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Post your best pussycat photos here! (FELINES ONLY!)

This is Kee Hee the 2nd a feisty little trouble maker that we rescued from the Sacrament SPCA...

Big ears but will choose to act deaf and ignore commands...

For fun she claws all the Kleenx out the box and then wears the box on her head all through the house...

Mary and KeeHee bonding purrfectly...
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Despite looking a shade of brown in some pics, the cat is black as coal from all angles.
My black cat does have a spot of dark brown, and you can only see it in particular light, but its definitely brown. I'd never catch in on a photo however.

Speaking of brown, down in Julian, the used bookstore used to have a brown and white kitty. I've never before or since seen a cat with that shade of brown fur. She was gorgeous.
I dunno how y'all are able to get such great shots of your black cats. Very hard to get them of ours.
She's a supermodel! :love What is her name?
Her name is Kattegat.
She a supermodel who often doesn’t like having her picture taken.

I’ve been wondering if she needs another cat for company. But concerned that she wouldn’t get along with a new cat and then what could I do with the new cat.
Her name is Kattegat.
She a supermodel who often doesn’t like having her picture taken.

I’ve been wondering if she needs another cat for company. But concerned that she wouldn’t get along with a new cat and then what could I do with the new cat.

Kattegat being coal black is very pretty. Nyx's head's black but her body's dark brown under the sunlight.

The second cat situation is being forced upon us by our daughter right now. About month ago a cat came to her in a garage in Little Tokyo (LA) where she worked, and she decided to keep it. Her cousin in UC San Diego took the cat from LA to San Diego, and will fly it home here during Thanksgiving. I gave into this after remembering how I felt as a teenager when my parents wouldn't allow me to have a cat. Will be interesting how the new cat and Nyx get along. I don't believe there's a back up plan.

Nyx's superpower - peeling her body away from her shadow.

You need to clip her nails. (This is the cat owners' equivalent of, "you need to adjust your chain".) ;)
She gets her nails clipped about once a month but she’s overdue.
My chains gets adjusted about once a year but they’re overdue also.

For the nails I only clip a couple of millimeters. Don’t want to risk injuring her but as such I suppose I should do it more frequently.