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The BOOK Thread

We have a book club at work. I picked Sarah's Key- Tatiana DeRosnay as my first read. I think Im going to shoot for Shantaram- George David Roberts next.


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Never met a McMurtry novel I didn't like, they all leave me sad though (but that hasn't stopped me from reading all of his books)

He manages to create larger than life characters that you share an awe of the novels setting with.
You're stoked. Way. And read Diamond Age when you're done, see if you recognize the brief reference to YT.

I'm about 2/3rds of the way through REAMDE and I'm unimpressed. Thus far it's been a fun story, but 900+ pages into a book I'm looking for something to awe me... even just a little.

I have Armor lined up after Snow Crash (only about 75 pages left), but will make Diamond Age my next book after that. Thanks for the recommendation. And yeah, Snow Crash just keeps getting better and better, and I keep looking back at when it was written/published and thinking Neal Stephenson just had amazing vision and was so ahead of his time.
About 50 pages into Armor... Pretty fast paced and interesting so far.
I'm about 50 pages into Armor, but not really getting into it so far (and struggling to motivate myself to stay with it).
Wait, a book thead? How did I not know about this one....? :rant
Private Dancer

Pete wanders into a Bangkok go-go bar and meets the love of his life. Joy is young, stunning, and a pole dancer. In a roller-coaster ride of sex, drugs, and deception, Pete discovers that his own very private dancer is not all she claims to be. Far from being the love of his life, Joy is his own personal nightmare!
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This is a good read to give in insight to how a lot of bar girls in Thailand act. If anyone every plans on going to Thailand I suggest you read this book. A lot of the facts about thailand etc in the book is correct.
Anyone else reading Cloud Atlas?


I am and really enjoying it. Also reading Bouradin's Kitchen Confidencial after it was on sale for $2 last week. Funny revelation about that? Sometimes I can't tell the difference between his writing and that of Henry Rollins.
I just finished "Rook" by Daniel O'Malley. Good stuff.
No Easy Day

Currently reading this right now. It goes into the life of a Navy SEAL from his deployments to the mission that killed UBL.

Very action packed.

Looking forward to a movie.