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The official Barf UFC/MMA thread

for what its worth, I think condit won the fight. hendricks did score hella takedowns, but man was it me or did condit seem to do more damage, land more strikes from his back, and more submission atempts, than johnny did on top? that was a war though, great fight. condit needs to work his TD defernse (as do a lot of people) wrestling owns MMA right now. and for good reason. I do think hendricks poses a threat to GSP that no one else has in awhile (tho I think GSP still wins).

I agree. I think Condit beat Hendricks on the feet and while Hendricks did score a lot of TD's, he was able to do zilch and Condit ended up back on his feet in a short amount of time. I knew they'd score it for Hendricks based on TD's, tho.

I think TD's should count for something, but I think that if the guy on the bottom is punching you more and harder and you're unable to land any shots or sub attempts, then the TD shouldn't count for much.

If Condit learns to sprawl, he'll have a much better chance at another title shot.

I do think Hendricks deserves a title shot, but I also think he's in for a rude awakening in fighting GSP. He's got power and wrestling, but I don't think he's going to be tossing GSP around like he did Condit. Combine that with GSP's standup and I think he'll be completely shut down. I predict another Koscheck-style beating.

If Condit learns to sprawl, he'll have a much better chance at another title shot.

to me condit needs to do a few things to really take that final step. A) like you said, he needs to learn a better sprawl. this may be hard cause hes good on the ground, and may actually WANT to go there at times,. but he needs to learn a sprawl to be able to beter dictate tyhe fight on HIS terms. his ground game is decent, but a SOLID wrestler will be able to cobntrol his postion on the ground and keep him out of the best postion for sub attempts (see diaz GSP).

I also think B) he needs to learn a better jab. condit is a solid striker but he doesnt use his long arms like he should. his jab is very elbos out, and doesnt quite have the speed he could have. he really needs to basically steal GSP's jab, and aply it to his own game. that way, a fast and effective jab will keep takedowns at bay, and kep him in his range.

Im a big condit guy, I hope he keeps developing and evolving. hes still young, and after GSP retires, could be (along with Rory) the guy to beat in WW
Yep, like some other lanky fighters, he doesn't fully use his lankiness to his advantage. He does look slow and akward at times, too, tho he's still able to be pretty effective. A few tweaks to his game and he could be right back in the mix.

I've been a fan of his since his WEC days and thought he shoulda got a shot with GSP quite some time ago.

After GSP beats Hendricks and Condit beats Ellenberger, he should get another chance at GSP.

Actually, I'm interested in what Maia does over the next year. He's the dark horse in the division right now and very well may be the guy to give GSP fits.
maia has been somewhat of a revelation at WW, which is weird because WW is way deeper a division than MW. Im interested to see what he does, epecially if he can take such little damage, like he did against fitch. could have more than a few fights, quickly.

I think thge reason I see hendricks as a potential threat (as much as one can be I guess, GSP still wins) is that GSP seems to be getting a tad older. I see hinm rocked a little easier than before. even diaz' little 60% punches had him a little woozy in round three or four. nopw, just like against condit, he expertly and intelligently worked through it, but still. he seems to take a little more damage than i would like to see. it makes me worry is all. i still think he beats johhny, without too much diffaculty. but theres more of a punchers chance than usual.

regarding condit, I think he has plenty of time to work his range and "pop" a little better. just needs a tad more speed and pop to his striking game., his level changes are great, good combos, good ground game, good agressiveness.
Hendricks definitely has a better puncher's chance than anyone recently. I don't think you'll see 5:1 odds like with Diaz. GSP didn't look as explosive as he usually does; his double leg's weren't as lightning fast and powerful as usual, and his td's were much more telegraphed. Maybe he's getting bored? Plus, like you said, a body can only take so much. He's 23 and 2 and has been in the octagon longer than anyone else.

I think if I were him, I'd take Johnny, if he gets thru him, one more, evaluate life and maybe move on. I'd like to see him go out on top and not end up like Chuck or Hughes.

Maybe that's why Rory is waiting in the wings. Maybe they have an agreement... two more years and it's Rory's to take?

I see Rory or Maia possibly holding the belt in a couple years, if Maia can hang in there. Condit 2.0 has an outside chance.


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Apparently there's a meme going around of Clark Gracie, who just won the 2013 Pan Am middleweight

I think sonnen has a better chance than people give him, although jon still wins IMO. even greg jackson has admitted sonnen's cardio is insane, and jon has had to up his training significantly to be ready.

i think jon is the best and most talented fighter in the UFC, but hes also very immature, and kind of a douche. and his attitude get get him caught if he underestimates chael. kid of like he underestimated vitor.

i also wonder just how big chael is going to be, I mean nearly a year of TRT and a new weigth limit? dude could be HUGE
Another brutal knock out on the show last night. Kid did not know where he was after that punch!
He's crazy mean and a bit on the fucked up disturbed side.
I like him.
^I think that was an april fools joke. Gustafsson is out of the fight with Mousasi and will be replaced by Ilir Latifa(Gustafsson training partner).
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Ah. Nevermind then. Some of these April fool jokes still got me fucked up. lol.