there in the mornings, too. When we came across the scene on the way out to our ride, a fire truck and ambulance were already there. I saw her on the stretcher. We were confused until I read your post because we didn’t see the bike or the witness marks indicating a crash. Just a lot of motorcycles. And she was wearing what looked like spandex bike shorts (already out of her gear I now know). We didn’t know if a road cyclist had an issue and the other motorcyclists stopped to help or if the motorcycle was already picked up. Like I said, the rescue units were already there and the view was blocked. There were a ton of wild turkeys watching as well. Not sure if they were part of the issue as they always hang out in that corner near the road. I hope she’s okay. Looked like maybe a leg issue at the very least. No brace but one leg was straight and the other she had bent. I saw no very visible road rash on her legs so clearly the gear she had on helped with that aspect. As we were heading toward 25 we saw a Police car speeding out that way. That was terrible of that person not to help. I’ve only ever seen an older man in his truck tending to the cows at that farm; was it the person that lives at that farm? There’s no cell service until you get across from the fire station on Willow Springs and even that is only T Mobile. Be safe everyone.

We rode Panoche to 25 then took La Gloria/Gloria Rd (dirt) to Gonzales to River Rd to Arroyo Seco to Carmel Valley Rd, then San Juan Grade, Union, Southside to 25 and then Panoche back home. Actually did not see much traffic Sunday.

Happy Riding!

Yeah, I hate to deconstruct crashes, but in my experience it was some sort of target fixation on exit, right into the gravel, then not knowing how to manage at that point. She bailed the bike and it went into the ditch.

Very little road rash on her, so the injuries must have been impact related. I also think that crashing is just jarring and the rush of adrenaline, pain, etc. affects people differently. It's all very traumatic, and some fair better than others. She didn't look so well.

20 years ago I had a horrible crash on HWY 9 near Los Gatos. I was going waaaay too fast, dragging knee through a turn and I high sided horribly. I remember seeing my bike flying through the air end over end. I ended up in a ditch.

I have always been in good athletic shape, and I was back then in my 20's. I picked myself up, towed my bike home and plopped on the couch.

15 minutes into laying on the couch, I started to run a high fever. I wasn't sick, but it had to be some sort of reaction from the crash. I ran a fever for a few hours and it subsided, so definitely had some trauma.

I hope she's doing okay.

But yeah, I've seen younger, stronger riders bail and just dust themselves off. I've also seen the aftermath of crashes like what I saw this weekend. Be careful out there, peeps!
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Thugs gonna thug.


Yikes! That looks like a place where bad things happen.

It is kind of creepy. Especially when there are ppl hanging out there. Same with Quien Sabe Rd.

Del P is such a great ride though. We usually go up Mt Ham from Alum Rock or even Metcalf to San Felipe Rd and random roads up to Mt Ham, then to Del P to the 5 to get gas and then reverse it all. Love it :)
20 years ago I had a horrible crash on HWY 9 near Los Gatos. I was going waaaay too fast, dragging knee through a turn and I high sided horribly. I remember seeing my bike flying through the air end over end. I ended up in a ditch.

That’s not good. I’m sorry to hear that. I hope no lasting effects. I’ve had a few (dirt and road, mostly dirt, but mostly cars and their drivers suck) over the last few decades but it’s been a while. Knock on wood.

I loved the pics from your ride otherwise. Looked like a lot of fun! That water crossing is always a surprise. Similarly like on Coalinga Rd. You never know what you’re going to get!
I ripped around for a bit, but had to get to going. Of course, this is the obligatory "water crossing" shot.

That's a cool shot!

While this looks like the entrance of a tunnel leading to a sleeping dragon and treasures deep within, it's just a small room, roughly 12' x 12' or so. A quick internet search says this "room", carved into the quartz formation, is related to the narrow gauge railroad operation (Patterson and Western Railroad) to support mining in Del Puerto Canyon during WWI. If I understand it correctly the former railroad became Del Puerto Canyon Rd.


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Woah! I looked a little closer at the picture.

Woah! I looked a little closer at the picture.

:laughing That's brilliant! The brightness level is perfect. Even the color tones matched. Well done! :thumbup

My screen brightness was turned way down when I saw this late last night in my dark bedroom so I couldn't tell what it was at first; that was extra creepy.
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Is the free spigot still there?


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