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Friend of a friend worked at Golden Gate Authority, and invited said friend, who invited me. :teeth I'm afraid of heights, but I said fuck it, it's a once in a lifetime opportunity, so I went.

I can easily believe that the Golden Gate Bridge is one of the most photographed landmarks in the US.

Damn, I so want to climb the top of the Golden Gate Bridge. One of the top 10 things I want to take a picture from.

Golden Gate Bridge BW by jdizzy92, on Flickr

San Francisco Fog BW by jdizzy92, on Flickr

Fort Point GG by jdizzy92, on Flickr
Here's a couple I took a while back:




Really dig those last two, JD!
Thanks! I used an audio trigger to fire the flash.
Hwy 30 Columbia River Gorge.

Great motorcycle road. Ride on a weekday to avoid the RV's


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Really cool old building that used to be right by the 152/156 interchange. They tore it down last year.
Went to Suisun City yesterday and took a look at the cars at a Ford Car Show... Shelbys galore and a lot of sweet rides.



I went to Bay 2 Breaker again this year and it was awesome. The weather was PERFECT! and the people were great. A lot of them just pose for me with out asking. Really all I had to do is find my biggest lens and people think your Pro. :thud: Here are some pictures I took at the Marathon/Party.

Crowd B2B 2012 by jdizzy92, on Flickr

8Bit B2B 2012 by jdizzy92, on Flickr

Wolfpack B2B 2012 by jdizzy92, on Flickr

Animal Heads B2B 2012 by jdizzy92, on Flickr

Beads B2B 2012 by jdizzy92, on Flickr

Bee B2B 2012 by jdizzy92, on Flickr

Black King B2B 2012 by jdizzy92, on Flickr

Blonde Girl B2B 2012 by jdizzy92, on Flickr

Giants B2B 2012 by jdizzy92, on Flickr

GoldenGate B2B 2012 by jdizzy92, on Flickr

Hippy Girl B2B 2012 by jdizzy92, on Flickr

Jogger B2B 2012 by jdizzy92, on Flickr

No Man B2B 2012 by jdizzy92, on Flickr

Pink Gorilla B2B 2012 by jdizzy92, on Flickr

Police B2B Breaker by jdizzy92, on Flickr

Wild Card B2B 2012 by jdizzy92, on Flickr
Couple of my shots - varying exposures but on Kodak 400ASA 35mm -yep old school photography as oppose to DSLR / CGI.





I've got a SLR, but still prefer 35mm
So I bought a Nikon D5100, I've taken a film photography course and have a very basic understanding of aperture, shutter, flash etc for setting up a shot. The camera came with a pretty good DVD of how to adjust everything and why you would do it, but I still need some more reading/video material. This is one of those subjects my mind can't always comprehend, so does anyone have a good links to intro help?

Yeah yeah, let me google that for you, but I'd figure I'd ask you pros first
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all over youtube, look up cameralabs, they have good videos