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Share Your Old Acid Trip Stories Here


Its Dethklok!
Dec 26, 2002
On a hill in Hayward
Race, Dirt, Street, Mini???
I was hanging out with some old friends and the subject came up of weird trips on acid. I remembered, don't ask how, of a 4th of July at the beach. Fireworks going off everywhere. Tripping my ass off when I saw a Leprechaun. I know it was one because he was short, like itty bitty short. With a bowler hat and a fargin' shillelagh. You now, his little magic wand. So I started chasing him arround trying to get his gold from him. He was a fast little bugger and I couldn't grab him. (or his pot o' gold) But, the pisser was nobody would believe me. I was like,"Fuggen c'mere, ya gotta see dis. Its a fuggen Leprechaun." But nobody would believe me. So all I've got is this cloudy image to leave you with.
hahahaha GREAT thread!

16 y/o. Just did it with the guys. We all Jumped in my 72 Datsun p/u to drive to one of the guys house about 2 miles away. One guy insists on honkin the horn almost the whole way there, I'm swerving to shake him off. We get to the house and something's not right? Smoke comin form under my hood. 1/2 of the guys start jumpin around, while the other 1/2, including me, kind of sit and stare at it. Buddies Dad comes out and pops the hood. The air filter cover had come off and landed on the oil filter. Heated up from teh engine and burnt a hole int eh oil filter. EVERYONE else goes inside while I now have to deal with his dad who wants to help me fix it, including riding with him up to the Kragen. Just remember looking through the rear window as we drove away to see ALL of my buddies look out the window of the house laughing hysterically.

That shit sucked.
Bad Dad said:
hahahaha GREAT thread!

16 y/o. Just did it with the guys. We all Jumped in my 72 Datsun p/u to drive to one of the guys house about 2 miles away. One guy insists on honkin the horn almost the whole way there, I'm swerving to shake him off. We get to the house and something's not right? Smoke comin form under my hood. 1/2 of the guys start jumpin around, while the other 1/2, including me, kind of sit and stare at it. Buddies Dad comes out and pops the hood. The air filter cover had come off and landed on the oil filter. Heated up from teh engine and burnt a hole int eh oil filter. EVERYONE else goes inside while I now have to deal with his dad who wants to help me fix it, including riding with him up to the Kragen. Just remember looking through the rear window as we drove away to see ALL of my buddies look out the window of the house laughing hysterically.

That shit sucked.

Oh man, that must have sucked... :wow :laughing

Hand me the hand wrench me the.... no me son wrench the hand...

I've got one...

While frying during New Years long ago, I was at my friends house. I decided to get a beer and walked into the kitchen and about half way to the fridge, I stepped on some squishy thing. I looked down and realized that their rabbit just gave birth and I had squashed a baby rabbit... :barf

They were squirming all over the damn place...

I just sort of walked away saying, fuck that dude, you deal with it.
loses something in the translation

I'm sure any story I typed in would leave readers saying "I guess you had to be there", but if you're interested, come up to me at a meet and ask me to tell the story about the haunted laundry room, or the abandoned mt. bike, or the psychic train trestle, or the boiling dirt, or the moving clouds, or the day at Great America where everyone (else) was a dwarf, or...
awwww c'mon man. we need something to laugh at on this board!!!!!
I fried with a few friends... .a lonnnnng looonnnng time ago.. A buddy of mine and myself were in the back seat and ended up having the same trip. We saw all kind of wierd shit. We both swear we saw a dead guy waiting at the bus stop. In Hayward we saw a guy running, jumping and creeping on and besides parked cars then ran up to a gas station sign and attacked the sign with a knife. At my peek i was slouched in my seat and looked up at the sky and saw a cloud shaped like a demon pointing a shotgun at my face. We finally ended up at Ocean Beach in SF where we swear we saw hundreds of peopl chasing us with flashlights... By the time we got far enough away, we looked back and there was nobody behind us. Go figure. Frying was fun... shrooming was better.
:Port heres to 2 doses and a carton of orange juice :thumbup
Never did acid..did shrooms 3 times though, and I will NEVER do it agian. :)
I was 17, out walking around in the middle of the night with 3 friends on acid. Nothing else to do in the middle of the night on acid. Well, about 3 in the morning we end up at a local school. There was no moon that night and we go down to the play ground. One of the other guys starts running down the track. Maybe 30 seconds or a minute later I take off after him. He had gone down and turned around and was running back. So it's pitch black and we're both doing the acid run as fast as you can sprint when we hit head on. One second I'm running along looking down at the track and then I'm laying on laying on the ground and I don't know where I am, what happened or what this sticky stuff is all over my face. My first thought is to get up and walk back to my car and go home, but I can't exactly sit all the way up so I decide to lay there for a little while. By this time I can hear my friend a few feet from me yelling "I lost my fucking tooth, where's my fucking tooth?" over and over.

While we're laying there, the other two guys had heard us collide and ran over and saw us laying on the ground bleeding. They went across the street, woke someone up and called 911. The cops were the first people on the scene. I'm laying there on my back, bleeding out of my forehead, my friend is a few feet away bleeding out of his mouth and a cut on his scalp. All the other guys are like 18 or 19 and I'm the only one under 18. The cops start questioning me on what we're doing there, where I live, etc...and I'm in shock still frying this whole time.

Ambulace shows up, nothing too eventful there, then we get to the hospital and after they gave my 10 stitches in my forehead I sit up and look around and the walls are still breathing.

Total damage was 10 stitches in my forehead and a torn ligament in my left knee. Other guy lost a tooth, 4 stitches in his head from the pavement, 6 stitchs in his lips from my head and a fractured knee cap.

We got a lot of shit for that for a few years after. Ask me in person some time and I'll tell you about waking up in Denny's while peaking on some of the best blotter I'd ever had.
I was sitting in a park when this car on the road stopped at a red light and then pretty much dissolved into the pavement, except for the left front headlight, which remained in the air on a thread like umbilical to the blob on the ground, and then began to swivel around trying to find me. It's light piercing the darkness..........looking, looking, looking......for me.

I also bowled a 278 on acid, the highest score I ever achieved.

On mescaline I jumped out of a car doing 40 mph because my friend sitting next to me inexplicably turned into a monster. I think that I percieved his true inner self, and had no choice but to bail.

Most of the menage a trois I've participated in have been under the influence of psychedelic drugs.....I'm just hoping that the majority were with 2 females. ;) You know, it's a drag when you wake up in the morning wondering why you mouth tastes like cock, and then wondering how you would know that it's cock that your mouth tastes like.
14 years old in NY, house to myself, Jewish High Holy day with 10 friends over when suddenly the 6 million dollar man appeared on the tube. Everyone's hair was frickin plastic and we all flipped out, went running into the streets screaming hysterically! A friend went home for dinner and when she came back to my house she stated that her mom was cooking a live chicken in their oven but would not let her save it from certain death! Cops arrived due to a call from a concerned nieghbor, party broke up. Next day, found peanuts in my shampoo.
Between this thread and this other thread here on barf, I'm starting to feel like I fit in a lot better here on barf... :laughing
At a Dead show and began crying like a baby cause Jerry G kept winking at me and sharing his thoughts.
Last one shared, I promise.
Lived in NC but was on tour with the dead for 2 weeks. On the way from Fairfax, Virginia, driver was driving on the wrong side of the freeway! There were 4 of us in the car trying to convince her to turn the fuck around!! Scary shit but able to laugh our asses off once we arrived at the place we were gonna crash at.
Driving back from Big Sur in the middle of the night after going off roading on acid and this car is just riding my ass. I slow down, pull off to the side of the road a little on a straight away and they will not pass me. At one point my friend in the passenger seat says that it's a cop behind us. Being on acid I didn't believe him. So we're going along, at like 5 over the limit, and we come to this nice long blind turn, double yellow and everything and this car passes me. I look over and all I see is the Monterey County SO emblem on the door. We go back to Monterey, switch cars and someone else starts driving and we ended up getting pulled over later in the night for driving through the airport after they were closed...wtf? Monterey airport closes at night and you can't drive through the parking lot. Just a warning and we went home and didn't drive anymore that night.

There was also the time that my friends were nice enough to remind me that I needed my clothes and that I shouldn't be taking them off while walking through town, but that's a long story better told in person.
Bad Dad said:
awwww c'mon man. we need something to laugh at on this board!!!!!
K, so here goes:
Way back in the day, when Great America was still Marriott's...
I and several of my (teenaged, not-yet-drug-doin') co-workers had season passes...
Somehow I convinced them to 'shroom one day at GA.
So at one point, we're in the line for the Demon, in the switchbacks, and one friend, we'll call her "Yvette", is just out of her skin, interested in/by everything. 12-20 people ahead of us in line is this similar-aged, muscle-bound gym rat wearing a sleeveless T-shirt and a Commando-style haircut, with a couple of his friends. So we pass him by once, and she's checking him out and talking (to us) loudly and wildly. So we make the U-turn and come up on his group again, and we're stopped, separated by only the railing, and there's a silence. She's checking out his guns very intently, then she reaches out and touches his bicep with her outstreched index finger, as if she wanted to know whether it was real. He looks down at her finger probing his flesh, then at her, and she ashamedly and hurriedly pulls her finger back, and acts like she's looking for a place to put it (a finger holster, perhaps?) Our groups both move in our separate directions and she stops looking embarrased and starts looking relieved (as the people in his group go "they're on drugs"). I go to her "it's not over, we're gonna see that guy a dozen more times before we get on the ride." She squeals "Noooo! He's gonna think I want him." Of course I say "yep, he totally is gonna think you want to have sex with him". "But I don't!" "You'll have to now." Then our groups pass again, and she tries to hide behind us in the narrow aisleway. More back and forth about "it's ok, he wants you, too, just like you want him. Why don't you let him touch your arm, then you'll be even?" Our groups approach again, and she knows she can't hide, so she approaches him to explain, and... she just half-drools, half-stammers out something completely unintelligible. Our group busts into gales of laughter, and their group is just stunned, again. After a couple more weird passings, we finally get through the turnstiles, and into our separate lines. We finally get up to the gate, and we see him get on the train ahead of us, and he laughs as he passes. We get on the train, and again she looks relieved, saying something like "I'm glad that's over". I say "you know he's going to be waiting for you when we get off the train at the end." She screams out "NNOOOOooo!" as we descend down the tunnel.
The whole day was like that.
18 years old, high off of about 2 1/2 beavis and butheads walking into my bad neighbor hood with a loaded gov issued colt .380 in my pocket (did i say it was a bad neighborhood, i got bike jacked 1 year prior in my hood by 4 big ass black dudes but thts another story) so me and one of my friends are walking back to my house, when a car load of "bruthas" see 2 white dudes walking in their hood and laughing their asses off at about 1:am, they pull up to us and are trying to get our attention, meanwhile me and my bud who couldnt hack being in the bus decided to get out and walk from downtown (i live on the DC border) are laughing so hard, but realize that some dudes are trying to start shit with us, im not sure what was going through his head, i just know, hes not used to the ghetto stuff since hes from arizona, meanwhile im crackin up so damn hard then i have my hand in my pocket cocking my .380, in the process, i forgot if i cocked it or not, so i decide to pull the trigger (the gun is aimed at my leg but im so high i can only concentrate on if i cocked it yet or not) so my dumbass desides so pull the trigger to find out if i cocked it or not, meanwhile we have a carlload of "bruthas" yealing at us and saying "wtf are you guys laughing at" then i realize i have the trigger almost at its point to fire, and its aimed at my leg, so i eased up, looked up and the carload of dudes pealed out, while me and my bud were crackin up the whole time, after they left, my bud asked was there a car next to us, and i told him there was, then his trip went bad..

then there was great america on acid, that was fun, but standing in the lines sucked, imagine hearing 1000 people at the same time and understanding all of what everyone was saying all at the same time, its coo coo man, but it was fun, im glad i dont do that shit anymore.

by the way this was like 12 years ago, so dont worry officer barf guy, i dont walk around with loaded guns in my pocket anymore ;)
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I was sitting in the back seat of marc's (my friend) car eating Sun Chips as we drove around. Marc's friend mouse was sitting in the front passenger seat. I don't remember where we were going but I do remember sitting in the middle of the back seat leaning forward a little, between the 2 front seats, eating my chips. At one point, mouse looked at me and said "dude, quit crunching your chips in my ear". So I load my mouth up and lean way in by his head and crunch all the chips in my mouth. He then looked at me and said he should kick my ass. I, being on acid, flipped out and start screaming at him.

We arrive at a hang out we call dead cow (because we found a bunch of dead cows there). I get out of the car and pick up a big cement chunk on the dirt by the car. I hold it over my head and get ready to through it through the window at mouse. Marc jumps out and says "man don't fuck my car up". So a drop the big rock and start eating my chips again while calling mouse a little bitch (by the way, we call him mouse because he is small).

My friend Tim shows up in a car behind us. Tim finds out what's going on so he says we should walk home (home is about 1 mile away through a wooded area). So we are walking on a dirt path through a wooded are, it is pitch black, the wind is blowing a little and I'm tripping balls. Other then being freaked in the woods nothing happened there.

So we leave the wooded area and are walking down the sidewalk now. A car that we don't recognize stops right by us. The door opens and the car is full of chicks from our school. They talk to us a little find out I'm tripping and offer us a ride but we decline the ride and walk home where we met up with marc.

Never did see mouse after that.
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heres another, it was the best trip i think,

sitting in the lineup waiting for a wave at lindamar, thank god it was a flat day cause i would have probably went in anyway, i mean it was like glass, like a damn lake, so im sitting in the lineup with other surfers crackin up, looking at my buddy back on the beach (same guy from arizona) point at people on the beach and laughing his ass off, so it just makes me laugh more, meanwhile all the surfers in the lineup had to know i was on something, then the ocean (in my mind) turned to blood, it got really weird the longer i stayed out, but catching the waves was the fun part, talk about being in full control, i felt like superman every wave i caught, it was great..
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