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Post your best pussycat photos here! (FELINES ONLY!)

Just picked her up at noon. She’s cautiously getting refamiliar with the place so I let her watch her YouTube mouse video for a bit to relax which she seemed to enjoy as much as ever.
However she somehow got a bump above her left eye while at the kennel so has an appointment with the vet in an hour to get that looked at. The kennel employee had no idea how it happened.
Just picked her up at noon. She’s cautiously getting refamiliar with the place so I let her watch her YouTube mouse video for a bit to relax which she seemed to enjoy as much as ever.
However she somehow got a bump above her left eye while at the kennel so has an appointment with the vet in an hour to get that looked at. The kennel employee had no idea how it happened.
Ok, I'm tired of waiting... Is she ok? What did the vet say?
Ok, I'm tired of waiting... Is she ok? What did the vet say?

Oops, sorry for the slow update ;)
I appreciate you asking, thanks for that.

The vet couldn’t detect anything wrong, he wasn’t even sure which eye I was bringing her in for.
She has a small patch of thin hair behind each eye which the vet says is common. At different angles it’s more noticeable and seems the girl working at the kennel though the was caused by a bump. I called the vet immediately to be safe, thinking the girl had seen something I couldn’t detect.

You can see the area above her left eye in this pic

Oops, sorry for the slow update ;)
I appreciate you asking, thanks for that.

The vet couldn’t detect anything wrong, he wasn’t even sure which eye I was bringing her in for.
She has a small patch of thin hair behind each eye which the vet says is common. At different angles it’s more noticeable and seems the girl working at the kennel though the was caused by a bump. I called the vet immediately to be safe, thinking the girl had seen something I couldn’t detect.

You can see the area above her left eye in this pic

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That's good news! I probably would've done the same if I were you. I've made a few unnecessary trips to the vet in my day, for sure 😄 That's what happens when you love them.
That's good news! I probably would've done the same if I were you. I've made a few unnecessary trips to the vet in my day, for sure 😄 That's what happens when you love them.
This is the second time in a month I’ve taken her to the vet for a non issue.
Few weeks ago I took her in for a lower stomach lump I felt while she was lying on her side.
The vet couldn’t feel anything except what he called a “fat pack” which he says all cats have.
I was concerned that it might have been a hernia.

She slept at my side most of the night which she never does and has been following me around all day.
She’ll normally lay down next to me in the morning when she thinks it’s time for me to get up but she has several other places she likes to spend the night.
I think she forgives me.
This is the second time in a month I’ve taken her to the vet for a non issue.
Few weeks ago I took her in for a lower stomach lump I felt while she was lying on her side.
The vet couldn’t feel anything except what he called a “fat pack” which he says all cats have.
I was concerned that it might have been a hernia.

She slept at my side most of the night which she never does and has been following me around all day.
She’ll normally lay down next to me in the morning when she thinks it’s time for me to get up but she has several other places she likes to spend the night.
I think she forgives me.
It certainly sounds like it! 😻
We've had four black cats out of 15 since 1982.

Oddly all female.

All pretty darned smart as female cats (but one) tend to be.

The boys are more like dogs and I prefer make cats overall.
He doesn’t look a day older than 3

I have no idea of a cats age just by looking. Do they get grey hair around their face like dogs do in their later years?
My sisters had cats when we were young and I don’t recall if they lived to old age. They were indoor/outdoor cats and that comes with obvious hazards.
I’ve had exes with cats but the cats lasted longer in those relationships than me so never got to see them live into old age either.
This is the first cat that I’ve owned so I’ll be learning along the way and paying closer attention to things I never noticed before.

I noticed the labels on some cat food seem to have a long list of unrecognizable ingredients so we cook for her instead. She eats whatever we eat minus any spices or sauces. Meaning if we’re having steak she get steak, same with chicken or fish. The specific recipes coming from a cookbook recommendation by her vet, shown below.

Plus we give her a dry product called “Dental Care” at night also recommended by the vet.
