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The Awesome Videos Thread!

^^^ Thanks for the link. Soul Plane was excellent.
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.


Recent find, Peter Bence. Plenty more where this one came from.
So are these guys part squirrel?

I don't understand how these people are a) not dead and/or b) not constantly in traction.
WOW :thumbup:thumbup:thumbup

Something our younger generations don't get.

Thanks for that. Yes, choked up.

This one choked me up. Brings back memories of learning how to fold a flag.

Mr. Bently rocks

Yea, I'm not putting that in my "Things YouTube thinks I like, here's a bunch of other "related" videos" list.
Extreme Barbie Jeep racing!

Tux posted a different version of this in the thread about the guy returning to riding. This video has been floating around in various forms for years. Lokk9 did the original.

This is, I think, the closest to the original of this video left in the wild. Its almost identical to the original, save they came back and added some badges to some of the scenes of, I guess, the original sources for the video clips.

I don't know why the author took down the original. He kept changing it and messing with it, it had 12M views. But, IMHO, this is the best version.

Some people complain about the music. Well, that's fine, but the entire point of the video is the music. It's cutting IOMTT highlights in to this music along with the broadcasters commentary and everything else. I think it was an extraordinary job of editing. I happen to like the music.

There's spots that I particularly enjoy in this video, but the standout is simply the start of the 6 bikes going full song in the distance, passing the camera at speed, until you hear that final bike back off and crackle, heading into a corner. Then the music starts.

But this video is just gorged with highlights that tickle me. The couple on their front porch, the lady clapping for #4, the thumbs up smiling photographer, the slow motion wheelie while spinning the rear down the rise. I used to have a screen shot of the bike doing 175 on the meter streaking past the "SLOW" marking on the street.

Just love this video, it set a high standard.

"That is poetry in motion."

