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Pictures and videos of pets being assholes

When we moved to California, we brought Skeeter with us from Texas. She was an only cat for a couple of years, and then we adopted Ozzy and Theo when a realtor friend was helping a cat hoarder sell her house. They were kittens when we got them, but she hated them from the start, as only an older sister can hate her younger brothers. We characterized it like Shelly and Stan/Kyle from South Park. So she'd get up in "her" cat tree, all the way at the top, and hiss and swipe at them when they came near. She wouldn't let them be around her anywhere else, but she'd be up on display in our den in her little cat fort, hissing and spitting and yowling and just being a general asshole. So we decided that we'd name the cat tree "Fort Asshole." I put the sign up there and she jumped right up and gave me some stinkface over it.

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I mean, who could hate these little babies?

Over time she relented, and "her" cat fort became "their" cat fort.

These days she's more comfortable with Ozzy, he's just a big love muffin- they'll even share the cat trap that keeps them off my desk. But Theo is a practitioner of the Slow Paw school of kat-fu. Like Sylvester in Looney Tunes, chasing Spike and Chester around... he'll raise his paw in the air (like a 3 year old going 'I'm not touching you!') and just set. her. off. She hates him with all of her being.
no video but my cat has been meowing at my door to be let outside.

she has a cat door to go in and out as she pleases.

FFS. I am cat sitting. My friends adopted this little bugger a few weeks ago. I heard rustling and a cupboard door opening. Kitty had opened the door and shredded the bag to release some kibble. Meanwhile, he must have half of a meal around his food bowl that he dropped.

I sent video of the brat to his parents.


Ewwww, what's that smell?

Every night for the past 5 nights Princess Darty has been delivering half dead rats onto my pillow. The dog and I ususally shreik unanimously as the bloody thing scuries hither and dither. BTW, did you know rats scream? It's awful.

Anyway, no pic as it was just too too too disgusting, today I disassembled my boat's Vberth, removed the bed structure and what I found was awful. Decomposing rat bodies (PLURAL.) NASTY!!!

Today, as I reassemble the bed structure, I am using spray foam to prevent any further escapes into the abys.

Asshole kitty

This gowdamned thang !


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