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My amateur pics...


So I bought a Nikon D5100, I've taken a film photography course and have a very basic understanding of aperture, shutter, flash etc for setting up a shot. The camera came with a pretty good DVD of how to adjust everything and why you would do it, but I still need some more reading/video material. This is one of those subjects my mind can't always comprehend, so does anyone have a good links to intro help?

Yeah yeah, let me google that for you, but I'd figure I'd ask you pros first

I'm no pro, but I'll give it a shot... what would you like to read up on? Here's a few that I've read on and off the last few years. The digital B/W is old, but the technique still works.

Flash Techniques
Digital B/W

Light Stalking is fun to read through for ideas.

Hope that helps!

On the way to Highway 36:

Using Microsoft Photosynth (Highway 36):
Here's some recent ones. Our new foster family, Tina & her puppies.


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Some of my favorite but random pics from over the years:

Hohensalzburg Castle, a castle in the Austrian city of Salzburg, atop the Festungsberg mountain. It is one of the largest medieval castles in Europe.


Rothenburg ob der Tauber city center in the Franconia region of Bavaria, Germany. It is one of the coolest and well preserved mideval cities in Germany.


Rota, Spain. Pure Awesomeness.




Smokey mountains at sunset


Afghanistan sunset


Afghanistan remote desert landscape



Southern Tajikistan mountains:



Roaring camp Railroad old steam engine:


The migration in Pacific Grove



The coolest extreme outdoor adventure trip evar. 8 hours of canyoneering in the Alps near Interlaken Switzerland

The coolest extreme outdoor adventure trip evar. 8 hours of canyoneering in the Alps near Interlaken Switzerland


Dude! That is badass! That looks like a lot of fun!
Dude! That is badass! That looks like a lot of fun!

The trip was Nucking Futs. They drop you off in the mountians in the AM and take you down the river by zipline, rappel, waterfall slide and cliff jumping. One of the funnest extreme sport trips that I have been on to date. I checked out thier website and it looks like they have grown a lot since we went. They now have a camera crew that follows you down so you can get some 1080p and high res pics. I gotta get back there again fo sho.

The tour guides were great. They were always messing with us and saying crazy shit: "You have to land right there" ye yells from below. He pointed to the deepest part of the river that was 30 feet down from the cliff edge that we were standing on. He showed us with a stick a couple feet to each side. "if you land here or here you will probably break a leg or something, so be careful"

Later he told us about a lady that broke her back on one of the drops because she didn't land it right. "Dont worry" he said, "you'll be fine"

Here are a couple more pics that we took of the trip:



Natural waterslide



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Thanks, The S2000, GTR and honies that you shot were great. What camera do you shoot with? I am looking at going over to the Nikon side from Canon....I dunno.
I shoot with a Nikon D300 and usually use the Nikkor 17-55mm f2.8 lens. Nikon... Canon... It's almost the same. I use Nikon because that's what I started with and I like the button layout and software on the Nikon better than Canon. But Canon is cheaper and does good quality or even better pictures than Nikon. Like the Canon 5D Mark II blew away a lot of the Nikon cameras.
Top of Mt. Diablo last month.


I stayed up there in time to catch the mountain's shadow stretching east @ sunset.


July 4th on the Bay, by the BB eastern span. Would you believe this and the following pictures were taken with my cellphone?




Great use of the rule of thirds and the overall composition is really well done IMHO. I like the curve in the road in contrast to the sharp lines of the bike.

The DOF choice was perfect for the scene. The hazy greenery and shadows are a great backdrop for the white and black bike up front. You really captured what I miss most about riding in California. Great shot man.
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Some good times out practicing with DOF and Shutter speed with a book from Bryan Petersen, Understanding Shutter Speed (No post-production work):




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