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Please watch this video and send it to other riders, both new and experienced..

Definitely a tad biased.

Heres a shocker: Motorcycles are dangerous!!! *GASP*:wow

I stick to either the track or b-roads if I want to go fast, and I always do a slow preride of the b-road at least twice. I'm all about the speed limit on the freeway and around town. I stick to the right lanes and I make sure as hell that everyone can see me, and a 125db horn works great too. If I think someone is coming into my lane or merging into the lane next too me, a give a honk. The 10mph/1 car length rule (front and back!) is something to hold onto religiously.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: we NEED tiered licensing. Five bucks says that idiot bought either a hayabusa (the only bike besides a ninja 250 that every newb seems to have) or a liter. Stupid. STUPID STUPID STUPID!

I'm not going to pick apart this video. I got the message. I felt stupid the way I rode my bike today after seeing this video. 100mpg+ on 580 Oakland. :(
I'm not going to pick apart this video. I got the message. I felt stupid the way I rode my bike today after seeing this video. 100mpg+ on 580 Oakland. :(

Wow, that was irresponsible to get that kind of gas mileage. I hope you're more careful about your fuel consumption in the future.
Definitely a tad biased.

Heres a shocker: Motorcycles are dangerous!!! *GASP*:wow

I stick to either the track or b-roads if I want to go fast, and I always do a slow preride of the b-road at least twice. I'm all about the speed limit on the freeway and around town. I stick to the right lanes and I make sure as hell that everyone can see me, and a 125db horn works great too. If I think someone is coming into my lane or merging into the lane next too me, a give a honk. The 10mph/1 car length rule (front and back!) is something to hold onto religiously.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: we NEED tiered licensing. Five bucks says that idiot bought either a hayabusa (the only bike besides a ninja 250 that every newb seems to have) or a liter. Stupid. STUPID STUPID STUPID!

Good video for MSF course. do they show it??? I think the video was boring but only becuz everyone from the non biking wolrd always tells me about this or that accident. Ive been in some good ones(freeway, hwy 9), so i think i understand the risks. It strikes me as odd when people seem to not understand that they could get injured or die with one bad twitch from an arm or a rouge piece of sand in the road.

And it erks me when people say ride safe for some reason tho i know its with the best intentions. But motorcycles are not safe, and if i wanted to ride safe(slow) id get a harley.

I like seeing all of you out there on these warm summer months tho:twofinger to observe how yall ride safe.

RIDE SAFE:thumbup
I'm not going to pick apart this video. I got the message. I felt stupid the way I rode my bike today after seeing this video. 100mpg+ on 580 Oakland. :(

ohhhh.... duz the ninja 650 go 100+mph??? :laughing:twofinger jk jk or were you just comenting on your Prius beater MPG???:teeth
Yeah It does. And my dumn ass has gone as fast as 120mph sofar. Not going to that on any open road nor bridge again. It was thrilling, but I could of ended up scramble eggs at that speed if I were to lose it :ride

Though, going up or down stairs on the bike I'm cool with.
"Keep your head on swivel".

Yeah, that.
Good Vid :thumbup

Serves as a wake up call sometimes. With as many accidents that have been happening lately, vids like these puts things back into perspective.
Instead of dedicating a whole video to motorcyclist responsibility, why not also do a video on drivers' ignarance and stupidity. I have a feeling there are far more motorcyclist wrecks due to some shithead move by a driver in a 4 wheel vehicle than that motorcyclist crashing heads on into a semi by going too fast. Why not have a moto only lane on the highway? Why not this? Why not that? CHP needs to get the fuck out of these biased games.
Instead of dedicating a whole video to motorcyclist responsibility, why not also do a video on drivers' ignarance and stupidity. I have a feeling there are far more motorcyclist wrecks due to some shithead move by a driver in a 4 wheel vehicle than that motorcyclist crashing heads on into a semi by going too fast. Why not have a moto only lane on the highway? Why not this? Why not that? CHP needs to get the fuck out of these biased games.

I think they may sound bias because they see the accidents, I really don't think they blame car or bike, they just hate to see someone hurt, especially the motorcycle cops. I really think they want to save lives.

One bit of advise that I'll offer is to GO TO THE TRACK. I thought I was pretty bad ass on the street but one day at the track was very humbling. I think if you want to blame something, instead of cars or reckless riders, blame ego and temptation. I firmly believe that you cannot get as much adrenaline on the street as you can on the track. Take it to the track.

I lost my best friend to an accident on the street. It wasn't car or ego, just a bad accident. I ride only on the track now.

Very valuable video.
Instead of dedicating a whole video to motorcyclist responsibility, why not also do a video on drivers' ignarance and stupidity. I have a feeling there are far more motorcyclist wrecks due to some shithead move by a driver in a 4 wheel vehicle than that motorcyclist crashing heads on into a semi by going too fast. Why not have a moto only lane on the highway? Why not this? Why not that? CHP needs to get the fuck out of these biased games.

Devil's advocate here... but how many CHP/City cops on bikes do you see getting run down by someone in a cage? (not looking for an answer, just food for thought)

It's been said in this thread before, but I have to agree with it. When I bought my bike, I had to sign a piece of paper that said I knew motorcycles were dangerous (I'm damn sure it was in my paperwork somewhere), and every single time I go to buy anything moto-related, I get to sign yet another piece of paper reminding me that it's dangerous. I get reminded every weekend when I go riding with people that it's dangerous. I don't mind the reminders, they're good for me. But I definitely get it.

I choose to be a motorcycle rider, I choose to accept the responsibility that it brings. Sure, I pull out of my driveway expecting every single car that I see to do something in an attempt to kill me, and the one car that I wasn't expecting it from, is the one that I got into my one (so far) accident because of.

Thank you for posting this, it is a good reminder. But to the world at large (including you CHP), we get it, it's dangerous, please stop making it look like we're all suicidal for wanting to be on a motorcycle and remind EVERYONE ON THE ROAD, because it's EVERYONE'S responsibility to be safe out there. Not just those of us on 2 wheels.
Nice that a saw the video right now I was doing 147 mph on my new RR jus to see if the bike had power I swear I will never do it again
While i thought the video was a stupid "scare-tactic" style movie that had very little information in it. I have to disagree with what i see and hear from ALOT of people, that "The vast majority of accidents are caused by a motorist making the mistake of not seeing you etc, and causing the accident." Truth be told, situational awareness is key to staying rubber side down on a bike.

If you haven't read it, read "A twist of the wrist II" and read the part about "Wide View" After reading that i realized it put to words why i have been able to sense and avoid accidents. While i may have been in many "near accidents" being aware of my surroundings has been the most valuable tool I have while riding.

Don't blame other people for making mistakes. Like it or not their mistakes could take your life, at worst. And you do have time to react to the vast majority of them, if you train yourself to look for it. Learn how to overcome your own survival reactions. You'll realize after doing so that your natural reactions often, if not always, will hinder your ability to navigate out of a sticky situation properly.

Just some food for thought.

Keep your eyes open, and rubber on the ground. Ride smart.
Thanks for posting that video.... :)

I just started riding again. I took private lessons and purchased a Ninja 250cc to start. People I know ride 500cc and up and they tell me that I made a good choice in choosing the 250cc. :) I just want to be comfortable and confident before I try a 500cc or 600cc. I am trying to find people that wouldn't mind riding with a newbie like me. I've been practicing in the parking lots and just started one block at a time. I just want to ride for fun....don't plan on learning any stunts after watching that video you posted. I don't think my 36 year old body can handle it LOL :)

Reminds us all of the supreme stakes on the line when we roll down the road.

Riding is inherently hazardous even when we respect the rules of the road. All the more reason not to up the ante with high risk behavior.

Human nature often tells us that can't happen to us, but the reality is that it can happen to novice or ace, civilian or motorcycle cop.

No one is exempt from the laws of physics.

Shock impact for certain.

I tell new riders to take a course and then hook-up with other experienced riders that are willing and ABLE to show them how to ride. These riders tend to have grey or peppered hair.

The old timers seem to know something us newbies don't... They have been doing for a long time and have probably seen some very bad things but they keep riding. I think it's a maturity factor.

I am an avid skydiver and the same thing applies there too. The old timers have the maturity and mentality that has allowed them to stay alive and enjoy a wonderful sport.

Old Timers Rock!:thumbup
While I agree with the need for videos like this and understand their purpose, you can make a similar video about any risky sport.

In fact, you could find 1,000s who have been seriously injured in car accidents, many of them in wheelchairs, but you'll rarely see someone saying, "I wish I had never driven."

Good vid
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...Please, if you can't talk to your friend and explain the risks without resorting to pictures of dead and or dismembered guys, then you might have a bigger problem than you think. Your friend is either a total moron or near enough that he should not have an M1. But the state deemed him fit, and you could not dissuade him from his moronic views, so sit back and enjoy your life. You tried, and you ain't his momma.

(You did try to explain the risks to your moron friend, right?)

OK, so get on with your life now.

:thumbup to the state for trying to save the lives of hopeless fuckwits that most people don't give a shit about. Someone's got to do it.
Younger folks are drawn to the visual part of motorcycling. On one side are the colors... the skulls... the girls... the 007 image--and friends each prodding one another to be more kool, more faster, more daring. Well, this video is the other side of the image... and after this year all too prevalant. :( It is good to have something to counteract the Hollywood view of riding.
...Don't blame other people for making mistakes. Like it or not their mistakes could take your life, at worst. And you do have time to react to the vast majority of them, if you train yourself to look for it. Learn how to overcome your own survival reactions. You'll realize after doing so that your natural reactions often, if not always, will hinder your ability to navigate out of a sticky situation properly.

Just some food for thought.

Keep your eyes open, and rubber on the ground. Ride smart.
:thumbup Exacary... I cringe every time I hear a motorcyclist explain about how the cage drivers are the cause of the majority of accidents. Truth be told, most accidents are caused by the one "twisting the throttle". ...and I don't mean because they threw their leg over the seat that day either. It is rider inattention, lack of skill, rider complacency... Which this video addresses. And... giving the proper level of respect machines like this should be given every time they are ridden.