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The BOOK Thread

Feeling nostalgic...

On second book of the Hunger Games Trilogy. Actually not bad. Might watch a movie after I am done.
I'm about 50 pages into Armor, but not really getting into it so far (and struggling to motivate myself to stay with it).

Kind of how I felt when I started to read it, but at the end I was glad I stuck with it.
I just finished "Dodger" by Terry Pratchett.

Great book. Kinda historical.
I just moved this here. There are a few "book" threads, cause you guys are such intellectuals.

Some time ago someone turned me on to Robert Heinlien's "Door into Summer"
Great short novel. Big fun time paradox with a cat as an excuse for the story.

Since rediscovering the joy of reading, I read alot.

Recently finished " the Omnivore's Dilemna" and "Fast Food Nation". (and some Bill Bryson book last night)
Has anybody read "The Jungle"?
History lessons here. History that is happening RIGHT NOW.
The future of your planet and your lifestyle hangs in the balance.

Just finished all 5 books of the Game of Thrones (Song of Ice and Fire) series.

- Nobody is safe. Any major or minor character can and will die unexpectedly and keep you wondering WTF the author will throw at you next. Great plot twists and interweaving story arcs.

- Extremely descriptive writing style gets tedius quickly and I found myself glazing and skimming over paragraphs at a time. Descriptions about important things, people, etc are great. A page just to describe the food at dinner, when absolutely nothing of any importance is going on, is not so great. Especially not when it's the 5th time they've had an equally well described meal that chapter.
- Not sure what it was exactly, but it seemed like the books lacked a certain amount of substance that they made up for with violence and sex. As entertaining as it is, it seems almost perfectly written for TV rather than someone's imagination. Maybe I'm just jaded.

I think the Shannara series is better written and would make a better TV series.
Hmmm interesting books.

Any recommendations on a great book about sushi?
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I finished Zone One a few days ago. Relly mixed feelings about it. It had an interesting angle on the Zombie Apocalypse thing but it reads like a stream of conscieneness run on sentence . Kind of a let down ending too.
Currently reading The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein after a few recommendations by other barfers in the KS. Its good but not great. I feel like the emotional impact of the story would be far better if I

a) was a dog owner

b) knew the guy who's story it is based on (it feels like it's based on someone's life - no proof though)

c) knew nothing about the actual lives of racers.

After that I'll likely pick off one or two of the books I picked up in the Humble eBook Bundle, likely Old Man's War. Then to close the year out with the 5th Song of Ice & Fire book. it's been long enough.
Right now I am reading Stephen King "11/22/63", about the Kennedy assassination, time travel and the Jimla. Pretty cool.

"The Stand" is another King novel without the usual horror thing.

Good reading, both.