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Random Motorcycle thoughts unworthy of a new thread

2030 new car sales in Kali plummet while the price of used cars soars.
This has a boat load of unintended consequences with it.
I don't understand what the assumed result will be. Drivers will continue to speed and the aftermarket will figure out a way to defeat the system. A total IQ 88 points from the author(s).
It is assumed that when your car tells you that you are exceeding the speed limit your GF or Wife will tell you to slow down. :laughing

I am sure tracking yo ass will be added at some point.. or some other evil Big Bro CA shite.
Meanwhile you can depend on the Moto dudes involved in this stuff to keep up the good fight for the two wheel community.
I was driving home from Costco today (about only time I'm in a car) and this rider on a 600 with a loud muffler split past fast and high revving. His delta was about 25 and accelerating and he almost ran into the back of 2 vehicles in front of me (3 lanes wide) when the width got too narrow ahead between two big trucks. He clearly didn't learn from those close calls, he came within 1/2 foot of the back bumper of one of the cars, if that car had slowed down or touched their brakes he would have become a bumper ornament, instead of showing any indication of how much at risk he had put himself he swerved back to just in front of the vehicle he almost ran into and did the same close call on the vehicle to it's right.

I give this guy 2-3 weeks before he's dead or badly injured. So fucking stupid, yeah he got away with it this time but his luck is going to run out sooner than later. All of the long time riders on this forum have seen this kind of stupidity run to tragedy year after year. I would have tried talking to his stupid ass, if I had gotten a chance, but he was well out of my way without me trying to chase him down in my car to do so.
To add to Climbers holy shit don’t die observation.

On a ride today. Some of my young brethren came up on me on 9. Line of cars ahead of me. 6.
They proceeded to hug the DY and pass in blind turns.

WAAAY too much risk for this old boy. Ride on brethren. Hope you all get home safe.
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On a ride today. Some of my young brethren came up on me on 9. Line of cars ahead of me. 6.
They proceeded to hug the DY and pass in blind turns.
Sunday Morning Ride ? Oh no, wait, those SMR guys are all old farts.
That reminds me of when I first started to ride a 'sporty' bike back in 03.
A local group of riders invited me to join them for a ride and I was like, right on!
I asked how the ride was going to be and was told" just ride your pace" .
As soon as we cleared Carlotta on hwy 36 it was 100+ on every clear strait section of road.
A bit fast for me at the time...
As we started up the mountain outside of Bridgeville we encountered some traffic. The first couple of riders in the group were able to make pretty clean passes...but the rest of the regulars just went out and did a fully committed pass in the oncoming lane going into a full blind corner...WTF?
I just did my thing and when we all stopped at the top of South Fork Mtn I made an excuse and boogied out of there in the opposite direction.
I stopped at the store in Dinsmore and had a snack and a cold bev. and listened to folks comming in talking of a group of motorcyclist's riding like ass hats , knee down and half in oncoming lane going east.
Later I found out that that group had a high crash rate ( like usually one per ride? )....
Help me understand...
I can't help you understand because I don't understand.
I will only make the pass if I am 100% confident I can make it so I don't get it.

I want to make it home safe so I can go enjoy it again next time.
Probably been thought of as a chickensh!t at times, but hey... I am still riding.
Hold on. HOLD ON. This, coming from the place where the Dump Trophy was created, cultivated and enshrined? Say it ain't sooo......
Hmmm, have taken some dumps I thought I should get a trophy for but the wife said no way and made me flush...
As an OG I love seeing other OG's enjoying life on two wheels.

Chuck Sun a factory Honda MX dude who tamed the mighty CR500 is still doing his thing.

Right on Chuck! LINK
Got an email today from the AMA as they are going to do some features on Life Members and they asked for a pic and your history with the AMA. I said why not and went to my motorcycling resume to help me do that.
They wanted a picture so I included one they might recognize. :laughing

Fun couple of minutes walking through my own AMA history. I am sure some here got the same email.
I urge you to do it and mention your are part of the AMA OM/C #0001 Bay Area Riders Forum. :teeth
Great pic, Budman! :thumbup

Back in 90, I was riding up on 9 and had a guy come up on me, then pass me and the car ahead of me in a sharp Left-Right S, the Right being blind. He had such a close call that I was in full braking mode, expecting pieces of him and his bike to come flying back at me. If he didn't have to clean his shorts out after that, there was something wrong with his head!