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The Faith In Humanity Thread

^^^ And despite the press always looking to make a hero out of anyone this guy doesn't even get his name mentioned.
Had he not been black or Caucasian I suspect he'd be meeting the president sometime within the next week.
Bachelor's party turns into puppy rescue party, money for beer goes to dog food

A Michigan groom’s bachelor party was hijacked in the best way when a dog showed up at the cabin where he and his friends were staying and stole their hearts.

Mitchel Craddock of Vicksburg, Michigan, took family and friends to the woods in Tennessee for his bachelor party. The first morning there, they noticed a dog outside the front door.

“We were cooking bacon with the door open. The next thing you know, there’s this dog sitting right at the front door. She wouldn’t come inside, but she sat right there,” he told ABC News.

The group of eight men quickly became friends with the furry party crasher. “She was such a sweet dog that once we gained her trust, she was happy to see us, wagging her tail — just a big sweetheart,” he said.

Craddock said he could tell the dog recently had pups, but she was dehydrated and malnourished, so her milk had dried up.

“After we gave her a bunch of food and water, she started producing milk again. So we figured if she’s making milk, her pups can’t be that old.”

Then they noticed the dog was protecting a spot in the woods. There they found a big hole with puppies — seven of them. “We set each pup individually down in front of her, and she nuzzled their faces, and she checked out the pups, and to the person holding them, she gave the look of ‘It’s OK, I trust you,’” Craddock said.

Although the pups had to be washed of dirt and fleas, Craddock said he was surprised by how healthy they were. “Every single one had a big fat belly on them. The mom had given the pups literally everything she had.”

All eight dogs, including the mom, were adopted by the groom and his groomsmen or their relatives. Their new happy homes are close to one another — within a 5-mile radius, Craddock said.

Craddock and his groomsmen didn’t expect to be caring for puppies at the bachelor party. “We pooled a bunch of money to buy food and beer. After the third day, our beer fund turned into puppy food fund,” he said.

:love :thumbup
Repo man felt terrible taking elderly couple's car. So he paid it off and returned it


RED BUD -- When the repo man showed up, "Baby" lost her ride.

The little Pomeranian dog loved to curl up on 82-year-old Stanford Kipping's lap when he and his wife Patty, 70, went for a drive. But in recent months a sharp increase in the cost of prescription medicine and other bills were more than a match for the couple's fixed incomes. With several $95 a month car payments left unpaid on their 1998 Buick, the repo man, Jim Ford of Belleville, stopped his tow truck in front of their house.

Ford, 41, ought to have turned into a cynical, bitter man, he said. After all, he had been shot at several times when repossessing vehicles, including once when he was lying on the ground hooking up a tow chain and a man let fly with a rifle inches from his head.

"I never even saw him but I felt the flash and tasted gunpowder in my mouth," Ford said.

But Ford, co-owner of Illini Recovery Inc., is different. He said he knocks on doors to tell folks what's going on and allow them a chance to remove personal items. "I may be getting soft in my old age but you get more done with kindness," he said.

Ford had met with the Kippings. In fact he tried to work out a deal with the bank for them to keep their car but it was a no go. It was the hook for the Buick.

"When I got home that night, I said to myself, 'They are a real nice elderly couple. I gotta do something. I can't just take their car,'" Ford said.

Then he did something that surely broke the hard code of ethics for repo men, he decided that he would pay off the Kippings' debt and return their car to their driveway.

Using the online service "GoFundMe" and depending on his friends in the repo business, Ford said he raised more than $3,500 in one night. After the fee for the service and after paying the $2,501 to the bank owed on the Buick, Ford tucked $1,000 in cash into an envelope. A co-worker at his business bought a frozen Thanksgiving turkey and Ford put it in the cab of his tow truck.

On Monday, he and Tom Williams, a friend, fixed the Buick's headlights, topped off the radiator and changed the engine oil. Then they hooked the car up for a return trip.

Kipping and his wife, who uses a walker and had to give up working at the local Moto Mart because of poor eyesight, knew the car was coming, but not the grand in cash and the turkey. They were waiting when Ford and Williams pulled up with the Buick in tow.

"It was a miracle come true. We didn't know what we were going to do," said Patty Kipping, as a small group of neighbors gathered around and cheered Ford.

"I got up this morning and I looked up at the sun and I said, 'I hope we get our car back.' It's just unbelievable," said Stanford Kipping, a retired dock worker.

Then disbelieving, Patty Kipping held out her hand and accepted the envelope of cash from Ford. A neighbor put the turkey on the porch.

I think someone is chopping an onion in my office. I love stories of people helping each other.
They owed money on a 1998 Buick? :wtf

Good on the repo man for helping out instead of screwing an elderly couple over :thumbup
This is an amazing thread worthy of it and more Pete.
It was Yana's suggestion and a dam good one. Keep it going.
Whenever things are a bit tough you can run back here and find some feel good.
So I just learned about this thread and love it. Here's my contribution for today :)

Boy who asked for last wish dies in Santa's arms
KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — Eric Schmitt-Matzen looks every bit the Santa Claus.

His 6-foot frame carries 310 pounds, leaving “just enough of a lap for the kids to sit on,” he says with a gentle Kringley chuckle right out of Central Casting.

No fake facial fuzz for this guy. Schmitt-Matzen’s snowy beard is the real thing, albeit regularly bleached to maintain its whiteness. His shag is so spectacular, in fact, it won first place in the “natural full beard, styled moustache” division of a 2016 national contest sponsored by the Just For Men hair products company.

He’s professionally trained. Custom-tailored in red. Was born on Dec. 6 (that’s Saint Nicholas Day — are you surprised?) Works approximately 80 gigs annually. Wife Sharon plays an authentic Mrs. Claus. His cellphone, with a Jingle Bells ringtone, continually counts down the days until Christmas. Even his civilian attire always includes Santa suspenders.


“I’d just gotten home from work that day,” recalled Schmitt-Matzen, 60, a mechanical engineer and president of Packing Seals & Engineering in Jacksboro.

“The telephone rang. It was a nurse I know who works at the hospital. She said there was a very sick 5-year-old boy who wanted to see Santa Claus.

“I told her, ‘OK, just let me change into my outfit.’ She said, ‘There isn’t time for that. Your Santa suspenders are good enough. Come right now.’ ”

Schmitt-Matzen got to the hospital in 15 minutes. He met the lad’s mother and several family members.


“She’d bought a toy from (the TV show) PAW Patrol and wanted me to give it to him,” he said, voice growing husky. “I sized up the situation and told everyone, ‘If you think you’re going to lose it, please leave the room. If I see you crying, I’ll break down and can’t do my job.’ ”

Nobody entered with him. They watched, sobbing, from a hallway window in the Intensive Care Unit.

“When I walked in, he was laying there, so weak it looked like he was ready to fall asleep. I sat down on his bed and asked, ‘Say, what’s this I hear about you’re gonna miss Christmas? There’s no way you can miss Christmas! Why, you’re my Number One elf!

“He looked up and said, ‘I am?’

“I said, ‘Sure!’

“I gave him the present. He was so weak he could barely open the wrapping paper. When he saw what was inside, he flashed a big smile and laid his head back down.

‘“They say I’m gonna die,’ he told me. ‘How can I tell when I get to where I’m going?’

“I said, ‘Can you do me a big favor?’

“He said, ‘Sure!’

“When you get there, you tell ’em you’re Santa’s Number One elf, and I know they’ll let you in.

“He said, ‘They will?’

“I said, ‘Sure!’

“He kinda sat up and gave me a big hug and asked one more question: ‘Santa, can you help me?’

“I wrapped my arms around him. Before I could say anything, he died right there. I let him stay, just kept hugging and holding on to him.

“Everyone outside the room realized what happened. His mother ran in. She was screaming, ‘No, no, not yet!’ I handed her son back and left as fast as I could.

“I spent four years in the Army with the 75th Rangers, and I’ve seen my share of (stuff). But I ran by the nurses’ station bawling my head off. I know nurses and doctors see things like that every day, but I don’t know how they can take it.’”

In despair, Schmitt-Matzen was ready to hang up his suit. “I’m just not cut out for this,” he reasoned.

But he mustered the strength to work one more show.

“When I saw all those children laughing, it brought me back into the fold. It made me realize the role I have to play.

“For them and for me.”


Massive respect and love to a guy who's dedicated his spare time to acts of kindness for children and is willing to go at the drop of a hat.
Sick Shelter Puppy Hugo Desperately Needs Our Help!


Hugo is a 9-month old Anatolian Shepherd Mix who has been languishing at the Contra Costa Animal Shelter for almost two months...
during that entire time sweet Hugo has not been touched by human hands, or taken for a walk or allowed to play, until recently he has not even be seen by a specialist.

Hugo is a sweet, loving, kissey guy who acts like any typical happy puppy. He loves all people and dogs. In fact, Hugo doesn't seem to know anything is even wrong with him.

Doctors think a neurological problem is causing Hugo wobbliness and weakness in his back legs. He is severely emaciated as well. A medical condition like this will scare off most rescues. With potentially soaring coasts, (we are roughly estimating at least $4,000) no one really wants to touch a case like this.

Enter, Bay Area Rider's to the Rescue. Hearts for Paws Rescue was started by animal-loving BARFers and Hearts For Paws would like to save Hugo with the mission statement of rescuing the most dire-need cases in mind.

But we can only do it with your help.

First, we have to find out what is wrong with this guy. This is going to involve MRIs, X-Rays, Blood work, etc to even pinpoint what his condition is. Hugo seems to be stable without worsening effects. Maybe he will be able to live a happy full life in this stable condition. Hearts for Paws has found an amazing potential adopter, a war-veteran with PTSD who wants to heal with Hugo.

If Hugo's condition can be fixed, it will require additional funding and medical support.

If Hugo's condition will worsen, Hearts for Paws would like to pull Hugo as a hospice-case. We want to give this sweet Puppy a happy end-of life on the farm, to experience what it's like to just be a dog, out of a prison, to finish out his short time on Earth with happy memories and surrounded by people to love him.

So we are reaching out to you, BARFers, the most caring people we know, who time and time again have risen to action in the face of someone or something in need. What we need is a Christmas Miracle. Please help us pull this off.

Hugo's life matters too. Every little bit helps.

--> www.heartsforpawsrescue.com/donate to help get Baby Hugo home.

hugo 2.jpg

Happy Holidays, Everyone!!


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This picture is awesome!


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Not sure if this is here or not.. sorry if a repost.
Lady with Cancer who just had Chemo gets some love from Garth after holding up a sign saying
"Chemo this morning, Garth tonight..Enjoy the dance"

Texas strangers pitch in and buy car for 20 year old who walks to work

A group of strangers pitched in to buy a car for a 20-year-old Texas man who walks three miles each way to his job at a fast food restaurant, according to KDFW-TV in Dallas.

On June 21, Rockwall resident Andy Mitchell gave Justin Korva a ride to work after seeing the young man walking in his Taco Casa uniform as temperatures climbed well above 90 degrees. Mitchell snapped a photo of himself and Korva, which he shared on Facebook.

“To all the people that say they want to work but can’t find a job or don’t have a vehicle all I can say is you don’t want it bad enough!” Mitchell wrote.

Mitchell’s post about Korva gathered momentum on social media, and soon others in the community wanted to help the 20-year-old. The owner of a local pizza restaurant even set up a secret donation box inside his business.

With help from Mitchell, it took less than 48 hours to raise $5,500, according to CBS News. The owner of the pizza shop happened to be friends with an employee at a Toyota dealership, who floated the idea of helping Korva out to his boss.

The owner agreed to drop the price of a white 2004 Toyota Camry, even leaving the group with enough money to pay Korva’s insurance for a year and throw in two years’ worth of oil changes and a $500 gas card, CBS News reported.