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The official Barf UFC/MMA thread

Heard a radio clip of GSP and Deeazz.
GSP couldn't get in a word due to Nicks incessant whining about GSP stating Nick needing to be beat down. He was even whining about a soccer mom talking shit to him at a stop light.
Dude brought it on himself. He and his brother are complete D-bags..
Heard a radio clip of GSP and Deeazz.
GSP couldn't get in a word due to Nicks incessant whining about GSP stating Nick needing to be beat down. He was even whining about a soccer mom talking shit to him at a stop light.
Dude brought it on himself. He and his brother are complete D-bags..

brought what on himself? a title shot? nice work, kid!
Didn't you guys see what GSP did to Koscheck with his jabs? The dude couldn't fly home cuz his orbital was shattered and he had so much swelling.

GSP is a very technical fighter so that is why his KO/TKO stats are low and he just grinds out the fights and wins with the least amount of damage.

Yeah, he did, but Kos has a way shorter reach and can't box like Diaz. Diaz has the same reach as GSP and can actually box well.

brought what on himself? a title shot? nice work, kid!

LOL. Yep.

But damn that radio clip was like listening to two dudes who can't speak the same language (english) trying to argue. Painful.
The fights are this Saturday?
Lemme see if I can convince my beau to transport me to and from work so that we can go to Barwest on J St to view the fights.........I know, shitty crowd but good viewing.
:x I recall asking if you wanted to see the fights at the bar or at home and you said home? :twofinger
I think I only had two right from the last PPV UFC.
I got
GSP - Even though I will be routing for Diaz. lol. GSP is too smart of a guy.
so fuck me!

Hey-anyone have any predictions to make?

The only prediction from me is deeaz will continue to snivel like 4 year old bitch about how people in his "small town" hate his guts.
"Dude brought it on himself" for those that don't comprende..
The only prediction from me is deeaz will continue to snivel like 4 year old bitch about how people in his "small town" hate his guts.
"Dude brought it on himself" for those that don't comprende..

Not being a mental health expert its hard to say how much his "Social Anxiety" effects his persona in front of a microphone. Couple that with a poor education and you get someone difficult to understand... quirky even.
I say GSP will finish Diaz but I'll be secretly rooting for Diaz.
Hendricks then onto welterweight match to go for the belt.
Rick Story will lose his job.
The only prediction from me is deeaz will continue to snivel like 4 year old bitch about how people in his "small town" hate his guts.
"Dude brought it on himself" for those that don't comprende..

i predict your diaz man-crush will blossom to full fledged stalking when he brings that belt back from montreal..
i think if this was pre-bad knee GSP then this would be a lock with GSP but his last few fights havent looked that great. so im starting t think diaz. i just dont think that a jacked up GSP has the dynamism to beat the stockton slap, sort of like what benson did to the other diaz (fuckin punching him in the thigh to set up a punch to the face, shit like that).

then again GSP has probably never been as motivated than he has for this match.

also predicting diaz fails the drug test.
Fucking bullshit that marijuana is a human enhancement drug. Fucking Diaz needs that shit to calm his ass down. What I don't get is it's legal when you get a cannabis card but still illegal in the UFC?
Negative ghost rider, marijuana for any use, is illegal under federal law. Class I drug with "no accepted medical value in treatment".
Fucking bullshit that marijuana is a human enhancement drug. Fucking Diaz needs that shit to calm his ass down. What I don't get is it's legal when you get a cannabis card but still illegal in the UFC?

it's the usual convoluted clusterfuck, but what it boils down to is if the sanctioning (state/province) athletic commission tests for it, you can't do it.
i predict your diaz man-crush will blossom to full fledged stalking when he brings that belt back from montreal..

Youre the one swingin from his nutsack.
Swung so hard you ripped the fuckin thing off eh?
Punk ass bitch still snivelin and making bitchass excuses.
You two a match made in the mission dist.
only one thing could have gotten me back on barf for a minute, and it was a diaz beatdown :laughing

glad to see GSP finish what condit started, the total exposure of diaz and his utter lack of diversity or gameplanning.

best boxing in MMA? please? GSP exposed charade that even worse than condit. gsp slipped the jab at will, straight through his hands. negated any combos whatsoever, and regulated diaz to winging hooks and the occasional body punch (that couples with his small size and lack of power, meant nothing). his boxing simple is not nearly as good as sold, and would get detsrpyed by any real boxer in an actual boxing match. (his footwork is terrible, and leaves open the ability to roll to his side)


went on to expose his BJJ, or lack thereof. it WAS good, but very much in the BJ Pen, mode, diaz has become so obsessed with fighting stand up and "fighting" that his skills degraded to a few painful to watch chimura attempts that never even had GSP worried. his guard was painfully overstated (as I have always thought) guy has zero wrestling, zero gameplanning, and is so predictable, I swear at times I think I could beat diaz :laughing

diaz has been a charade, always had been, always will be. his post fight conmference BS should show his brother nate exactly what NOT to do, or be. nate actually has a fiture in the UFC, and seems to have a way better head on his shoulders. If he could get out of that terrible ceasar gracie gym, get some REAL managment, and work his wretsling, nate diaz could make another run at the title

for what its worth, I think condit won the fight. hendricks did score hella takedowns, but man was it me or did condit seem to do more damage, land more strikes from his back, and more submission atempts, than johnny did on top? that was a war though, great fight. condit needs to work his TD defernse (as do a lot of people) wrestling owns MMA right now. and for good reason. I do think hendricks poses a threat to GSP that no one else has in awhile (tho I think GSP still wins).