The Faith In Humanity Thread

Apparently, they feel August is a depressing month. Their main banner now reads:
August is the most depressing month so we declare this 'happiness week' and dedicate our front page to giving your soul a boner. Click around to get happy.

Clicking "read more" streams quite a few positive articles, some from the past, some from the present, some of animals, some of humans, that will all make you smile. I'll post a few here but thought I'd let you guys explore it and then maybe link the ones that really made you smile.

LOS ANGELES (AP) — When Charlie Annenberg adopted an abandoned golden retriever named Lucky, a new breed of philanthropy was born.

Lucky was 4 in 2001 when he teamed up with Annenberg, scion to a wealthy family known for giving money away.

The 46-year-old Annenberg incorporated Lucky into all his projects. They were on the road more than they were home as they traveled around making documentaries about people who were making a difference.

Lucky became Annenberg's sidekick and soul mate and would eventually inspire donations to dog-focused causes from the as much as $8 million the philanthropist controls annually.

This inspired me to learn more about this. I just bought the book "The Day The World Came to Town."

The sad part, though, is that picture is of Halifax International Airport, not Gander.
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A grandfather writes a letter to his daughter after she kicked her son out of the house for being gay.

Dan, that letter made me happy. I can't imagine disowning my kid. :wtf

Way to go Grandpa! :banana
Unfortunately this ones has faith and lack of...

That's awesome. I wish more people could be good like that.

A few weeks ago I was in a bad mood and standing in line at the grocery store. I had a bunch of stuff and there were 2 guys behind me buying one soda each. To cheer myself up I told the cashier to pay for their sodas too. They were confused at first but thanked me and went on their way. I just hope they passed it on in some way, shape or form.
That's awesome. I wish more people could be good like that.

A few weeks ago I was in a bad mood and standing in line at the grocery store. I had a bunch of stuff and there were 2 guys behind me buying one soda each. To cheer myself up I told the cashier to pay for their sodas too. They were confused at first but thanked me and went on their way. I just hope they passed it on in some way, shape or form.

I do that at toll booths. Only typically while traveling though as I have fast pass.