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Share Your Old Acid Trip Stories Here

At a out door concert on the campus of North Western Univ. On a hot Chicago night I ate a tab of Window Pane. A bottle of wine came passing by and I took a drink. It was the last sip and there must have been three more hits swirling in the sip. Hang the f^ck on... The huge sound system collapsed as did a Observitory behind the stage. Epic... Got to go... My friend takes my hand and leads me out of the crowd. My house was about 5 miles away along the lakeshore. As we were walking by the lake I heard someone playing the Bag Pipes. I thought I was loosing it. The lady with me heard it too. She was not trippin.
Sure enough, walking knee deep in the water a guy was playin the pipes. With about thirty peeps following him. Like the "Pide Fucking Piper". Nice.
They must have had the same wine as me.
I made it home and watched the ceiling spin and the walls breath. For about 24 hours. Nothing like waking up with a strong buzz on. Needless to say I didnt drink anymore wine at concerts.
I've never taken acid...yeah, right. Who's quote is in my sig? Okay, so The Dead is in town for the weekend. There are thousands of people at our local hangout on the beach in Ventura. We decide to make the best of it and bag up a bunch of quarter grams, since I had just picked up a few ounces from the Mexican car stereo installer at my job, which is another story altogether. Anyway...we have a shit load of coke and this other guy shows up with sheets and fuckin sheets of blotter. In between freebasing coke and frying, we decide to take a road trip up to a party in Isla Vista. My buddy has this old like UPS van that has been all customed out with a bed and couches and day-glo posters. The party was cool. Girls will do just about anything for cocaine. On the way back, we have Pink Floyd playing on the stereo, we've been up for a few days. It was then that I knew all the answers to all the unanswerable questions and what my true purpose in life was. I've been trying like a motherfucker to get back to that place, but it still eludes me. Maybe I need to take another trip.
When I started reading this thread, I put on the headphones and some Alan Parsons Project. Thanks everybody for taking me back in time. Now...who's got the shit?
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I never tried that shit, I was happy with booze n weed
but my friends were a different story (this was back in HIGH school)they used to trip in gym class and I would fuck with them big time . I had more fun than they did :laughing
Dreadjay said:
I never tried that shit, I was happy with booze n weed
but my friends were a different story (this was back in HIGH school)they used to trip in gym class and I would fuck with them big time . I had more fun than they did :laughing

yeah i had friends like that, you guys make it more fun :teeth
it's all about fuckin' with people, iddn't it?

so later that same summer day at GA, we're taking a break on a bench, and I lean over toward Yvette, and say in an indoor voice "Have you noticed how everybody here is some sort of overgrown midget?" (this was before I found out about the psychedelic leprechauns.) She looks up at the people and families going by, and I continue "look at how short their legs are, and how long their arms are, and the way they walk..." She goes "ya, you're right...LOOK AT THAT ONE!", pointing, arm oustretched and stiff, at someone who was walking by, mere feet from the end of her finger, now looking at her like she was holding a gun in that hand, and pulling their kids to safety. "And that one! they're all freaks, I tell ya!"
As many times as I've been shown the exit by GA security, I can't believe we didn't meet up with them that day.
It is one thing when you think that you are seeing things because you are dosed out of your skull on potent acid but it is another thing entirely when you are tripping balls and a troup of profoundly retarded folks comes pouring out of the elevator.

"Dude, was there something......different....about those people by any chance?"

Everyone is tripping out around the campfire. You discover that lighters tossed into the fire explode nicely. Repeat until all the lighters are gone rendering the sack of herb irrelevant. OOOPS!
Melissa said:
At a Dead show and began crying like a baby cause Jerry G kept winking at me and sharing his thoughts.

Heeheheh had some 4 pane made for a dead show a Loooong time ago. By far the strongest shit I've ever, ever had, no strychnine or other additives. The best! :shhh
budbandit said:

Everyone is tripping out around the campfire. You discover that lighters tossed into the fire explode nicely. Repeat until all the lighters are gone rendering the sack of herb irrelevant. OOOPS!

Hehehhehee yeah!

Back in high school I tripped in a house this girls parents had just bought. There were no furnishings and the carpet was 4 foot shag. At one point we were all in the closet hanging out and I pulled a spare window screen in front of me so I had my own little section of the world.. people were stuck to it and my friend needed space so joined me...

Damn that was fun!

Also had a great artist party where we all dosed and drew shit. It was really cool to check out the next day ;p
Haha the best thing to do when you know someone is on Acid, tell them that they have ant's all over them or the cops are here and they know you are on Acid. I will flip them out.
gsxrpeter said:
Haha the best thing to do when you know someone is on Acid, tell them that they have ant's all over them or the cops are here and they know you are on Acid. I will flip them out.

That's cruel :laughing

The only bummer is dealing with someone on a bad trip... not so good :wow
westie said:
I was hanging out with some old friends and the subject came up of weird trips on acid. I remembered, don't ask how, of a 4th of July at the beach. Fireworks going off everywhere. Tripping my ass off when I saw a Leprechaun. I know it was one because he was short, like itty bitty short. With a bowler hat and a fargin' shillelagh. You now, his little magic wand. So I started chasing him arround trying to get his gold from him. He was a fast little bugger and I couldn't grab him. (or his pot o' gold) But, the pisser was nobody would believe me. I was like,"Fuggen c'mere, ya gotta see dis. Its a fuggen Leprechaun." But nobody would believe me. So all I've got is this cloudy image to leave you with.

He was afraid you were after his Lucky Charms....
never did them but...

never did them but... I had a buddy of mine who used to tell me freaky sh**.... He was frying one time and he was driving his car home. Once he got on his street he kept passing his house up, so he would throw it in reverse and back up only to miss his driveway again and again for at least an hour. He eventually made it home but not after running over the neighbors cat, and plowing through the shrubbs that separated his home with his neighbors. He parked his car, and went into his backyard and started to dig a hole in the ground... He was trying to dig to china.... he actually dug a hole about 7 feet deep before he passed out in the hole.:wow
OK, driving back from the Nassau Colesium(sp?) after a show, heading to Plainview on the LIE, we're all tripping out faces off and Pink Floyd comes on the radio and whoa!!!the LIE melted away and we were driven into lottsa of pink gew. The highway did end and we were on a long trip to nowhere, laughing....
Made it back to the house and we were all too freaked out to exit the car for what seemed like an eternity.
After taking way too much sid, awoke one Monday morning to get up and go to school (10th grade).
The Boomtown Rats came on singing-Tell me why I don't like Monday's....and I freaked the fuck out! I wasn't finished tripping at all cause i spent the entire day in my little rented bedroom imagining the girl with a micro chip in her head.
Bra shopping with my mom -- two window pane trip -- an old lady leads me into the dressing room with a fist full of multi-colored bras.

Ok, so I'm flat chested at this point (16-years-old) and I don't wear them AND this is a problem with my mom. I get stripped and I looked so good in the mirror, everything fluctuating and undulating and all a funny blue color and then flesh pink, that I am hopping up and down buck naked like a spazz.

My mom stands outside asking me "What do you think, will you wear them please?" And I can't speak. I am stuck dumb by myself.

"Elizabeth! Elizabeth!" then a bunch of swearing and my mom stomped off -- she's a very modest lady and wouldn’t open the door to see what is going on.

Then I disappeared in the mirror. There was no reflection, just sensation. It was like I was burning air. I was totally ecstatic in the lingerie department.

The only thing that brought me back into "being" was the sales lady. She popped the door open and scared the crap out of me, her eyes were so big. Looked at me hard for a second and then calmly asked "Miss, do you want those bras?"

Such a cool way to shop!
Well this is a mushroom story but, same thing. When I was in college there were these two hot sisters that I liked but, they had a brother, Octovio, who was a real prick to me. Anyway I go to this mushroom party at this hippy's house and theres this older woman there eyeing me. After many handfuls of shrooms followed by handfuls of M&M's we started dancing. Then dirty dancing. Then into the shower, which is really rad on shrooms! Later, while taking her home I stacked her volvo into the garage door. Kinda rolled into it, no damage just a real downer moment. And who comes running out? Octovio and his sisters. I had screwwed the guys mom and pretty much gave up on his sisters. I was still tripping and couldn't really focus on what they were saying. I just ended up walking a couple miles home and waking up with some severe blister on my feet from fashionable but, non-functional footwear.