Post / Chat whores post here (2024)

While it's nothing special, I'm enjoying stitching together videos from the past year, currently working on Costa Rica.
Good morning!
Kuro, sending positive vibes your way.
I wanted to wait until the pretty thing made it somewhat public before I said anything, but we had to put Mickey down today.
She was a good god damn dog and I'm going to miss her a lot.

Fuck cancer.

Sorry Kevin. Losing a dog is one of the hardest things. I went through this two years ago with Boomer and it still hurts. No words will make you feel better. But know that people care and understand.

So I knew the jobs I interviewed for before holidays I wouldn't hear back from until after the New Year. I get it.

I got one back and it was a no. But they wrote me a LONG email telling me why.

The frustrating part for me is some of these interviews, not all, are the companies coming after me. If it was me applying for a job and got a no, okay sure. On to the next one. No big deal.

"please know that they spoke highly of your skills and were genuinely impressed with your expertise in CEQA. They would like to express their interest in staying connected with you for future opportunities that align more closely with your experience and career goals."

If I didn't have enough experience THEN WHY ARE WE FUCKING TALKING IN THE FIRST PLACE. You saw my resume. You reached out to me. You thoroughly enjoyed our interview. I didn't do anything wrong. I could quote the email but I won't

It's the same story every time. I'm fucked because any company I apply to I can't make a lateral move so they can't pay me enough because I have too much experience but every company I've interviewed for tells me I don't have enough experience for higher level positions.

It's fucking frustrating.... it's been like if a lady is interested in you and knows all the reasons she likes me and says.... ehhh nevermind.. because she likes someone better. Then why were you talking to me?

What am I doing wrong here?? Apparently it's me and I'm doing something wrong...


Ok, let me give you a little advice dude. We are in the same field. We know a lot of the same people. You are trying to jump from mid to senior level and that takes a little more than just "skills", which you may or may not have. In this industry (and most I would contend) it is vastly more about your network and reputation than it is your resume.

You have to understand that most employers won't give a reference at all and likely only will confirm you worked there during a certain period. So what avenue does a company have to vet potential new employees? Your shared network.

You need to work that LinkedIn angle. If you want to get hired at a senior level, your network should be fairly well established. You and I are connections on LinkedIn. I have 519 connections whereas you have 69. Almost every single connection I have, I know personally. We have a total of four shared connections. For most people in my industry, I share a fair number of connections (10-40). This matters.

I know for a fact that this has held you back. The CEO at a company you applied for last year reached out to me to connect after they rejected you. No they did not ask me about you. But I had several connections in common with her and I assume when she looked you up, she saw my name and recognized it or that we had many common connections and decided to hit me up. I know it was the job you applied for because you mentioned it was in Menlo Park and I did a little research when she reached out.

Anyway, my point is that you need to do more than just apply for jobs. You need to show your connections and network are viable for a consulting firm looking for a senior. A senior will be expected to have connections, bring in business, etc. So get on LinkedIn and start adding people you know. It will make a difference. I promise.
I wanted to wait until the pretty thing made it somewhat public before I said anything, but we had to put Mickey down today.
She was a good god damn dog and I'm going to miss her a lot.

Fuck cancer.

Deepest condolences.

Had to put a beloved pet down in 2023 and it was just awful despite having the vet come here which is the only way we will go in future.
That has been my plan ever since I found out about that option but life sometimes has other ideas.
She went to her original vet in Oregon because frankly we would have second guessed a local doc and felt guilty. By the time the prognosis came in it would have been selfish to bring her back here just to make ourselves feel better.
The pretty thing has family up there so Mickey had an awesome last day and was surrounded by loved ones and was happy til the very end.
That has been my plan ever since I found out about that option but life sometimes has other ideas.
She went to her original vet in Oregon because frankly we would have second guessed a local doc and felt guilty. By the time the prognosis came in it would have been selfish to bring her back here just to make ourselves feel better.
The pretty thing has family up there so Mickey had an awesome last day and was surrounded by loved ones and was happy til the very end.

And yet we willingly put ourselves in that position again!

When Cedric left we brought in Kato and his brother Loki.

They are a hoot but as we are 67, they may be our last cats.

Our cats tend to live to 17 if not 19.

Thankfully we have a daughter who loves cats so if we die with cats they will be cared for.

If I die first though, there might be more than she can handle as alone my wife could turn into that "crazy cat lady"! :laughing
Still not sure if I'm ready for another dog myself. Got a 17 year old cat who's still going pretty strong despite getting to be a little on the skinny side. Last senior checkup showed a slight reduction in kidney function, but nothing surprising for his age. He still likes to play with anything we'll dangle in front of him and yells at us if his food is not up to snuff.
I know I'm wired a bit differently and that helps but what a small price to pay for a lifetime of love and loyalty and enrichment from them.

First Smokey and now Mickey have left some pretty big pawprints to fill.
Oh it's worth it, for sure, I'm just not ready to replace Augie yet, and, selfishly, it's a nice break to be able to take off with only a low maintenance cat to worry about. Not sure if I'd go for a puppy or an older rescue when the time comes, they both have their merits. We got Augie at 7 and he was plug and play.
Apparently I'm gonna need a bigger hard drive if I'm gonna get into video editing at all...
It is a bit of a surprise you're doing more than a light (IG?) Editing on a Chromebook.

Which is also related to me realizing I have purchased a 1 TB drive on my professional Lenovo (when I could)'s quite big!


In other news my friend apparently left his garage which is inclined both ways, yes indeed, pulled out to the street Midway and when started driving in the other direction, had an oncoming car racing her engine and showing him a finger...for being in the street??!

Thinking someone was real wack and off her anger meds that day in their family wagon monster. :wow :wtf

I'm a glutton for punishment and or, just working with what I got since I can't justify a really powerful editing setup, particularly since I'm likely gonna churn out crap. (case and point -

Your friend should know that everything withing 10 meters of a car is the personal space of the driver and trespassing in that space in a way that makes them feel impeded will incite varying levels of rage.
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Sorry Kevin. Losing a dog is one of the hardest things. I went through this two years ago with Boomer and it still hurts. No words will make you feel better. But know that people care and understand.

Ok, let me give you a little advice dude. We are in the same field. We know a lot of the same people. You are trying to jump from mid to senior level and that takes a little more than just "skills", which you may or may not have. In this industry (and most I would contend) it is vastly more about your network and reputation than it is your resume.

You have to understand that most employers won't give a reference at all and likely only will confirm you worked there during a certain period. So what avenue does a company have to vet potential new employees? Your shared network.

You need to work that LinkedIn angle. If you want to get hired at a senior level, your network should be fairly well established. You and I are connections on LinkedIn. I have 519 connections whereas you have 69. Almost every single connection I have, I know personally. We have a total of four shared connections. For most people in my industry, I share a fair number of connections (10-40). This matters.

I know for a fact that this has held you back. The CEO at a company you applied for last year reached out to me to connect after they rejected you. No they did not ask me about you. But I had several connections in common with her and I assume when she looked you up, she saw my name and recognized it or that we had many common connections and decided to hit me up. I know it was the job you applied for because you mentioned it was in Menlo Park and I did a little research when she reached out.

Anyway, my point is that you need to do more than just apply for jobs. You need to show your connections and network are viable for a consulting firm looking for a senior. A senior will be expected to have connections, bring in business, etc. So get on LinkedIn and start adding people you know. It will make a difference. I promise.

You're right on everything you said.

Thank you.
A guy dumped his 300 Ninja right in front of our office. We're in a cul-de-sac so I'm not sure what happened but it's been raining so I guess I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.
I helped him straighten the shifter so he could ride it home then told him about BARF.
A guy dumped his 300 Ninja right in front of our office. We're in a cul-de-sac so I'm not sure what happened but it's been raining so I guess I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.
I helped him straighten the shifter so he could ride it home then told him about BARF.

Perhaps doing a U-Turn ? That skill has to be practiced I think

Dropped at low speed instability
I had Chat GTP re-write my room for rent advert. Not huge changes but a definite improvement.

My roommate PA comes home tomorrow from 2 weeks in Italy and moves out in under 3 weeks. Definitely one of the best I've had.

Today I did more organizing...just a pain since I can only carry one item at a time up to the attic, or down, and some are two heavy to do alone but since replacing all my LCD monitors with a single giant LG DualUp I have a lot more desktop space and put the rest up for sale.

Anyone need a Roku?