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RIP Frame Maker


a true loss for the AFM 500 Twins, Dirtbag Challenge, BARF and motorcycle communities … heartfelt condolences to family and friends. Godspeed, Mr Farnam. :rose
I'm at a loss for words.
Amazing guy, with frame designs and welds that called to me...you will be missed my friend :cry RIP Julian :rose
Wonderful picture John
This is hard to process. I never met him, but I was enthralled by his build threads.
Heart breaking news.
Sincere condolences to all who knew him.
Julian has a YouTube channel thing. I have no idea how to find it even though I subscribed. Can someone post it here please?

Edit, yeah, I was thinking of Ken's Garage.
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Butch, dravnx put up links above to a few really good Frame Maker videos from my YT channel. I don't think Julian had a YT channel. I was fortunate to make many videos of my latest project bike with him starring in them since he was the master fabricator. He actually enjoyed being in my videos. In my signature is the link for that project bike Julian was masterfully fixing up for me.

I keep trying to start making a tribute video for him but ATM I am unable to start it due to breaking down. My stomach hurts and I have tears and a lump in my throat that won't go away. I hurt for his wonderful wife and family. This shouldn't be real.
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Never met Julian but I was always blown away by his talents and the knowledge he demonstrated in his build threads, I'm very sorry to learn he has passed, RIP to an amazing fellow rider.
Oh no! I only knew Julian through his presence here on the BARF. He was a unique individual that shared so much of his enthusiasm and knowledge with us. What a terrible loss.

Deepest condolences to his Wife, Family, and Friends. :rose
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What a great guy. Loved chatting with him. Heartbreaking news. Can’t get my head around this.
R.I.P. Julian.
May he rest in peace.

I never met him but appreciated his posts here. My condolences to his wife, family, and friends.
It happens every day.
But when it's one of our own, it gets real.
One second you're riding your motorcycle, and the next, you're a memory that breaks everyone's heart.
It took me 3 days to post on this thread because I didn't want to believe it was true.
Rest in peace Julian. :rose You will always have a special place here on Barf.