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Share Your Old Acid Trip Stories Here

This is the best thread ever!!

To the person talking about hearing 1000 conversations at once and hearing them clearly and making sense of them (kind of) I know EXACTLY what you are talking about!

All you guys & girls that drove and went to school dosing...you're hardcore!!! I would have never been able to pull it off.

Weird shit really does happen, on a regular basis, when your on psychedellics...but only other trippers understand that!

Damn I'm enjoying this thread...please continue!
Out drinking with a friend one night, doing drugs the whole time too and we go back to his place after the bars close. Keep drinking and he asks me if I want some acid. Sure, I'm already loaded, the more drugs the better.

Little history behind this acid...my friend had been up in SF at a concert, who it was I can't remember anymore, but he was backstage talking to the band and The Residents came up as a topic and then acid and they asked him if he wanted some acid. They gave him one of their CD's and later on he opened it up and inside the liner notes there was one hit. One great big unperforated tab of blotter the same size as the liner notes. We would cut off random size pieces and eat them, never really paying attention to how much we took.

So, I took like probably 5 hits of this stuff and we keep on drinking and I start watching a movie on tv. Like 30 or 40 minutes later I'm looking around the living room and something just doesn't seem right. After 5 minutes of this it hits me. Oh SHIT! I'm frying! I had totaly forgot that I took it. My friend's already gone to bed and I'm laying on the floor of the living room watching The Keep. Kinda cheesy 80's horror movie when you're sober, but laying there by myself frying really hard I was really starting to get freaked out by it. The movie ends with the demon getting sucked through this hole that it had originaly escaped from and I'm laying there watching everything in the living room getting sucked into the tv. Soon as the credits come on I turn off the tv and lay there till the sun comes up and walk home.

Always hated those unplanned late night acid trips. No chance of sleeping the next day and you're too burned out to actually do anything.
Doo'd your avitar

Doo'd your avitar.. it looks like an acid trip.. not that id know but.. it sure does look that way..:wow
Ezekiel said:
This is the best thread ever!!

All you guys & girls that drove and went to school dosing...you're hardcore!!! I would have never been able to pull it off.

Damn I'm enjoying this thread...please continue!

I was 17, had picked up a sheet of nice clean blotter at a dead show in oakland and thought I'd atleast break even by selling some to my friends. Good idea, but of course I was always taking it myself and then running into friends and giving them a few hits so I wouldn't have to fry alone. I'm about to go out for the evening over to a friend's house and all I have left is a 10 strip. Look at it for a second and say fuck it. I pop it in my mouth and say bye to my mom as I'm chewing on the 10 strip. Walk out the door and hop in her truck. I am able to drive for about 10 minutes or so before I start seeing shit. It's a nice foggy Monterey night and I'm driving along only able to look out the windshield and say "holy shit" over and over. Everything's floating around, the fog, the dots in the road, street signs...nothing is standing still.

I get to my friend's house, walk inside with that big shit eating grin on my face and they take one look at me and ask me how many hits. I look at them, say 10 and sit down and just watch everything. After maybe an hour or two this girl there asks me if I want to go down the street to this sushi bar and play some pool. Sure, something to do for awhile. We get to the bar and go over to the pool tables. Who knows if I ordered a beer or not...they never carded me there. She decides that we're going to play doubles against a couple guys that I don't know. I don't think she really realized that I was frying and by this point I'm limited to single word answers and only if I concentrate hard enough on someone to understand what they're saying. Before we even start one of the guys that we're going to be playing starts asking me if he can use my partner's pool stick. He could have been standing there for 5 minutes asking me before I looked over and saw him. I don't think I sunk a single ball that night...the damn things never stopped moving long enough for me to aim.

Go back to my friend's house where my truck is and hang out there for a little bit longer before going home. Spent the rest of the night laying in bed in the dark watching cartoons on my ceiling.

That's the most acid I've ever driven on. I knew where I was going and I would get there but I'll be damned if I knew how. Young, dumb and full of LSD. :laughing
SprinklerHead said:
...I'm laying on the floor of the living room watching The Keep. Kinda cheesy 80's horror movie when you're sober, but laying there by myself frying really hard I was really starting to get freaked out by it...

Great soundtrack by Tangerine Dream. They are the very best acid music.
daventura said:
Great soundtrack by Tangerine Dream. They are the very best acid music.

I had totally forgotten about that. You're right, the sound track was really good while I was drunk, coked out and frying. :laughing
Long time ago in a land far far away...
A friend and I did some windowpane.
We decided to walk a 5 mile loop with 7 waterfalls.
We were sitting on a bench at one point resting when about 20 teens came walking by... all wearing the same brand new boots.
I'm sure they could see were were trying really really hard not to just bust out laughing at them all. Avoiding eye contact was tough.
After they walked around the next corner we were both like... WTF...did you see that, was that real? :laughing
A few moments later one of them came walking back and said that we looked really fried.
We couldn't help but ask him what was up with all the new boots.
He said that they were from a juvinile detention center and were given new boots if they volunteered for this "nature hike".
I wasn't about to tell him that my dad was a teacher, coach & the VP of this juvie school.
LOL... what a trip.

Oh yeah... the waterfalls were better than ever!
Such colors. And the shapes coming out of the mist... awesome!
You people are very good story tellers...
Been reading this thread the last coupla days and last night I had a dream about acid. Now mind you, I've never had any. So here goes:

I was hanging out with a couple of barfers (of all people!) and it seemed that I was the only one frying. Kinda weird how all the details from your stories made mine vivid enough for it to feel (I'm thinkin) somewhat close to what an actual trip might feel like.

The dream fast forwards 2 days, hanging out with the same 2 barfers. Barfer A leaves the room and Barfer B comes to sit next to me and tells me that A, although not the drug (of any kind) taking sort, fried the night before. Now not only does this shock the shyte outa me, but I get kinda pissed. I mean WTF?!? You couldn't fry with me the night before that?!?

The best part was the description of A's trip. (Back in time rewind to be a fly on the wall change) So A and B are hanging out, and B notices something odd about A. Asks A- WTF? Well A, fried outa his mind, lifts up his shirt to expose several tabs stuck to his stomach... (I'm guessing to bypass having to eat it??? Not sure if it can at all work that way) and I know this can't seem near as funny as it was in my dream, but the facial expression and body movement from A was f'ing priceless!!!

Guess ya had to be there... :laughing
That's pretty close. Try this...

Sitting in 10th grade English class during a mandatory school wide 15 min reading time out sort of thing. No way in hell I can focus on the words in my book so I set there in the back of the class looking around. After a couple minutes I realize that everyone's head is facing down at there book and I am sitting straight up looking around. That's when I look over at the teacher who is looking at me. I stare at him as his head starts to bubble like it is lava or mud. The ceiling is moving like water and half the wall starts to melt away to nothing but blackness. Before the teacher has a chance to say anything the bell for class to resume rings and everyone starts moving around. That's when the desk started melting but the teacher says "wait" and the world went on pause... nothing was moving except his lips.

What made the day too much was it was a day that a bunch of Fremont police were on campus talking to seniors about drinking and driving on prom night. I was walking around cops all day.
after reading this thread i'm not sure if i want to try acid or stay the hell away from it! :laughing
Drugs are bad, M'kay?


No acid here, but tried shrooms once at the Sierra Music fest with a friend and ended up in a bizzare trance for hours while Reverend Chumley's band cranked out crazy images in my head, unable to let go of the tent post for fear of falling off the face of the earth. :wow

Then there was that time back in HS with the girlfriend smoking some insane weed, and hallucinating about ships sailing across an endless field of treestumps.

Ah, youth.
my friend was on shrooms and he said the sunset was melting and the mountains were moving like waves. weird shit
Can't recall the first time I dropped acid... the last time was when i got dosed (my goth-tramp girlfriend thought it'd be funny to put blotter on her lipgloss).

We were just starting to get to the hot and heavy stage, when Reality took a sharp left turn... I recall the walls of the room melting away, her skin getting all cracked like it was dried leaves... all of a sudden i could hear scents (they weren't pretty noises, as much as I'd have enjoyed them normally), my head and hands faded out of existence, and the whole time my brain was gibbering away like I was the victim in a freddy kreuger movie cos I didn't see it coming.

I haven't dropped acid since, and I don't ever plan to either. That was one scary-ass trip.

Fun to read..fun to remember.

whats a windowpane, and how much is a hit?

All these stories fasicante me :laughing but i know i'll never end up touching the stuff
Four way windowpane...purple microdot...liquid...does anybody have a preference?
I always liked nice clean blotter. Gel caps always took too long to kick in. First time I took them I waited an hour, and didn't feel anything. Everyone else was already starting to peak so I'm like fuck this. Drive to the store to get some liquor. On the way back it hits me. Go back, grab everyone and head down the coast to big sur. Spend the rest of the night running from cows with a bottle of Johnny Walker in my hand.
way back in NY I was a, how you say, great source for the windowpane as I had good connections! Took far to much and I think that my brain has finally rid itself of the last traces.
Never again will I do acid or mesc.
shrooms are another story...
never took acid but did smoke a joint laced with PCP (angeldust) when I was 16....

it was the worst high I ever had....felt hot and itchy the whole time and was very aggitated, irritated and reacted on impulse the whole time.....

broke the windows of every car on the block till friends had to restrain me....

my buddy who smoked up with me got seperated and broke into a candy machine and just sat there eating Milk Duds till the cops came but went ballistic on them when he thought the cops were trying to steal his candy...he didn't know he broken his fingers and cut open his arm when breaking into the candy machine....

I never touched any sort of narcotics ever since and it took me years just to even touch allergy medications....
I had friends in Oregon who would do windowpane by putting it in their eye!
No way for me.
They did seem to get off faster... but I guess I had to much aversion to putting "anything" into my eyes.

Haven't touched the stuff (acid) since the end of the 70's.
Don't miss it either.

Living in Oregon we were privy to going out and picking our own "magic mushrooms"... Liberty Caps.
Now THAT is a fun high.
I can't/won't say its psychadelic (in the acid or mescaline) way
but it (to me) sure is a lot of fun.
I can't think of any drug (that I've tried) that has made me laugh as much as shrooms.

I remember picking big baggies full of them, heading to the local pub and dumping the pile on the table.
Drink beer and eat pizza while snacking on the shrooms.
Then johnny law stepped in and outlawed them.
After that we just shroomed up in the parking lot.
Also made milkshakes with them... and peyote. (nasty tasting stuff, that peyote).

Was sooo funny to hit a burnt grass seed field after a nice rain (when the shrooms would start popping up) and see 10 -50 people walking around bent over picking shrooms.
And laughing.

Ahh... the memories.