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The BOOK Thread

you can read?!? :p

it's bibliophile, btw


Damn bookologist Nazi ! don't you have some autobots to shank somewhere ! :twofinger

oh....and what have YOU been reading lately ?
I think it's Douglas Adams' best piece of writing ever

+42! I loved that book. I believe it's out of print, though.

One of my buddies gave me the entire oeuvre of Tom Robbins for Christmas, so I'm now on book #3. Great fun, all of it.
Dan Simmons is another one who has some great horror books. Notably "Carrion Comfort" about nazi vampires taking over the world, and even better "The Terror" based on the HMS Terror Franklin expedition to find the northwest passage through the arctic which ended in lead poisoned botulism cannibalism and to which Simmons lends a Lovecraftian beastly twist and dare I say Moby Dick flavor. heh "Moby Dick flavor" heh
I'm partial to the classix...
anyone read the Golden Ass by Apuleius (2nd century Roman)? Bestiality, pursuit, execution in the areana, bandits...what's not to like?
And Petronius' Satyricon is awesome. Viciously satyrical, written during the reign of Nero. Only survives in fragmented form, sadly, but the fragments are pretty wild. Greed and corruption and savagery are nothing new, it appears.
anything by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child- but the Pendergast books are the best, technically they start with Relic (please don't hold the movie version against them, they had no creative control) but you can start with "Cabinet of Curiosities". Other books they wrote together like Riptide, The Ice Limit and Thunderhead were great reads.
F Paul Wilson's Repairman Jack series. Good luck though finding a copy of the first book, "The Tomb" (or the recently released author's preferred version "Rakoshi". There are eleven books in the series to date and he's working on number 12- they just get better and better. Jack's a FTW kinda guy, you all should like him. Other titles by FPW include Midnight Mass (vampires) the Adversary Cycle (Reborn, Reprisal, and Nightworld), SIMS, the LaNague Chronicles (futuristic...KYFHO!!!!!)- and more short stories than I can even begin to name.
start there those should keep you busy
I never read any of the much-recommended Repairman Jacks, but have enjoyed FP Wilsons short stories. Thought Midnight Mass was OK but not fantastic. David Wellington has done more interesting vampires recently ("13 Bullets" and "99 Coffins")
George RR Martin, The Song of Fire and Ice series. Excellent prose, very well written and terribly fun to read. His characters are wickedly imperfect and you end up loving the worst of them. I never really read fantasy outside of the LOTR trilogy, but these books are top notch!



+1000, love this series. Just finished the fourth and am eagerly awaiting the next one.
I love Cormac Mccarthy. Although, I think this is his only book that didn't take 50 pages to get into.

A friend gave me an advance copy of The Road. I started reading it and got really bothered by the lack of punctuation marks. Had me confused at parts and I got frustrated and sat the book down and didn't pick it up for several months. Then right around the time No Country For Old Men was hitting the big screen I decided to give it another shot and this time I couldn't put it down. Absolutely gripping. And now they're making a movie out of The Road. I'm very skeptical about that.
A friend gave me an advance copy of The Road. I started reading it and got really bothered by the lack of punctuation marks. Had me confused at parts and I got frustrated and sat the book down and didn't pick it up for several months. Then right around the time No Country For Old Men was hitting the big screen I decided to give it another shot and this time I couldn't put it down. Absolutely gripping. And now they're making a movie out of The Road. I'm very skeptical about that.

I have done the same with a lot of his books, I can't get into it, put it down, come back in a month and can't stop reading it.
Gene Wolfe -Shadow of the torturer
-Soldier in the Mist
He is head and shoulders above most authors;

Roger Zelazny-Nine princes in Amber
Robert Heinlein-Stranger in a strange land
Phillip Pullman- Golden compass,The subtle knife and The Amber spyglass
I used to read a ton (and I think I mean that literally) (heh, "literally") of Sci-fi and Fantasy, though not so much any more.

I've become much more eclectic, reading whatever catches my interest. I still love a good mystery (Patricia Cornwell, etc). Read "The Road" in one big gulp (wow).

Lately I've read the mystery "Touchstone," before that a biography of Frederick Law Olmsted (ever been to Olmsted Point in Yosemite?), just finished "This Republic of Suffering," about how the Civil War changed American culture and society around death and dying. Incredible. Now I'm reading "Tree of Smoke," and (I can't even believe this myself) I just checked the new translation of "War and Peace" out from my library.
i usually read two books at once, right now its:

and this

Next on the chopping block is Fear and Trembling by Kierkegaard and soemthing else I cant remember right now, I think it might be "Enough" by Bill McKibben (no im not a Luddite :twofinger )
George RR Martin, The Song of Fire and Ice series. Excellent prose, very well written and terribly fun to read. His characters are wickedly imperfect and you end up loving the worst of them. I never really read fantasy outside of the LOTR trilogy, but these books are top notch!



+1000000 I'm reading them through for the second time now that I got my hands on a feast for crows. I like things to be fresh in my head on series like this.

Some other good ones in the scifi/fantasy world...

Bio of a Space Tyrant - Piers Anthony (no, this isn't like his Xanth series)
The Gap Saga - Stephen R. Donaldson (very violent but damn good!)
Dragonriders of Pern - Anne McCaffery (There's LOTS of these books and some out of print now. Her son is taking over the series for her and is doing a great job with it)
Aztec - Gary Jennings (This is more of a historical novel. Heavily researched and there are actually 2 others to it as a series one of which was completed by his son from his notes. DAMN good books!)

I'll stop there. I've got so many more I could recommend but... I'll make you suffer and wait :laughing