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The BOOK Thread


I absolutely loved the Sword of Truth series by Goodkind. The last one just came out last year.

Another GREAT series in The Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan. The first half of the first book took some work to get through, it was a lot of character ground work, but after that the series got awesome.

Another of my favorite series is The Dark Tower Series by Stephen King, it's really unlike any of his other books.

Insomnia by SK is really good too.

Also I'm a Star Wars dork and the New Jedi Order on books are really interesting too. They go into Han and Leia's kids and Luke's kids too. Fun reads.
Looks like a good one.. have to check that one out in the next few I read.

Also a one hour special on it on PBS. That's what made me buy the book. The guy is amazing. Definately someone I look up to very much, not just for his craftsmanship - but also his view on life.

On the mountain, alone with the beauty of it all, he stops to say: "Boy, I wish those people that waved to me on the freeway could be here to see this view." ! How nice is that?

One time, he cuts his finger when he forgot to wear his glove. He says: "It's a good thing I wasn't wearing my gloves - I don't think it would heal up like my finger can." :laughing
Lots of good stuff in here.

Edward Abbey's "Desert Solitaire" and "The Monkey-Wrench Gang."

They worked on The Guide as a movie for over a decade and as soon as Douglas Adams was dead, tahda, they could suddenly do it.
Radio show.
It was a radio show. Then a play, then a book, then TV.
Movie? Not so much so.

Sci Fi, written: Sturgeon, Dick, Sheckley, Niven, I love golden age but my favourite book was written by John Crowley: Engine Summer.

If you want to start a love fest among a bunch of geeks though, you go to to a geek site and mention "Lord of Light" by Zelazny. Seriously, everyone will start holding hands and singing Kum Ba Yah over this Hindu themed masterpiece.

Used book stores are holy places, go there to tithe!
if you like neal stephenson and havent read a young lady's illustrated primer (the diamond age), i highly recommend it.

a few of my favourites..
lolita - vladimir nabokov
the bell jar - sylvia plath
catcher in the rye - jd salinger

some interesting modern autobiographies..
i am not myself these days - josh kilmer purcell (about a drag queen who is dating a crack addicted male prostitute)
yakuza moon - tendo shoko
Lots of good stuff in here.

Edward Abbey's "Desert Solitaire" and "The Monkey-Wrench Gang."

The Monkey-Wrench Gang is great,

and one can not leave out or be complete without reading zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance

good cat books.

the fur person

the tribe of tiger

the tiger in the house

of cats and men

maurice and his educated rodents

warriors into the wild

thought im not an avid book reader, a friend insisted i read this book. and i was hooked only after reading the first 2 pages. Vulgar and degrading towards women, i did actually find it very entertaining. Some of the stories take place in SF... half of the book is online.

Tucker Max- I hope they serve beer in hell
Phillip K Dick, H.P. Lovecraft, Robert Howard's original Conan series.

Barbara Kingsolver's latest and Annie Lamott when I'm feeling like being amused/lifted.

Miller's Tropic of Cancer/Capricorn or Bukowski when I'm feeling like being with my bad self.

Thomas Jefferson's 1777 treatise in which the evils of manufacturing society evidenced by Europe are compared to the pastoral ideal he thought an agriculturally based society represented.

I'm slowly warming up to some of the modern and self-consciously "multicultural" works that populate the district approved reading list. But the focus shifts from classic themes like the heroic cycle (Homer) and religion (Milton) to the more introspective/ belly button gazing ("caged bird") more and more.

Fewer and fewer people read for pleasure anymore. Next someone should start best magazines thread. I'll be the first to nominate Playboy as #1, very well-written. NApe
I'll add my vote for George RR Martin. Great stuff! Although, don't get too attached to the characters! He has a compilation book out now called Dreamsongs I & II.

I'd also recommend a fairly new writer, his name is Patrick Rothfuss. The book is called 'The Name of the Wind'. This is a great book!:thumbup

Orson Scott Card is great, and I'll second the earlier post recommending him.

Try Brandon Sanderson, he's great too: 'Elantris', 'Mistborn', The Well of Acension' are all very good.

Terry Goodkind, Margaret Weis/Tracy Hickman, Robert Jordan, Terry Brooks, are all very good. I'll give John Twelve Hawks a nod too, I liked 'Taveler' and his second book, but I can't think of the name right now.

And for an off the wall book, try: 'The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime. It was written from the P.O.V. of a boy with autism. I thought it was very interesting.
That is just a few among many... Enjoy!
Whole additional respect for the BARF.

I've stopped buying non-transportation related books: Kindle II FTW! Thanks for suggesting some new downloads.

+1 Enders Game series, Pollan, Adams, Nabakov, Miller, Robbins, Maguire, Cornwell.

My suggestions:
Patrick O'Brian the Aubrey/Maturin series- great action/history/politics new world - esp., if you liked the movie, Master and Commander.

Carl Hiassan - Striptease the book is 38 times better than the movie, which was pretty darn good with whatshernames :boobies, Lucky You will have you soiling yourself.

Tim Dorsey for more cynical Florida serial killer/history laugh out loud reading. Reading them in order is sorta important, as they get a little wishy- washy with the new ones.

For humorous, yet brainy reading (his image was part of the Think Different Apple ad series) Richard P. Feynman Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman! (Adventures of a Curious Character) is just amazing. There was a movie of portions of his life made starring that great horseman, Matthew Broderick called Infinity

Elmore Leonard is usually absurdist crime humor from the POV of the criminal with the early stuff: can't really recommend the newer stuff 100%

Andre Citroen, The Man and the Motor Cars, is really fascinating- he was an industrialist, and he just happened to build cars that changed the world.
I realize this thread started a year ago, but couldn't resist sharing some of my favorites:

+1 on Zelazny's Chronicles of Amber, Asimov's Foundation Trilogy, Card's Ender-related novels, and Pattern Recognition by William Gibson.

I would also add Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell, Possession by A.S. Byatt, The Scar and Perdido Street Station by China Miéville, and The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle and Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami.

If you're into comics at all, I highly recommend Transmetropolitan by Warren Ellis and The Sandman series by Neil Gaiman.