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Please watch this video and send it to other riders, both new and experienced..

:cool Excellent video!! :thumbup

We gamble each time we get on the bike... and the risks rise with less gear and more speed.

Really folks, you applaud this stuff?

This is "red highways" for supposedly grown up folks.

If this saves someone's life, GREAT! :thumbup

But the fact that a near-snuff film is required to make people recognize the fact that going fast on a bike is hazardous... well, that makes me care less and less about the target audience. :thumbdown

"It wasn't until we saw his blood trickling down the side of the rig that we realized he WAS ON TOP OF IT"

Dum, DUM DUM!!!!!

Please, if you can't talk to your friend and explain the risks without resorting to pictures of dead and or dismembered guys, then you might have a bigger problem than you think. Your friend is either a total moron or near enough that he should not have an M1. But the state deemed him fit, and you could not dissuade him from his moronic views, so sit back and enjoy your life. You tried, and you ain't his momma.

(You did try to explain the risks to your moron friend, right?)

OK, so get on with your life now.

:thumbup to the state for trying to save the lives of hopeless fuckwits that most people don't give a shit about. Someone's got to do it.
Motorcyclists need to be aware of the added danger they're in every day.

Thanks! Never would have realized it, but for your assistance.
Should be a MSF video, really!
...people often just don't get it otherwise. :cool
The part about the look of fear and excitement when he got on his bike: I have massive fear & some excitement every single time before I ride my bike. When I'm riding it, it's just pure excitement. I don't know why, but the fear goes away. That doesn't mean I'm not being cautious and trying to ride safe.

This video needs to be seen by all the new riders. Making it an MSF video, like gpg said, wouldn't be a bad idea. It seems like 90% if not more of the new riders really don't know what they're getting into and they go out and buy gsxr600s and r6s for their first bikes.
Very sobering.

Biased probably, but maybe because the CHP are sick of seeing dead young motorcyclists and the carnage. A thousand thumbs-up to the CHP who have to deal with it.
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Glad this became a sticky, ALL new and veteran riders definitely need to see this video and the MSF should show it also, ride safe everyone:thumbup
You are your fellow riders keeper.

The one thing I have to say is look out for your friends while riding. A lot of new riders, and some old ones too, try to ride beyond their skills. If I am riding with someone who is new and I see them doing stupid shit I always try and discourage them from it. I also try to constantly learn from poeple who know more than me (not just in motorcycling either), and I try and pass that knowledge on whenever I get the chance. Going fast is fun but stopping suddenly, like when you crash, isn't all that fun. It isn't worth it. I'm not impressed when fellow riders do dangerous shit just to get attention or be competetive. I'm more impressed with self control and demonstration of safety skills. Two wheels automatically equals cool in my book so let's be safe and just ride.:ride
Good reminder of the results of inattentiveness, bad decisions, bad reactions while you're on a bike - and that goes for bad decisions by OTHER drivers also.
in the vedio, they said the helmet was cracked then fell off.
Now, one questions: how fast or how hard would a crash crack a DOT standard helmet?
I'm not suicidal, but I'm also not going to tiptoe through life frozen in fear. The world is overpopulated with idiots, myself included, and if I bite it on a motorcycle the only thing that I'd regret (if I were still alive to regret things) is the embarrassing, sappy, sentimental way people will probably think about my death.

I know exactly what I'm getting into every time I ride 180mph wheelies through rush-hour traffic drunk and on fire with no helmet shooting my pistol into the air between shifts.

All that I ask is that when I'm laying on top of the semi and my blood trails are the only way to find my broken corpse, please don't say what a shame it was, how foolish I'd been or what a waste of a perfectly good human being. There are 6.6 billion others; I think you'll manage without me.

So instead maybe you could say something like, "He knew what he was getting into and he did it anyway." We shouldn't need a scary movie to remind us that it's dangerous to hurtle down the road clinging to an engine with wheels.
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:(. very sad to see such tradgedy. i wish these people wouldnt ride so wrecklessly as if they are the only ones on the road. maybe they should impose a law like in other countries so that new riders start out of 125-500cc.