Post / Chat whores post here (2024)

It’s raining.
Hanging out on my van.
Found out that we had a break in over the holiday and some packages got stolen as well as some bicycles. Thankfully using two new york locks as well as a ulock on my two bikes appears to be a solid deterrent.
It sure is raining. What video app are you using? Hopefully on Windows. and is it $$.


Damn. Shucks about the bicycles. Two locks??? Dang! Lucky!!! :thumbup
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Three locks total, glad they didn't get taken as I can't afford to replace things like that right now.

I'm on a Chromebook using an Android app LumaFusion, to edit. It works pretty well, certainly not doing anything feature length, but good enough to do basic stuff. Gonna put together a bunch of edits from Costa Rica next, then maybe a few longer videos for anyone who cares to just watch riding and scenery.
I wanted to wait until the pretty thing made it somewhat public before I said anything, but we had to put Mickey down today.
She was a good god damn dog and I'm going to miss her a lot.

Fuck cancer.
Oh man, sorry to hear that, I'm still missing / having dreams about Augie, they leave a big ol' hole when they are gone.
So I knew the jobs I interviewed for before holidays I wouldn't hear back from until after the New Year. I get it.

I got one back and it was a no. But they wrote me a LONG email telling me why.

The frustrating part for me is some of these interviews, not all, are the companies coming after me. If it was me applying for a job and got a no, okay sure. On to the next one. No big deal.

"please know that they spoke highly of your skills and were genuinely impressed with your expertise in CEQA. They would like to express their interest in staying connected with you for future opportunities that align more closely with your experience and career goals."

If I didn't have enough experience THEN WHY ARE WE FUCKING TALKING IN THE FIRST PLACE. You saw my resume. You reached out to me. You thoroughly enjoyed our interview. I didn't do anything wrong. I could quote the email but I won't

It's the same story every time. I'm fucked because any company I apply to I can't make a lateral move so they can't pay me enough because I have too much experience but every company I've interviewed for tells me I don't have enough experience for higher level positions.

It's fucking frustrating.... it's been like if a lady is interested in you and knows all the reasons she likes me and says.... ehhh nevermind.. because she likes someone better. Then why were you talking to me?

What am I doing wrong here?? Apparently it's me and I'm doing something wrong...

I am generally always a happy person and that's one reason why my friends like me

But this one is pushing me back to the angry dude I stopped being years ago.

I'm getting really fucking tired of being told I'm good enough but not good enough.

There's clearly something I need to change with my interviewing.
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yeah, I also got the "longest No" from a job that reached out to me, too


Not fair for whom?

for the one driving while you're trying to be doing a triple :laughing


sooo yeah the house looks crappy outside. probably unmaintained. last sale "multi property" WTF? So a big family OR a company for renting-out that cares-for-shit for their properties. I see that first hand nearby , creep by creep if the LL is absentee, the house is getting dirtier

But, for the small sq-footage AND the location (right next to a freeway we're talking 1 block BUT not easily-accessible) and at complete end of town... maybe that's an actual price... :wtf :nchantr :(
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Kevin, I'm so sorry. I rushed the "next" dog on account of us getting on towards being elderly and there's no way 3-5 years from now we will be able to handle a young GSD.
We are still grieving deeply for the Bossdog and W regularly refers to Tracker as Shadow.

We judge our lifespan on dogs left. We are both on our last dog.

So many words. As long as I've known you, you have had a dog. I figure you have 2 dogs left. I'm a margarita in, hopefiully no offense.

RIP Mickey, you will always be a puppy to me.
What am I doing wrong here?? Apparently it's me and I'm doing something wrong...


I wouldn't be so sure it's you. I recall working with a few managers to hire for teams when I was at Google. The process was obnoxious and often candidates we genuinely wanted on our team were rejected by the hiring committee for not meeting this bar or that bar which had nothing to do with the role they'd be in.

Given that, and the job market being very competitive right now it could just be a stack rank / numbers game.

But, for the small sq-footage AND the location (right next to a freeway we're talking 1 block BUT not easily-accessible) and at complete end of town... maybe that's an actual price... :wtf :nchantr :(

Could be, but it sold for over 600k in 2019 so someone is loosing money on this thing.
Given that, and the job market being very competitive right now it could just be a stack rank / numbers game.

It's not the job market that I'm worried about. It's being told you're great but not great enough...

I'll talk to my friend Mike tomorrow to see what he thinks. He's retired ... I should have talked to him earlier.

He is a friend my father helped him in this business 30 years ago...

Maybe he'll some good advice.

Even with this last job, the office leader said to me knew, he told me "Why didn't you tell me your father was..."

Because I didn't and I wanted everything I get on my own merit.
Fair enough, I just know we had candidates that my manager and I felt were a perfect fit but they lacked something the hiring committee felt they needed. Would have been a similar experience, recruiter, myself and my manager would all be stoked on them, but they'd still get rejected.
A lot of the time, the people who decide not to hire you know less about the job than you do. It may not be an indication of how good anyone thinks you are at the job, but another attribute that’s important to them, but unknown to you.

Not fun, but may be evidence the place wouldn’t have been a great fit from your perspective either.